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Posts posted by Mlvcfan

  1. 18 hours ago, Semtex1 said:

    Now i appreciate every live recording i have of her many shows and tours and i cant thank everyone enough. I listen to them in the gym, jogging and going to and from work. Dont care if the quality is poor, and i love the different chats however minor they may be and the fact i can be transported to numerous City across the globe.

    However...today was the first time ever i listened to the Girlie Show Montreal recording and within minutes i was seething with someone blowing a bloody whizzy whistle thing every minute  throughout the entire show  which went  through me and if i'd have been there i would have rammed it down their throat and they'd be speaking with that squeal for life. Still have a headache now thinking about it. 

    It reminded me of another recording of a woman shouting Martha Martha during a quiet part of Live to Tell. 

    Anyone else got any annoyances? I cant be the only one

    Oh you bring back such a wonderful memory, Friday will be 27 years ago exactly. this was my first ever Madonna show seated about 10th row center and seeing her this close really blew my mind, I never thought I would see her perform much less get so close to her.  I don't remember hearing this in person but it may be that I was in such awe that nothing bothered me. disappointed that the Audio quality of this recording is so poor. I can remember her apologizing for some sound system issues and honestly she sounded Great to me, don't know what she was talking about. 

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