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Everything posted by Openyourheart

  1. LDLHA is actually one of my 80s favs but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find the release/missing mixes disappointing
  2. To Have and Not to Hold Dear Jessie or Ciao Bella
  3. I can't believe how quickly they brushed over Has to Be getting released. I think it could've done really well with better promo before and after release. That's what Rhino she should've focused on in my mind
  4. I don't know if I'm imagining it but I'd never heard the 7" Burning Up before today and it sounds so low energy compared to the album version. Also the Ray of Light remixes rival the Erotica and Deeper and Deeper ones as Madonna's all time best maxi
  5. Swim (very underrated) I fucked up or love tried to welcome me
  6. The obvious answer is right though, Express Yourself ("come on girls! Do you believe in love?" Is more iconic than all of BIM) Where life begins or the look of love
  7. How high not even hard Let it will be or think of me
  8. Ray of Light (damn close though) Give It 2 Me or Over and Over?
  9. I think it would've performed the same as Burning Up honestly, it lulls a bit too much instrumentally for the radio to have taken to it I think.
  10. Agree about Physical Attraction. I think True Blue could've been like Bad in terms of singles, it still had steam going but Who's That Girl took over. The WTG would've been hits if they'd been on TB, and WTP and WH would've been if released as singles.
  11. I feel like Has To Be is too slow to be a single, and Trust No Bitch would've been straight up embarrassing for her and I'm saying that as a fan of the song (it's camp). I love some of your out of the box answers though
  12. I think Vogue has way more energy and a more singalong chorus than Words. I think even listening without context to what were hits and what weren't you'd be able to single out Vogue as a standout song.
  13. Your Honesty should've been a single too, and it goes without saying it should've been on the album! Every song, excluding Shanti/Ashtangi and Mer Girl, off Ray of Light could've been a single. To Have and Not to Hold, Little Star, Skin, Sky Fits Heaven...
  14. Don't Stop being released before Bedtime Story feels like it would've been a good move too.
  15. Deeper and deeper could've been Erotica's lead with Waiting, Words, Bad Girl and Rain as follow up singles. The title track was an odd choice as the lead really, and Fever too.
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