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Songs Sung Live/Songs Lip Synched (Or So I Think :O)

Future Lover

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If this was posted somewhere else, I will gladly move it to that so as to not junk up the forums. I am gonna down each tour and their set lists and say which ones I believe were sung live and the ones that she lipped. I can be totally wrong on some of these, so PLEASE share your opinions! I mean no hate by this at all! I cannot stress that enough. Sometimes, lip synching is needed!




The Virgin Tour (1985)


Dress You Up (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Everybody (Sung Live)

Angel (Sung Live)

Gambler (Sung Live)

Borderline (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Over and Over (Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin/Billie Jean (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)



Who's That Girl World Tour (1987)


Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

True Blue (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

White Heat (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

The Look of Love (Sung Live)

Dress You Up/Material Girl/Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Sung Live)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)



Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Mostly Lip Synched; Certain Portions of Chorus Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Live to Tell/Oh Father (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Sooner or Later (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Now I'm Following You (Intentionally Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Cherish (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Keep It Together (Sung Live)



The Girlie Show Tour (1993)


Erotica (Lip Synched)

Fever (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Rain (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Why's It So Hard (Sung Live)

In This Life (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Bye Bye Baby (Sung Partially on Verses; Lipped on Chorus)

I'm Going Bananas (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Justify My Love (Lip Synched)

Everybody Is a Star/Everybody (Sung Live)



Drowned World Tour (2001)


Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Impressive Instant (Sung Live)

Candy Perfume Girl (Sung Live)

Beautiful Stranger (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Frozen (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart Swell/Nobody's Perfect (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mer Girl I/Sky Fits Heaven/Mer Girl II (Lip Synched; Live in Certain Portions of Mer Girl)

I Deserve It (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

The Funny Song (Sung Live)

Secret (Sung Live)

Gone (Sung Live)

Lo Que Siente La Mujer (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Re-Invention World Tour (2004)


Vogue (Lip Synched)

Nobody Knows Me (Lip Synched)

Frozen (Sung Live)

American Life (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance; Rap Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live With Backing Track Assistance)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Die Another Day (Lip Synched)

Lament (Sung Live)

Nothing Fails (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mother and Father (Sung Live)

Imagine (Sung Live)

​Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Confessions Tour (2006)


Future Lovers/I Feel Love (Future Lovers Sung Live; I Feel Love Lip Synched)

Get Together (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Jump (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Forbidden Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Isaac (Sung Live)

Sorry (Lip Synched)

Like it Or Not (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

I Love New York (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Ray of Light (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Let it Will Be (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Paradise (Not For Me) (Sung Live)

Music Inferno (Lip Synched)

Erotica (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Lucky Star (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Hung Up (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)



Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Heartbeat (Lip Synched)

Borderline (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Payer (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Dress You Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Lip Synched)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Frozen (Lip Synched)

​Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Lip Synched)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; Over and Over Ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live)

I'm A Sinner (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (Lip Synched)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Lip Synched; Yells Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Pray (Lip Synched)

Body Shop (Lip Synched)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Verses Live; Chorus Lip Synched; LDLHAM Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Lip Synched)

Living for Love (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Holiday (Sung Live)









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Some corrections:


Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)



Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Beat Goes On (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Heartbeat (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Borderline (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Payer (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Give It 2 Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Beat Goes On (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Dress You Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Frozen (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

​Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)


The MDNA Tour (2012)



Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)


Revolver (Lip Synched)


Gang Bang (Intro Live; Rest Lip Synched; Over and Over Ending Sung Live)


Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)


Hung Up (Lip Synched)


Express Yourself (Sung Live – Sometimes Lip Synched)


Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)


Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)


Open Your Heart (Sung Live)


Masterpiece (Sung Live)


Vogue (Lip Synched)


Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)


Human Nature (Sung Live)


Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)


Love Spent (Sung Live)


I'm Addicted (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance; Sometimes Lip Synched)


I'm A Sinner (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)


Like a Prayer (Sung Live)


Celebration (Intro Live with Backing Track Assistance; Rest Lip Synched)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Lip Synched; Yells Live – Sometimes Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Pray (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Body Shop (Sung Live with Heavy Auto-Tune)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Living for Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Material Girl (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Sung Live with Very Loud Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

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This seems pretty accurate. Agree with @@Dazedmadonna corrections, but I'm pretty sure She's Not Me in both legs from the S&ST was (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance).


For the Blond Ambition World Tour (1990) I'd say:


Express Yourself (Lip Synched)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

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Apart from True Blue, Like A Virgin, Dress You Up, the song after that one and La Vie En Rose, it's all backing tapes, sometimes less (HeartBreakCity), sometimes more (Devil Pray). Plus the Into The Groove bit is definitely not live.


EDIT as for the rest, we've had a thread for this already. These things change during the tour, Papa Don't Preach on RIT was live on the first couple of shows then it was lipsynched, Into The Groove was probably lipped sometimes.


If you listen to the final S&ST show of 2008, you'll hear Devil Wouldn't Recognize You & La Isla Bonita were also lipsynched almost completely.

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Dazed offered good corrections.


I think Gang Bang was live with a backing track and not lip synced tho. I'm also not sure if she actually switches from live to playback on recent tours from date to date. It's hard to tell these days with live autotune going on making vocals sound fakey. I don't think so tho. I think sometimes her live vocals are more noticiable over the backing track.


Also not sure if all the vocoder tracks were lip synced, especially on MDNA Tour. They did the vocoder effect live on Revolver for the intro when she greets the audience so she might've been singing live, but we just didn't notice the difference from date to date. 

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I think Gang Bang was live with a backing track and not lip synced tho.


Nope! Only from "Like a bitch out of order.." to "I thought it was you" it's live, then a faded in pre-recorded vocal starts exactly at the word "thought", smart move tbh  :monkey:


Also "Revolver" was fully pre-recorded as well except the intro where she speaks with the auto-tune, same goes for Hung Up!

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Nope! Only from "Like a bitch out of order.." to "I thought it was you" it's live, then a faded in pre-recorded vocal starts exactly at the word "thought", smart move tbh  :monkey:


i thought she sang on top of the pre-recorded backing track, but im not sure lol

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Nah, she sings over the pre-recorded vocal only during "I thought it was you, and I loved you the most" line but she does it all whispered, so no one can really hear the change, sneaky M  :laughing:

 yep! this is super clear during the performance in birmingham, when the motel didn't come to the stage

she messes up the lyrics and you can hear the backing track during the beginning
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How can you say that Future Lovers is sung live?

Although I'd love to admit it, this voice is not a real vocal:








Especially if you compare them with the rehearsal audio where you can hear the breathing and the final words of a phrase often cut (for instance "put aside your pride"):


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I agree with most of it as well as the DazedMadonna corrections. However;


(Blond Ambition Tour)

Express Yourself (Selected dates live, others lip synced)


(MDNA Tour)

Papa don't preach (verse and chorus sung live EXCEPT for the pre-chorus, AKA 'the one you warned me)

I'm Addicted (First Verse sung live and then rest is lip synced) (The clue is in the breathy sound of the bridge when she says 'I don't care if you...')


(Rebel Heart Tour)

Gypsy Medley (Sung live EXCEPT for into the groove as it always sounds the same and slightly autotuned compared to the rest of the medley!)

Living for love (lip synced for most of the tour but around February Madonna started singing it live)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Sung live for the first few shows then partially lipped till about end of November then fully lip synced after that)

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She definitely did not start to sing Living For Love live towards the end of the tour, just listen to the Sydney show.


Bitch I'm Madonna was never fully live, there was always a backing track but sometimes she is louder. Just like Candy Shop or Unapologetic Bitch, at the final show she was really into them and her voice is more prominent.

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Actually, Girlie Show goes like this:


Erotica (Lip Synched)

Fever (Lip Synched in Europe/ Live with backing track aid in America / Full live in other countries)

Vogue (Live with backing track aid)

Rain (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Why's It So Hard (Sung Live)

In This Life (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Bye Bye Baby (Sung Partially on Verses; Lipped on Chorus)

I'm Going Bananas (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Justify My Love (Lip Synched/ Live towards the end)

Everybody Is a Star/Everybody (Sung Live)


The 5.1 Audio of this DVD is quite revealing :)

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