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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by muscleguy35

  1. Best decade 2000s but I listen to albums depending on my mood of course… I tend to think she releases a great album and the following isn't as great with huge tracks but rest of album is just fillers …. 


    1. Confessions On A Dance Floor (Thank God it's all dance and no ballads here!!) Best Concert too,

    2. In the Beginning with Otto Von Wernherr- So Innovative! WOW-- JUST KIDDING!! American Life - Love the title track and loved the rap-- and has some amazing tracks and lyrics…

    3. Erotica (hated the video the first time I saw it then it grew on me) - Madonna at her best but shame the CD was underrated by the whole SEX book , Body of Evidence ..(yawn)

    4. Like A Prayer - (need to explain?) (Whaddaya mean its not in the computer??)

    5. Madonna - she casted a spell on me with Holiday and here I am worshipping her… despite few stumbles and falls!!! 

    6. Ray Of Light (The Queen has been crowned! And Orbit has been knighted!!!) 

    7. Rebel Heart (DIPLO ROCKS, One of her best comebacks, but she should choose 1st singles releases and followings of course more carefully) - BUBULA, Don't get me starter on some of the silly tracks lyrics fillers!!! I strongly believe because the album leaking, she had at least 7 singles to promote and to make the leak a money making machine hidden tracks on the officials cd!! hahaha that'd be awesome!! 


    Just had a flashback when an Italian magazine reviewed Santa Baby (A Very Special Christmas 1987) the reviewer wrote that Madonna unconsciously and without even realizing it, she gave us her best track to date!! Sure! Mental Retardville POPULATION: him! --- It cracks me still this review!!!




    Well this is a tough cookie so I can't help thinking what makes me hit the skip button thinking "WTF What were you thinking? and also a track that could be used as a torture machine ( no need to explain : selfexplainatory!!!)

    With this in mind I will list only my chosen ones from mid 90s to recent years. Not In particular order.


     1. Give All Your Luvin (Bad choice as 1st single and cherry on top awful video to go with!!)

     2. Hey You (Couldn't help thinking Hey, you, don't you give up its not so bad to recycle lyrics Its not so bad There's still a chance for us

     3. Incredible ((Can't get my head around it, song is Incredibly silly at its best.. arm worst even)

     4. Score (Snore)

     5. B'day Song (Thank you thats very gracious but why? why? to what end?)

     6. Freedom 1994 (We need freedom from this track) 

     7. Queen (You are the Queen of Pop but for once happy didnt make the final track list)

     8. Material Girl (Brings out the inner serial beautiful killer in me)

     9. SEX ( Again! sure! like totally oh my god whatever madge you're soaking in it!

    10. Me Against the Superstar Vs Some Girls … (Fillerville)

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