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13 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Yeah, I have no issue with fans having different opinions about songs. The fan base is quite diverse and that's why Madonna is so popular.  Therefore, this is why I think she is so damn popular and still doing pretty damn well for herself.  For me, I don't need to have every freakin' version of the same song, especially if it's just a fade or cut short like some 7 inch singles.  As long as I have the full version and the differential remixes, I'm fine. It's not the end of the world for me that every one of these mixes and edits aren't available on digital/streaming platforms.  Still, It's pretty impressive to me how much of her catalog is available when most other artists aren't even close to having their complete catalog online. I also have the mind set that some things should be left to physical releases. There needs to be a bit of exclusivity to some of her work too.  This only helps her being more sought after.  It always gives us something to look forward when they slow drip some things because we know something else will be coming along again.  Of course, I nearly have everything in my own collection of physical and digital collections. If it's not available officially, you can always find it on the internet somewhere. Anyway, I am so glad to be a fan of Madonna's, because she's given me YEARS of enjoyment and she still does.  At this point, I don't expect hit song or albums. If it happens, GREAT, but so many years with so many great albums, she can't go wrong in my book.  I try not to sweat the small stuff, because she can drop dead tomorrow, and I would feel she had a very long, incredible and successful career. So many people came before and after he and they haven't even begun to scratch the surface that she has.  There are only just a few iconic stars like Madonna and even still, she's in a world class of her own. :party:

I completely agree with what you've written. Madonna has given me 40 years of enjoyment, and I still love what she's released—I don't need anything more (though if there is more, all the better). As a collector of remixes and edits, there's only one thing I would ask from Madonna to make my collection feel complete: Open Your Heart (Remix Edit). It was the single released in Europe and the version I enjoyed far more than the album version when I was young.

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22 minutes ago, Aiwa08 said:

I completely agree with what you've written. Madonna has given me 40 years of enjoyment, and I still love what she's released—I don't need anything more (though if there is more, all the better). As a collector of remixes and edits, there's only one thing I would ask from Madonna to make my collection feel complete: Open Your Heart (Remix Edit). It was the single released in Europe and the version I enjoyed far more than the album version when I was young.

But again, that is a significant mix I can understand why some would want. Still, I wouldn't be heartbroken if it never ends up on digital/streaming platforms. I'm just glad I've been a fan since the beginning to have nearly bought everything back in the day on various physical formats. So many years!  So many great eras.  Very few artists have been lucky to have even one such era like Madonna's.  I'm also not too concerned what is available for the general public.  Of course, I hope the main staple versions are available to the public, but it's only the hardcore fans who really care about particular versions.  And many of us have been able to access those mixes and versions to add to our 'personal collection'.  I know have various digital drives full of her mixes and such and the funny thing is, I never listen to them anymore. Sometime, it's just great to pull out the original Vinyls and enjoy them.  And I do get how some get attached to certain edits or 7 inch versions because I remember not enjoying the album version of Express Yourself, but when the 7 inch single version was released, I fell in love with that version. But I have that in my collection, so I wouldn't have been upset if that never made it on digital/or streaming platforms.

Anyway, I hope they make that version available to you. That is good version of Open Your Heart!!  :luv:

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3 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

I generally agree with you on everything, but comparing Superstar with Cherish, in my opinion, is like comparing Express Yourself with Jimmy, Jimmy.

One thing is certain in this universe: there are no two Madonna fans with exactly the same tastes (but I like Shoo-bee-doo very much).

Absolutely not! Jimmy Jimmy isnt about empowering yourself but both Cherish and Superstar are practically drowning in sugar syrup from how sweet they both are!


Btw i love shoobeedoo as well 😭😭😭 i think had it been titled differently, reaction to it would be better. LAV is definitely my fav 80s Madonna album. I love every song on it!!!

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Playing the diplomatic route must earn you the congeniality award for life, but if only... Glad Madonna herself has never gone this way and now I even praise her doing the pillow face to Niki and Donna at that NYC concert she sang with Tokischa...

OT: I pray for next week to CAC hitting streamings as I so wanna do my now traditional way to learn how to sing each specific remix so I can singalong loud as fuck every single one of them. HAVE BEEN SO REFRESHING TO DO IT THAT TO WHO'S THAT GIRL EXTENDED REMIX!!! CHERISH EXTENDED REMIX AS WELL WITH THE MEOWS FROM HEAVEN!!! (Assuming they are meows and not other animal sounds... I still don't know what a dolphin sound looks like!!!)

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Hmm I have mixed feelings. The last 15 years have undoubtedly been some of the most fascinating in Madonna’s life. Not in terms of music but in terms of what has been going on in her life. Yet I feel we’ve gotten very little in terms of how or who she is. A couple of songs on MDNA and endless lol pop moments of “remember I’m the fucking queen ok” 

I find her post 2005 material quite a bit more difficult to connect to that all the stuff that came before. 

A couple of moments of vulnerability.

“Im a stranger in a strange land “

“Forgave myself for being me”

but even those two lines are wrapped in lots of superfluous imagery that is wholly unrelated. 

I always noted the ice cold emotionless matter of fact delivery of Miles Aways lyrics marked a shift in her. She’d have sung the shit out of that song a few years before. I dunno maybe it was intentional. 

Despite its failures there were a couple of moments on MDNA that invited us in but they were largely tucked away on the bonus CD. Even her dig at Gaga and her Busy Mom anthem IDGAF really only show us she’s in fight mode but wants us to believe she doesn’t care” . For me the lady doth protest too much. Question: Who even is she presenting to us musically anymore? 

well she answered us and said “Bitch I’m Madonna” Ironic since all she revealed was that she drinks beer out of a shoe and gets her freak on. I’ve found the decade + long call backs to former selves and former glories a major distraction technique. She’s hiding. 

Even the roll call of dead contemporaries on a song like Funana should feel sincere and emotional yet feels a bit “weren’t these people great? Did you know they’re dead and I’m still alive?”

Even the seemingly open moment of Joan Of Arc was essentially “can you be nice to me please I’m a legend”. Her defences have been up for years and years now. 

  I’m kinda sad that the music does not show us who she is or what she’s thinking anymore. Like she decided to shut that window on us and I miss that. She’s hiding in plain sight and I don’t think we’ll get anything truly great from her till she decides to reflect and open up to us again and I really, really hope she does because at this time of her life the fruit should be so ripe. It’s the most interesting period. 

All any fan wants from their fave artist is for us to let them in. I think this is largely the biggest issue with the disconnect from some of her long time fans and the GP.

So yes,  of course she gave us so much in the spring and summer of her career but Autumn has seen her retreat to the potting shed and shut the door. I can only hope she’s been busy making emotional jams and pickled hearts so her winter store can keep us well fed.

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13 hours ago, Anapausis said:

MDNA is just the ugly duckling in Madonna's discography. Sooner or later, it'll turn itself into a gorgeous swan...

...And an album what gave us I'm Addicted, Gang Bang, Love Spent and Beautiful Killer (damn even Best Friend, why not?) deserves some flowers at all.

Worth of mention is that Girl Gone Wild is one of Madonna's songs that I most can relate to, and y'all know it by heart.

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us...






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1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

Im Always baffled fans slam MDNA and not Hard Candy or AL which I think are much worse albums imo 🤔

At first, I struggled to accept Hard Candy, but I have to admit that over time, I’ve come to appreciate it. It’s not her best album, but it’s not the worst either. American Life has some good songs, but like Music, it’s too noisy for my taste (they’re not bad albums, and I like them; they’re just different......)

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1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

Im Always baffled fans slam MDNA and not Hard Candy or AL which I think are much worse albums imo 🤔

I think the mastering or production on HC is hit or miss. Voices is beautiful and yet harsh in compression. AL is just sharp and MDNA is metallic. I don’t think any of her albums are awful but they’re never quite the same so it creates so many opinions and reactions.

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17 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

Well, we're Madonna fans—probably the fanbase with the most diverse tastes. I've met people who love Like a Virgin but hate Erotica, or others who adore American Life but aren't fond of Like a Prayer. We're not discussing personal preferences here, we're discussing why an album might be criticized for its production style when earlier albums made in the same way were not criticized and were highly acclaimed.


I think it all comes down to perceived artistic merit, so personal preferences do tend to go hand in hand with this.  People are much more forgiving of ROL since it was critically lauded and are less willing to defend MDNA despite having similar methods of crediting other artists for their used works.

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12 hours ago, Alpha said:

Absolutely not! Jimmy Jimmy isnt about empowering yourself but both Cherish and Superstar are practically drowning in sugar syrup from how sweet they both are!


Btw i love shoobeedoo as well 😭😭😭 i think had it been titled differently, reaction to it would be better. LAV is definitely my fav 80s Madonna album. I love every song on it!!!

The sentiment of both songs are similar, but the lyrical complexity and production are totally different.  Compare "I can't hide my need for two hearts that bleed with burning love that's the way it's got to be" with "you can have the keys to my car, I'll play you a song on my guitar."  One of them is a little more poetic and the other is short, disjointed phrases linked by a lazy rhyme.  Then compare Cherish's nostalgic production referencing 1940's-1950's doo-wop music with generic EDM.  I don't think these two songs could be more different, despite the fact that they're both cloying love songs.

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11 minutes ago, luckypierre78 said:

The sentiment of both songs are similar, but the lyrical complexity and production are totally different.  Compare "I can't hide my need for two hearts that bleed with burning love that's the way it's got to be" with "you can have the keys to my car, I'll play you a song on my guitar."  One of them is a little more poetic and the other is short, disjointed phrases linked by a lazy rhyme.  Then compare Cherish's nostalgic production referencing 1940's-1950's doo-wop music with generic EDM.  I don't think these two songs could be more different, despite the fact that they're both cloying love songs.

Not really. Cherish is just as cheesy. Romeo and juliet never felt this way i bet? Give me a break. Cherish is so beyond cheesy it gives me constipation. Had Cherish not had the luck of being a single off LAP nobody here would even be talking about it. 

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19 minutes ago, deathproof said:

I imagine with the recent addition of the LAP Deadpool EP, anything else has been put on hold for the time being.

But they should have known that and signed the contract months in advance surely? A big Marvel movie is never a last minute thing.

Whatever the Madonna plans are for the future... reissues are not a priority, that is clear. Wonder what she has in mind.

Edit: Opps I thought we were talking about reissues, my bad xd

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2 hours ago, Alpha said:

Not really. Cherish is just as cheesy. Romeo and juliet never felt this way i bet? Give me a break. Cherish is so beyond cheesy it gives me constipation. Had Cherish not had the luck of being a single off LAP nobody here would even be talking about it. 

Cherish... cherissshhh!

Turn Up Dancing GIF by Rosanna Pansino

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