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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Voguerista

  1. Live To Tell +19 Like A Prayer +25 Vogue +10 Music +18 GMAYL +20
  2. Live To Tell +19 Like A Prayer +25 Vogue +11 Music +14 GMAYL +23
  3. Awesome awesome!! (and I'm out of quotas for the day or I'be giving them all over the place)
  4. Gawd, I love them all, but, I'm going with Don't Tell Me!!! Jump would be my second choice!!
  5. OMG, I have never seen any of these! Thanks so much all!
  6. I agree for how she needs to sing that song LIVE^^
  7. LOL!!!!!! :Madonna009:She should hire you to write lyrics.
  8. Omg she would fire me for sure as I am always making dumb mistakes like that.
  9. Thanks for your reply, Fighter. The thing is (after rereading everything and several times since), who here complained about it going off topic other than you? I realize you’re not around a lot, but while you’re gone, I’ve noticed Liam doing a great job generating a lot of great discussions. Sure, it may veer off topic a bit sometimes, but like you, I wasn’t around in the last couple of days, but when I read it, I didn’t see it being really off topic. Like Liam mentioned, it was an extension of ideas about how they wanted the new album to be approached. So really...they were keeping on topic. They were comparing what happened with the last two albums and single choices. Maybe it wasn’t new album info, but sometimes it’s good to read what other people are thinking regarding new and upcoming things even if it’s not right on topic. Also, I agree that it seemed a bit odd that you targeted Liam like you did especially when others were contributing to the discussion (and respectfully as well). It was almost like a subtle hint of removing him as moderator ...and it was over something that you made a bigger deal about when no one else didn't. Look back again. It's a great discussion by all parties and this is happening in a forum you created. Do you realize just how cool this is? It’s clear to me that Liam is a big fan and a huge asset to the recent surge of activity going on here. In fact, it's been keeping me coming as well as the other posters who commented back to him and Groovy too. It would be different if Liam was being negative and treating members nasty, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that. And I mean this with no disrespect, I think you've been hasty and stubborn on this. I love this place since I came. Liam seems to play an important role in generating a lot of topics and conversation here. A word of wisdom (from the hermit to the magician card holder) don’t bite off the hand that is feeding your success here. It may not turn out in your favor.
  10. Just coming back into say Liam has been a main player here. Fighter you are gone a lot which is fine, but, Liam is here covering you, starting and stimulating coversation, etc etc. He commends and thanks people for everything too. Think about it before you go on about this any further as you have a good thing going at this forum and I would hate to see this change.
  11. Fighter, I have to say I think you are being rude. Why can't we go off topic a little sometimes....and hey, they never really went off topic. In my experience, sometimes topics lead into more discussion. Also, to get on Liam for when you said "especially a moderator" is just wrong. He was stimulating conversation for what good modding is all about. I think you should be commending him not getting on his case for anything. *disappointed* and almost afraid to post now in case I may veer off topic a little in discussions. Sad. :(
  12. Ok, I'm running with these (I hope I don't get fired. ). I think it would be cool if Madonna did a compilation of these songs for a Soundtrack Best Of Album (she'd have to credit Groovy and Liam for inspiring me with this idea) Time Stood Still Die Another Day Masterpiece American Pie Beautiful Stranger Don't Cry For Me Argentina You Must Love Me I'll Remember This Used To Be My Playground Sooner Or later The Look Of Love Live To Tell Gambler Into The Groove Crazy For You Lament High Flying Adored Another Suitcase In Another Hall I'd Be Surpisingly Good This Night For You Rainbow Tour
  13. Just excellent choices^ “I'm Tough, I'm Ambitious, and I Know exactly what I Want. If that makes me a B.I.T.C.H., okay.â€
  14. You guys said it again. It's really hard to choose. I love them all for different reasons. In the end I picked "I'll Remember", but, I was torn. I almost went with "Die Another Day". Oh, what Madonna does to us. Also,after this poll and Liam and Groovy's posts, I wish she'd do a Best Soundtrack album now and include all of these songs on it.
  15. Live To Tell +18 Like A Prayer +24 Vogue +09 Music +15 GMAYL +26
  16. Isn't that the truth!!! So a part of her brilliance as well.
  17. So much to read and catch up on. I've been away for a few days, so I appreciate the updates so much.
  18. Which song do you like more? I like both, but, I will give the edge to Paradise!!
  19. HOLIDAY would be mine!!! La Isla Bonita would be another! Inspiration for topic... From Madonna to Cliff, what's the best sound of summer?
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