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Unapologetic Bitches
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karlafalves last won the day on January 5 2023

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  1. 1. Any Girlie Show concert in Brazil Too bad I was too young to go back then (well, I wasn't even a fan by the time too) 2. Any Confessions Tour concert I'll have to die knowing that I didn't see Music Inferno live #bummer
  2. It's so sad how this forum got so quiet after all these months of excitement and happiness. I got the end-of-the-tour blues
  3. I didn't notice any of the issues people are complaining about at all. Honestly, I really don't care. I was there, Mother was really happy, we all were having the time of our lives, we all were making history together. That's all that matters to me ;)
  4. Does anybody know what time she started the rehearsal yesterday more or less?
  5. It's been already explained that this wall is just for safety reasons. It'll be down on Saturday
  6. If it's true, I'm so ready for it! But maybe it's just a backdrop for their performance on Saturday?
  7. The greatest pop artist of all time + the greatest Brazilian pop artist of nowadays + one of the most popular Brazilian music styles of nowadays = the hype for FG
  8. Pabllo Vittar será 'jurada' de dança no show de Madonna Pabllo Vittar will be the Ballroom Bitch!
  9. Anitta participará do show de Madonna no Rio "Aniita will join Madonna in Rio. According to sources, the singer, who initially had declined the invite, managed to reschedule her calendar to be with Madonna in the historical concert in Copabacana next Saturday. But be aware, despite all the rumours, it's not confirmed that Anitta will sing with Madonna neither that they will do a live performance of Faz Gostoso. Anitta was invited for a special performance that's already a part of the concert."
  10. IMO, Can't Get You Outta My Head didn't fit the cowgirl section as well But let's wait and see. If she's really going to add changes into the concert, maybe there'll be a new (small) section with FG
  11. I presume it'll be after EY, just like she did with Kylie.
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