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Everything posted by DiscoPopHeaven

  1. If you guys are interested, next article will be about Nicki Minaj's "Roman Reloaded" album and will be out next week. You can participate if you want!
  2. I do think that the most clever choice for a come back single after a four years break was "I'm Addicted", because of its outstanding production, and also because the chants at the end (M! D! N! A! ) are goddam epic. I still don't understand why it wasn't exploited
  3. Here it is, thanks again everyone! http://www.discopopheaven.com/retrospective-the-rights-and-wrongs-of-madonnas-mdna/
  4. A big thank you to everyone!!! The article is about to be posted, I tried to keep the essential of what you gave me, and the link is on its way.
  5. Seems like a lot of people disliked the tour DVD what do you dislike about it?
  6. It's long and messy in a very good way haha thank you very much! i love how different people's opinions can be!
  7. For those interested, we also made a "Rebel Heart Tour" dream setlist http://www.discopopheaven.com/dream-setlist-madonna-the-rebel-heart-tour/
  8. A bit out of context, but we did a dream setlist for the Rebel Heart Tour for those interested: http://www.discopopheaven.com/dream-setlist-madonna-the-rebel-heart-tour/
  9. Thank you for taking your time to detail it all, I really appreciate it! Also, to everybody: your pseudo will of course be put in the article by the way!
  10. So far, "I'm Addicted" sounds like the best song of the whole thing!
  11. Do you think that Madonna needed to do this album, as the themes are closely linked to "Hardy Candy's ones? (Thank you really much for detailing!!!)
  12. What would your singles choices be? What did you like precisely about the MDNA Tour?
  13. I have to agree that "Love Spent" is amazing, and it's sad that the live version doesn't do it justice.
  14. Do you think the singles were wisely chosen? Or were there other songs you would have personally chose?
  15. Hello everyone! I am Thomas, I am the founder of the website www.discopopheaven.com , and I am writing an article on Madonna's "MDNA" to celebrate its 3-years anniversary. However I need your honest opinions on this album, following these different points: -What do you think of this album as a whole? -Which songs clearly stand out, 3 years later? -Has your opinion changed over the course of 3 years? -What do you think of the promo/singles choices/aesthetic? -What did you like, or dislike, about the MDNA Tour? Any answer is appreciated, and you would obviously be featured in the article. I stand as neutral in this article, so you can be honest on whether you did like or not the album. Thank you in advance, you can find a link to my other article on Madonna right here: http://www.discopopheaven.com/read-madonna-the-leak-culture-and-the-ambiguous-success-of-rebel-heart/ Thank you very much!!!
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