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Discuss-New Contract News vs. New Album News


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We may get a full on Revolution of Love/American Life-ish type album.  


That ship has sailed. 


Her Secret Project thing was pointless and her more preachy songs (freedom, revolution) for RH didn't work and she ditched them.




And yes, it is time (musically and conceptually) for American Life 2.0!!


I wouldn't mind the next album to be  lyrically similar to AL, but musically? Why do we need acoustic and acoustic/electronic songs again? She already did a lot of acoustic stuff for RH.


It is time for a new sound. No more repeating the same style of music. 

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I think the reality is that we will not see an album for a bit.  I wish she would bring back the EP and put out four or five songs once in a while. 

If she is doing her film next year as she hoped then I wouldn't expect a New Album till about late 2018/early 2019!

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  • 4 weeks later...

If she decides to sign with a major label, I think she should just resign with Warner, to be honest. They weren't perfect but they always made her album releases a priority and they understand her market. Interscope basically just released the albums and did little else...I never got the sense that they really knew what to do with her. I don't think any label is going to provide any kind of perfect solution, but considering Warner has the majority of her back catalogue it just makes sense for her to release her new music with them. It also gives her better leverage to be involved with reissues, vault releases and retrospectives...not that she ever has been interested in that so far, but she might be getting closer to a point where she will be.


Otherwise, she could just skip the major label route altogether. She doesn't really need a contract...she can finance her own recordings and license them out on a per-album basis for distribution by any major label. I'm less concerned with her sales and chart positions at this stage in the game and more concerned with her releasing music that she's passionate about and fully involved in its creation. I think she has earned the right to concern herself less with how her work is received and just create music for the love of creating music. I'd love some collaborations with Pat Leonard, Rick Nowels, Stuart Price, possibly Mirwais...people that inspire her and bring out the best in her abilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ArthurBadin

Hello All!


As technically the Rebel Hear era is still in effect until the Blu-Ray/DVD of the tour is released/expected late this year, and conventional knowledge that Madonna has satisfied all 3 Interscope Records per that contract, and new outlets detailing Madonna is now a free agent....


One thought is:

Shouldn't we get more news in the next 12 months that detail a new recording deal whether with Live Nation or with a major label before we start to hear of Madonna back in the studio for the follow up to Rebel Heart?


Another thought is:

Depending on Madonna's new music, she could use it to shop for a new deal with unheard new Material to get a new deal/label behind the new project.


What are your thoughts?



Dear, first I have to say I absolutely love your remixes. You are excellent. So proud of dancing with them for so many years.

Second, she hasn't fullfilled her contract with Interscope as of today. She has one more studio album to complete it.

Any Rebel Heart Tour live audio CD won't count on the deal Live Nation signed with Interscope.

Third, this 360 deal was such a mistake for all parts involved and I guess it's very unlikely she or Ln are interested in renewing it.

Fourth, despite of having one more album to present to fullfill the contract, I guess M will consult her lawyers to make any change in it to not record a new album just like it seemed they did about the fourth tour that was in the 360 deal back in 2007. it seems they managed to present Round I and Round II of S&ST as two separate tours to get the four tours in the contract, or they changed the deal to remove the obligatority of a fourth tour.

Madonna's first attempt was to record Rebel Heart as a double-disc album just to fullfill quickly the deal, although Interscope didn't agree with that. A double-disc counts as two separate albums. Besides, if she released the SuperDeluxe version as first planned with Auto-Tune Baby and Queen, she would fullfill the contract anyway due to the lenght of RH SD that would surpass 100 min.

I guess she's not very found of Interscope, due to their lack of promotion during MDNA era around the world. I also feel she seems to be stuck in a middle of a catfight between her and Gaga what is stimulated by the label and/or her manager and Gaga's one at the time she entered to Interscope's catalogue. It all seemed a perfect way to make an idol/fan war where the label always wins by any way. And I don't believe it was her idea to sign with that label, but it was Live Nation's plan cause they will never work as a music label.

Honestly I wish she went back to Warner (better saying, never left it). They are not the best label ever, far from it, but at least they were her safe port for more than 25 years, selling her the way she managed to win over every other singer of her time. After leaving Warner, not coincidentally it started the moment when she went out of the spotlights of the phonographic industry to become another music legend. I really doubt if Rebel Heart was in Warner's hands it had the flop it got. At least in some parts of the world such as my country we would still be hearing singles on the radios, especially Ghosttown, her return to best ballads ever.

To Warner Madonna was kind of the golden girl, the big artist. But to Interscope she was one of the uncounting pop girls they have in their catalogue.

I guess Madonna realized that after MDNA fiasco and she's only waiting for the deal to finish to sign again with Warner or trying something outside UMG, such as Sony Music labels.

Anyway, if it's impossible for her to outwit her contract with Interscope, I think she will release a hurry album (maybe with rejected demos from previous albums) to fullfill her obligations (of course this album won't have a stage tour to support it, since 360 deal with LN predicts no more touring), and moving forward to a new challenge.

It's very important for her to fullfill that stupid 360 deal. After all, she only will receive the amount of money she signed for if deal is completely satisfactory among all parts involved.

P.S.: I didn't read any other posts after the OP so I don't know if someone had pointed all I said here before. So sorry if some or all of I've brought is not new to the topic, just wanted to express my personal opinion. Thank you for getting it. see you!

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Guest ArthurBadin

If she decides to sign with a major label, I think she should just resign with Warner, to be honest. They weren't perfect but they always made her album releases a priority and they understand her market. Interscope basically just released the albums and did little else...I never got the sense that they really knew what to do with her. I don't think any label is going to provide any kind of perfect solution, but considering Warner has the majority of her back catalogue it just makes sense for her to release her new music with them. It also gives her better leverage to be involved with reissues, vault releases and retrospectives...not that she ever has been interested in that so far, but she might be getting closer to a point where she will be.


Otherwise, she could just skip the major label route altogether. She doesn't really need a contract...she can finance her own recordings and license them out on a per-album basis for distribution by any major label. I'm less concerned with her sales and chart positions at this stage in the game and more concerned with her releasing music that she's passionate about and fully involved in its creation. I think she has earned the right to concern herself less with how her work is received and just create music for the love of creating music. I'd love some collaborations with Pat Leonard, Rick Nowels, Stuart Price, possibly Mirwais...people that inspire her and bring out the best in her abilities.

Now that I'm reading the posts before me I see most of people tends to have a similar opinion than mine.

Although I disagree with sonicboy about his last paragraph. I don't see her working again with her golden collabs, unless she has no more in mind something that makes her thinking she will chart again. And ironically is that if she makes another album with Leonard, Price, Mirwais, even getting fine with Bray again or bringing Pettibone back from his hotel thing, her chances of having a hit despite of the quality of the work are exponentially bigger than all her last approaches with Diplo, Pharrell etc. Besides gaining respect with most of her lost fanbase (which could manage to make her chart in something but Billboard dance chart), she could gain even more respect from millenials who have a solid opinion that Madonna is dead for music since 2006.

Maybe the only ones who have refused to see it so far are Madonna and Guy-O. Shame.

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I started this thread to have a robust discussion and thank you to all of you!  This has been discussed in great detail. 


There are no wrong answers/topics... other than my original comment of Rebel Heart being the final album under her current contract, which I later corrected.


Lately, I have been wondering what is the best formula for increasing album sales for an artist of Madonna's stature?  There are not many artists at her level anymore.  I would love to see Madonna find a record label home that respects her enough to devote the proper resources to promotion.  In turn, I think Madonna's core audience is changing.  We are wiser, we are older (mid 30s- early 60s) and we do not have the same fickleness that the younger demographic has toward popular music.  We are more settled into our comfort zones of what we like.  Radio does not typically cater to us anymore.  But I think whenever Madonna records her records the overall marketing plat is to include us and expand her fanbase of younger listeners.  And radio hasn't been cooperating with that plan for many years.


for the future... I just want great pop music.  I want Madonna to do this for as long as she wants.  If Tina Turner, Barbra Streisand and Cher can continue without end well into their 70's and Tony Bennet well into his 90s... We should have 20-30 more years of Madonna!!  


I must admit, I am curious if Madonna will ever do a tour of ballads.  I would love a ballad album all new songs.  The costumes she could wear could be far more glamorous and I am interested in how that could work from a production aspect. (this is totally just a fantasy of mine, it could never happen)

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Now that I'm reading the posts before me I see most of people tends to have a similar opinion than mine.

Although I disagree with sonicboy about his last paragraph. I don't see her working again with her golden collabs, unless she has no more in mind something that makes her thinking she will chart again. And ironically is that if she makes another album with Leonard, Price, Mirwais, even getting fine with Bray again or bringing Pettibone back from his hotel thing, her chances of having a hit despite of the quality of the work are exponentially bigger than all her last approaches with Diplo, Pharrell etc. Besides gaining respect with most of her lost fanbase (which could manage to make her chart in something but Billboard dance chart), she could gain even more respect from millenials who have a solid opinion that Madonna is dead for music since 2006.

Maybe the only ones who have refused to see it so far are Madonna and Guy-O. Shame.



Madonna should 100% collaborate again with:





I think Mirwais and Orbit's sound are dated.  And Orbit had his shot again with MDNA and it was not as successful as ROL.

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Oh, what a dream this would be... but it's not  :bothered2:


 Pretty sure this was massive speculation by the author of that article.  Definitely a movie coming first which hasn't even begun filming.  This will  probably be a Spring through Summer shoot for the film with a lot of post production and release prior to 12.31.2017 so it can be a contender for the 2018 awards season.  Wouldn't that be amazing if she's nominated for best director (Golden Globes & Academy Awards) and for best song if she contributes something musically?!


This means she won't get serious about new music until probably the end of 2017 to early 2018 with possibly a late 2018 release date or first single drop.  And then a tour in 2019 as she has already said recently would happen then (in  2019)

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I'd like her to work with new people on new sounds, but a big part of her fanbase lives in nostalgia. Even tho I feel nostalgic about the Confessions era cos it was my first, I don't want her to repeat herself or pander to her fanbase.


She tried new things with Diplo but a portion of the fanbase was very dismissive and complained a lot about it, but I didn't become a fan of someone who always does the same thing or limits herself.


I'll be open minded to whatever she wants to try, but honestly I don't feel too great about her being too nostalgia fueled or trying to reference her past too much, that was very heavy on the last 2 eras, I think next album should go against that but she'll do whatever she wants lol. I guess MDNA and RH albums were kinda identity statements and needed the referencing, but Id like something different next and for her not to care about anything other than making the music she likes.

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I'm looking forward to her next film and hopefully this time will see some integrity and objectivity from critics. Not that they matter but I felt disgusted by the way they attacked W.E., it was bias and an agenda to take her down. Glad she's not giving up.

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Guest ArthurBadin

I started this thread to have a robust discussion and thank you to all of you!  This has been discussed in great detail. 


There are no wrong answers/topics... other than my original comment of Rebel Heart being the final album under her current contract, which I later corrected.


Lately, I have been wondering what is the best formula for increasing album sales for an artist of Madonna's stature?  There are not many artists at her level anymore.  I would love to see Madonna find a record label home that respects her enough to devote the proper resources to promotion.  In turn, I think Madonna's core audience is changing.  We are wiser, we are older (mid 30s- early 60s) and we do not have the same fickleness that the younger demographic has toward popular music.  We are more settled into our comfort zones of what we like.  Radio does not typically cater to us anymore.  But I think whenever Madonna records her records the overall marketing plat is to include us and expand her fanbase of younger listeners.  And radio hasn't been cooperating with that plan for many years.


for the future... I just want great pop music.  I want Madonna to do this for as long as she wants.  If Tina Turner, Barbra Streisand and Cher can continue without end well into their 70's and Tony Bennet well into his 90s... We should have 20-30 more years of Madonna!!  


I must admit, I am curious if Madonna will ever do a tour of ballads.  I would love a ballad album all new songs.  The costumes she could wear could be far more glamorous and I am interested in how that could work from a production aspect. (this is totally just a fantasy of mine, it could never happen)

@@LUKESAVANT It wasn't for Evita and Lola's pregnancy, there were rumours of a 1996 tour to support both Bedtime Stories and Something to Remember. In fact, there were never plans for doing a 1995 tour to support Bedtime Stories (and I understand why, but won't tell my personal thoughts on it cause it could be controversial in the forum). That tour would be basically a ballad tour.

It would be similar to the alleged Ray of Light Tour which was planned to happen back in 1999, but again, film and pregnancy. There were some rumours around it that it would not include any hit song from the 80's but Like a Prayer (and indeed there were rumours this song was planned for DWT, but scrapped), and would focus basically on ROL and BS with any further inclusions, such as Erotica (I believe it would be closer to the 2006 performance on CT and using the You Thrill Me demo) and I'll Remember.

And about great artists to perfom even in their autumn days... Dietrich performed till the 70's, till get the disease that made her stuck on her house and eventually made her dying.

And more a thing: Madonna lost her radio charisma in 2003, didn't get it again (at least in USA) in 2005 cause she released a disco-related album (I remember an interview with Price explaining why COADF didn't have a great hit in America, which has a homophobia-related prejudice against disco music since the early-80's) nor in 2008 cause she sounded "too old to do a Britney-esque album" (I remember GI2M didn't last more than a year in radio stations) nor ever cause... of ageism.

In fact Madonna is seen around as an 80's singer, as an 80's product, as an 80's several hit wonder. Even in my country where she is adored for every thing she does the major Wal-Mart-alike store that insists in selling physical CD's come almost always with the same double TIC and Celebration Standard (which is more focused on her 80's hits than the Deluxe one). 

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I have never heard of a Ballad tour planned... ever.  A tour for BS and ROL yes, that is common knowledge but That would have been in her late 30s/early 40s....  There is no way she would have done a Ballad tour then.  I originally meant as she ages, meaning a future ballad tour when she is in her 60s... 

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Guest ArthurBadin

I'd like her to work with new people on new sounds, but a big part of her fanbase lives in nostalgia. Even tho I feel nostalgic about the Confessions era cos it was my first, I don't want her to repeat herself or pander to her fanbase.


She tried new things with Diplo but a portion of the fanbase was very dismissive and complained a lot about it, but I didn't become a fan of someone who always does the same thing or limits herself.


I'll be open minded to whatever she wants to try, but honestly I don't feel too great about her being too nostalgia fueled or trying to reference her past too much, that was very heavy on the last 2 eras, I think next album should go against that but she'll do whatever she wants lol. I guess MDNA and RH albums were kinda identity statements and needed the referencing, but Id like something different next and for her not to care about anything other than making the music she likes.

@@Fighter dear, I would be ok for a nostalgic album, but a quality one. Madonna started making selfreferences with COADF which was miles better than MDNA and RH, and I don't even counting on that COADF 5 June demo album that would be a dream come true seeing that being released instead of the finalized one (despite of the lack on it of Isaac).

The problem is that Madonna now is seen by general public as a legend, that's my biggest complain for the last decade. What legends do after all? Lives in function of their glory and everything that built that glory, I mean, the jewels from the past. That's why all tours after DWT (with a brief exception of CT) are all possible of big comparison with BAT, since 1989-1991 was her artistic peak, and all those tours evoke BAT in some form or another (more Rit than the others, of course, but all of them can be compared to BAT, and in course, all four lose to 1990 tour).

I guess Madonna realized that, to survive in the music industry, she has to evoke her past of glories, that makes her gaining reach to new audiences who have an idea of her as the "Queen of Pop" and no more else. That's why she did MDNA and RH. Too bad they were badly made. I expect the last album to be really worthy of her artistic glory.

Sorry for having such a dissing of RH, I know people here loves it, I used to love it back when it was released, but I got tired of this album the more I realized it could be very better if it wasn't for the mass leaking. I think, despite of saying the contrary, Madonna thinks the same.

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Guest ArthurBadin

I have never heard of a Ballad tour planned... ever.  A tour for BS and ROL yes, that is common knowledge but That would have been in her late 30s/early 40s....  There is no way she would have done a Ballad tour then.  I originally meant as she ages, meaning a future ballad tour when she is in her 60s... 

That's why the plans to do that 1995 tour I mentioned were scrapped without hesitating. Even if it wasn't for Evita or Lola's pregnancy, that tour wouldn't happen. In fact, after Girlie Show, I would see a tremendous difficulty for Madonna to tour again for a long time. I would adore a ROL tour back in 1999, but it was very sure that wouldn't happen even without The Next Best Thing or Rocco. That's why she embarked on doing films right after the promotion of the albums. There would never be way for her to tour the way she planned the time she thought on those tours.

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Guest ArthurBadin

That's why the plans to do that 1995 tour I mentioned were scrapped without hesitating. Even if it wasn't for Evita or Lola's pregnancy, that tour wouldn't happen. In fact, after Girlie Show, I would see a tremendous difficulty for Madonna to tour again for a long time. I would adore a ROL tour back in 2009, but it was very sure that wouldn't happen even without The Next Best Thing or Rocco. That's why she embarked on doing films right after the promotion of the albums. There would never be way for her to tour the way she planned the time she thought on those tours.

Sorry for writing "2009" instead of "1999". I usually don't think too much about the 90's, although they were amongst my best years (especially the very last of the decade).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want no more dabbling into film in front or behind unless behind for some who do. I want music and maybe a rarities box someone asked her about during the RH fan questions. How long do you figure we have for another album, looking and usually it's 2-3 years but twice she took 5 - I hope for the later lol.



Film projects are expected to become more common place as time passes is my educated guess, you should be prepared... just saying 


If the calendar is correct, film this year with post production late summer and film release before 12.31.2017 for early 2018 award season.  Maybe a new soundtrack song to accompany the film to also be nominated.  Then full album production throughout 2018 with hopeful first single by December 2018 and she has already stated she'll be back on tour in 2019 so this would fit perfectly.  Its becoming very easy to predict the flow now.

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