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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Holy_Water

  1. this was very fast. I'm impressed LOL. Yup, it's the incredible, amazing piece of art, Gang Bang
  2. I've never like nearly 70% of MDNA, but as I listen to it more and more I kinda like it (okay, i still hate Some Girls ) Bitch, I'm Madonna is also one of my answers.
  3. I hope she's working on COADF 2.0 and is about to slay the shit out of everyone... But, she obviously isn't Seriously, she needs a 'comeback' single. Don't know is comeback is the right word, bc she's been relevant whole 2015, had 3 ww singles, but none of them got extra attention and popularity... She needs to make a song like Hung Up, and got all the spotlights on her
  4. Body Shop I'm Going Bananas Auto-Tune Baby (the baby sound destroys my ears ) Some Girls (you can barely hear her voice) B-Day Song + most of Erotica That's all. I can not choose 10 LOL
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