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47 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

Well, Rhino does say let’s *start* the celebration w/ LS… 


Yeah, that definitely can mean something, as I stated something similar in another thread about this topic. It's possible that this is just the beginning of a longer campaign in spoon feeding us some goodies for the next several weeks, in celebration of the 40th. 

Then again, it can mean nothing.  As you know, I've been a strong defender of the Warner deal, but even I am getting tired of doing so, when very little is happening regarding the re-issues.

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30 minutes ago, Ayham said:

But without joking seriously something suspicious is happening… it’s 40 years!!! Definitely deserves something BIG!!! I just want to know the reason! 😩😭😢😪

My bet more is coming our way. They are just milking the anniversary obviously.  It's possible the postponement of the tour has put a wrench in some plans.  We'll just have to wait and see.

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I wonder if albums get anniversary merchandising and what not only if she likes them. In the last year we saw Erotica, ROL & AL get landmark anniversary items and we know she’s fond of them. LAP did a few years before that and I’d imagine she still thinks highly of that since it was so personal and such a big moment.

But Bedtime Stories’ 25th was the same year as LAP’s 30th and it got nothing. Music’s 20th got nothing too I believe. We know she’s never spoke highly of her first album, and if she’s not interested Warner’s lazy ass probably won’t make the efforts on their own. 

I’m not counting digital single reissues as I’d imagine those are handled by other people and are likely gonna happen no matter what.

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9 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

I wonder if albums get anniversary merchandising and what not only if she likes them. In the last year we saw Erotica, ROL & AL get landmark anniversary items and we know she’s fond of them. LAP did a few years before that and I’d imagine she still thinks highly of that since it was so personal and such a big moment.

But Bedtime Stories’ 25th was the same year as LAP’s 30th and it got nothing. Music’s 20th got nothing too I believe. We know she’s never spoke highly of her first album, and if she’s not interested Warner’s lazy ass probably won’t make the efforts on their own. 

I’m not counting digital single reissues as I’d imagine those are handled by other people and are likely gonna happen no matter what.

Obviously this is the case. She loves Lucky Star. It’s one of her best and she gets most of the royalties from that song. 

Madonna, Rhino or Guy O never promised anything specific regarding old album reissues or anniversaries. - It’s all been fan fiction. 

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41 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

Warner’s lazy ass probably won’t make the efforts on their own.

I'm sorry, no disrespect to you and you're not the first to share this sediment about Warner, but I just have to laugh when someone calls Warner "lazy"?  It's a bit dramatic, don't you think?  Especially knowing how massively huge and successful they are.  The years and years they've been in business!  The many artists they back and the many things they release even without their artists' permission, depending on their contract and control of their own catalog.

You have to remember, Madonna has a lot of say in what happens with her catalog.  This is why we rarely see her music whored out to non related Madonna soundtracks, decade compilations or for commercials or ads.  You can bet if Madonna relinquished all rights to her catalog to Warner, they'd have released multiple GH's compilations, box set, etc. by now.  Warner isn't lazy here.  It isn't even about who is lazy. It's about Madonna controlling how her music is preserved and not allowing her work to be cut up, sliced and diced in a way that doesn't respectfully represent the original work released.  I know fans want more, and this might change with this new Warner deal, but it still is under Madonna's terms.  It may not be how you wish it to be, but it's her work, and while she's still alive, I think it's only fair that she has a right to have a say in how her work is being represented.  I'm sure she realizes at this time in her career, fans are probably expecting some goodies, but again I'm sure while she's still breathing, she's going to do it the way she wants, not how fans want it.  That's how she's always operated. No one is being lazy here.  It's about her idea of respectfully preserving her work.  She's no fool to making money either, so I'm sure she knows exactly what she's doing here by not re-releasing and whoring out her music to just anyone and letting them do what they want with it.  And keep in mind, just because you may not like it, doesn't mean others won't. 


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33 minutes ago, Honey Little said:

Obviously this is the case. She loves Lucky Star. It’s one of her best and she gets most of the royalties from that song. 

Madonna, Rhino or Guy O never promised anything specific regarding old album reissues or anniversaries. - It’s all been fan fiction. 

No, it isn't.  Read the press release.  It doesn't spell out that we are getting anything specific, but it's not a stretch in any way to read between the lines.  They're not going to do a press release like that just to put these albums out as-is, and by putting all the digital singles on Spotify, they know that they can't just do a bonus disc of remixes that we all already have.  

From the press release:  "2022 will mark the  40th anniversary of Madonna’s recording debut. This new deal heralds the launch next year of an extensive, multi-year series of catalog releases that will revisit the groundbreaking music that made her an international icon. For the first time, Madonna will personally curate expansive deluxe editions for many of her landmark albums, as well as introduce unique releases for special events, and much more. The series of releases will be overseen by Warner Music’s catalog team, led by Kevin Gore, President of Global Catalog, Recorded Music, with the first release to be announced soon."

*Extensive, multi-year series of catalog releases

*Expansive deluxe editions

No, they didn't promise specifics.  But it's pretty obvious that these aren't gonna just be a reissue on colored vinyl.  And for all our complaints, these are not stupid people.  M, Guy, and the people at Warners know what we want and are expecting.  With that said, I'm curious about how they'll do the first album, because I don't think there's a ton of unreleased stuff from it.  They're sure to put on the Site demo, but it would be cool if they released some of her earliest, pre-WB songs.  As for the rest, who knows?  I hope they include her performance at Uncle Sam's Club, because the first club tour is the only time she's performed "Physical Attraction" live.


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26 minutes ago, tscott said:

I'm sorry, no disrespect to you and you're not the first to share this sediment about Warner, but I just have to laugh when someone calls Warner "lazy"?  It's a bit dramatic, don't you think?  Especially knowing how massively huge and successful they are.  The years and years they've been in business!  The many artists they back and the many things they release even without their artists' permission, depending on their contract and control of their own catalog.

You have to remember, Madonna has a lot of say in what happens with her catalog.  This is why we rarely see her music whored out to non related Madonna soundtracks, decade compilations or for commercials or ads.  You can bet if Madonna relinquished all rights to her catalog to Warner, they'd have released multiple GH's compilations, box set, etc. by now.  Warner isn't lazy here.  It isn't even about who is lazy. It's about Madonna controlling how her music is preserved and not allowing her work to be cut up, sliced and diced in a way that doesn't respectfully represent the original work released.  I know fans want more, and this might change with this new Warner deal, but it still is under Madonna's terms.  It may not be how you wish it to be, but it's her work, and while she's still alive, I think it's only fair that she has a right to have a say in how her work is being represented.  I'm sure she realizes at this time in her career, fans are probably expecting some goodies, but again I'm sure while she's still breathing, she's going to do it the way she wants, not how fans want it.  That's how she's always operated. No one is being lazy here.  It's about her idea of respectfully preserving her work.  She's no fool to making money either, so I'm sure she knows exactly what she's doing here by not re-releasing and whoring out her music to just anyone and letting them do what they want with it.  And keep in mind, just because you may not like it, doesn't mean others won't. 


Perfectly said.

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1 hour ago, Honey Little said:

Obviously this is the case. She loves Lucky Star. It’s one of her best and she gets most of the royalties from that song. 

Madonna, Rhino or Guy O never promised anything specific regarding old album reissues or anniversaries. - It’s all been fan fiction. 

But what I’m observing is the ones that do get the merchandise are notably the albums she likes. ROL and LAP were hits, but Erotica and AL underperformed. They may be fan faves but they weren’t successes. So for them to get the shirts and blankets and whatever else suggests that the push may have come from her.

Other anniversaries of albums she may not have thought so highly of came and went and didn’t get anything.

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1 hour ago, tscott said:

I'm sorry, no disrespect to you and you're not the first to share this sediment about Warner, but I just have to laugh when someone calls Warner "lazy"?  It's a bit dramatic, don't you think?  Especially knowing how massively huge and successful they are.  The years and years they've been in business!  The many artists they back and the many things they release even without their artists' permission, depending on their contract and control of their own catalog.

You have to remember, Madonna has a lot of say in what happens with her catalog.  This is why we rarely see her music whored out to non related Madonna soundtracks, decade compilations or for commercials or ads.  You can bet if Madonna relinquished all rights to her catalog to Warner, they'd have released multiple GH's compilations, box set, etc. by now.  Warner isn't lazy here.  It isn't even about who is lazy. It's about Madonna controlling how her music is preserved and not allowing her work to be cut up, sliced and diced in a way that doesn't respectfully represent the original work released.  I know fans want more, and this might change with this new Warner deal, but it still is under Madonna's terms.  It may not be how you wish it to be, but it's her work, and while she's still alive, I think it's only fair that she has a right to have a say in how her work is being represented.  I'm sure she realizes at this time in her career, fans are probably expecting some goodies, but again I'm sure while she's still breathing, she's going to do it the way she wants, not how fans want it.  That's how she's always operated. No one is being lazy here.  It's about her idea of respectfully preserving her work.  She's no fool to making money either, so I'm sure she knows exactly what she's doing here by not re-releasing and whoring out her music to just anyone and letting them do what they want with it.  And keep in mind, just because you may not like it, doesn't mean others won't. 


I think you overlooked my larger observation lol. I was remarking that it seems the merchandise only gets rolled out for the albums she likes.

But yes, to some extent I do think warner is lazy. Or at the very least disorganized. Considering how some of her albums have been digitally available with incorrect track versions and other issues for 17+ years now leads me to believe they are (and I don’t believe for a second those mistakes are her wish). Yes it’s true she’s very controlling about what gets released and that’s fine, but Warner’s messy as well. 

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Just now, MikeyK said:

I think you overlooked my larger observation lol. I was remarking that it seems the merchandise only gets rolled out for the albums she likes.

But yes, to some extent I do think warner is lazy. Or at the very least disorganized. Considering how some of her albums have been digitally available with incorrect track versions and other issues for 17+ years now leads me to believe they are (and I don’t believe for a second those mistakes are her wish). Yes it’s true she’s very controlling about what gets released and that’s fine, but Warner’s messy as well. 

Well, you're free to have that opinion.  I think you're expecting way too much. And to be honest, I think Madonna's catalog is pretty nicely organized and continues to be re-organized as time goes by.  No one cares about half the the minor details that we fans really notice. Warners is far from lazy though.  But I understand fans are demanding more and more lately.

As for the merchandise, what you see in the store is usually related to the current or last albums or anniversaries. It has nothing to do with albums she likes or dislikes.  It's just business and knowing what will sell.  I wouldn't fret about it much or make too much of it.  Besides, I have a feeling once the tour starts, the store is going to be stocked with a load of shit that fans may or may not like.  The trend now for artists is to stock their online stores with so much crap, that it will make the Holograph sleeve covers seem like they are a worthy purchase. LOL!  

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I dont blame Warners and i could care less about how fans moan about the digital releases(spotify mislabelling blah blah etc ..) like who cares - y'all have had this content for decades - just because you cant listen to it on your precious phones - there are other ways to consume music you know - its all down to M here - she has never taken any care over her legacy(look how long we have waited for complete concerts to get an official release) she just isnt interested full stop -

im starting to now think this is just going to be crappy upscaled videos dumped on youtube (no effort gone into those) lazy vinyl re-issues and hologram sleeves and just the bare minimum songs dumped onto streaming - they have had 2 years to give us an expanded release of ANY of her albums and nothing - ive finally just woken up and realized this is all we are getting now - no unreleased content whatsoever....mike drop .... get well soon M xxx 

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5 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

I dont blame Warners and i could care less about how fans moan about the digital releases(spotify mislabelling blah blah etc ..) like who cares - y'all have had this content for decades - just because you cant listen to it on your precious phones - there are other ways to consume music you know - its all down to M here - she has never taken any care over her legacy(look how long we have waited for complete concerts to get an official release) she just isnt interested full stop -

im starting to now think this is just going to be crappy upscaled videos dumped on youtube (no effort gone into those) lazy vinyl re-issues and hologram sleeves and just the bare minimum songs dumped onto streaming - they have had 2 years to give us an expanded release of ANY of her albums and nothing - ive finally just woken up and realized this is all we are getting now - no unreleased content whatsoever....mike drop .... get well soon M xxx 

Agree, but knew this all along. Fans make up fiction and call it reading-between-the-lines of an obscure press release that was never issued by Madonna nor Guy O, nor any of her/his assistants.

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