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8 minutes ago, TheGoth said:

Ok, so hear me out. I've come up with a plan. I'm looking into being cryogenically frozen and awoken on the 100th anniversary of Ray of Light. By then, everything I've been waiting for should've been reissued and everything else would've been leaked. 

LOL!  Seriously though, I do think sometimes how much Madonna will be remember even 50 to 100 years from now?  We may have a good 15 or so years still with her being quite active, which will help introduce her to a couple more generations, but after that, I'm just curious how much she will be remembered after she passes... especially 50 years or so on from it. We live in a age where things are tossed aside so quickly anymore.  It's possible the 80's, might not be as impressive to people by then. Too much would have happened since then.  

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37 minutes ago, Adonna said:

LOL!  Seriously though, I do think sometimes how much Madonna will be remember even 50 to 100 years from now?  We may have a good 15 or so years still with her being quite active, which will help introduce her to a couple more generations, but after that, I'm just curious how much she will be remembered after she passes... especially 50 years or so on from it. We live in a age where things are tossed aside so quickly anymore.  It's possible the 80's, might not be as impressive to people by then. Too much would have happened since then.  

Sadly, Madonna will eventually become just a name in music history. Her work will be archived, and at most, only those studying music history will listen to her. The general public, even the more educated, might know who she was, but they won't really know her music. This is how it has always been with other great figures in history.

On a positive note, some might one day find their gay great-grandfather’s Madonna records stored away, play them, and maybe become fans 100 or 200 years from now. But it will just be a handful of people among billions...

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17 minutes ago, Aiwa08 said:

Sadly, Madonna will eventually become just a name in music history. Her work will be archived, and at most, only those studying music history will listen to her. The general public, even the more educated, might know who she was, but they won't really know her music. This is how it has always been with other great figures in history.

On a positive note, some might one day find their gay great-grandfather’s Madonna records stored away, play them, and maybe become fans 100 or 200 years from now. But it will just be a handful of people among billions...

Unfortunately, you're most likely right here.  So it's just further proof we should just concentrate on what we enjoy and let the chips fall where they may.  At least, we know in our life time she's made a huge impact on culture and many people's lives. 


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13 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Unfortunately, you're most likely right here.  So it's just further proof we should just concentrate on what we enjoy and let the chips fall where they may.  At least, we know in our life time she's made a huge impact on culture and many people's lives. 


I often think about donating my collection to a place that preserves historical items like records, videos, and so on, before I pass away. I want to make sure it is preserved for future generations. However, where I live, I’m not sure where to do that—there’s only a small library. 


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4 hours ago, Prayer said:

Audio and video should be out by now, honestly.

They really work with timings from another era. I still can't believe they didn't capitalize all the good publicity of the big Rio finale and went on radio silence after. She should have released something immediately after, even if it was just a live song/video of any of the songs from the tour.

I agree. It's like her label or management or whatever has no clue how to treat her like a normal functioning artist in the year 2024. They need to start acting like she’s a new artist they're trying to break in because rn they don't seem to have any plan!

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5 hours ago, Prayer said:

Audio and video should be out by now, honestly.

They really work with timings from another era. I still can't believe they didn't capitalize all the good publicity of the big Rio finale and went on radio silence after. She should have released something immediately after, even if it was just a live song/video of any of the songs from the tour.


Some of that Rio footage was excellent, the event got great publicity and picked up as news all over the world but with crap footage...it never fails to surprise me just how bad they manage M. And not a single bit of pro footage on YT from celebration.

Its pretty clear what era she is in now, hope the girlfriends stage an intervention

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6 minutes ago, cyberrage said:


Some of that Rio footage was excellent, the event got great publicity and picked up as news all over the world but with crap footage...it never fails to surprise me just how bad they manage M. And not a single bit of pro footage on YT from celebration.

Its pretty clear what era she is in now, hope the girlfriends stage an intervention

Waiting to release is probably best in the third quarter to capitalize on Holiday sales.  I'm betting this is their strategy.  Not a bad one if that's the case.  I don't believe anything is lost by her waiting here.  Especially if they are working on a physical release of anything, and want to offer it at the same time. :)

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5 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

Sadly, Madonna will eventually become just a name in music history. Her work will be archived, and at most, only those studying music history will listen to her. The general public, even the more educated, might know who she was, but they won't really know her music. This is how it has always been with other great figures in history.

I don’t think this is necessarily true. We really have no way of knowing how Madonna will be perceived 100 years from now as recorded music hasn’t been around that long. As it stands, people still listen to music that is 70 or more years old. Old music gets featured in new movies and tv shows all the time. Considering Madonna’s influence is similar to The Beatles or Elvis I don’t think she’ll be forgotten quickly at all.

We also don’t know how technology will allow interest in her to be revitalized. I mean look at the ABBA hologram tour. I think young people will always take interest in the past.

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I think it’s very cute some fans are still trying to rationalize this and coming up with alternative dates for the “announcement”


they announce things on her birthday because they want to maximize exposure. She’s on the news so they get an extra boost. 

Using some random anniversary date would be ridiculous (well now that I think about it I would be super on brand with the missed opportunities)

let’s face it. We’re not getting anything this year besides de BS ep. 

and to the people insisting on FEL, American life mi show etc: NOBODY CARES ABOUT THOSE, lol give it a rest

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4 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

I often think about donating my collection to a place that preserves historical items like records, videos, and so on, before I pass away. I want to make sure it is preserved for future generations. However, where I live, I’m not sure where to do that—there’s only a small library. 


Send them to me, I’ll preserve them for you :04:

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On 8/18/2024 at 3:07 PM, Aiwa08 said:

I often think about donating my collection to a place that preserves historical items like records, videos, and so on, before I pass away. I want to make sure it is preserved for future generations. However, where I live, I’m not sure where to do that—there’s only a small library. 


I think that's cool.  I think for myself I would definitely want it to go to someone who appreciates her music.  :luv:

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On 8/18/2024 at 10:07 PM, Aiwa08 said:

I often think about donating my collection to a place that preserves historical items like records, videos, and so on, before I pass away. I want to make sure it is preserved for future generations. However, where I live, I’m not sure where to do that—there’s only a small library. 


I think I'll tell my family to keet what they want to keep, and sell the rest on eBay. 

I have already my record collection on discos, That can help them see what is worth some money... 

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13 minutes ago, steady75 said:

Which artist are you lot listening to that came out in 1882 100 yrs since Madonna came out? 
She’ll be forgotten and that’s as it should be. 
new idols please 

Who was #1 in the Ancient Hot 100 in 1882?

Joking. But recorded music and pop idols as we know them are a 20th century thing anyway. So who knows what will happen, we don't really have anything to compare with.

Michael's music hasn't died (even though he's been sort of cancelled in the last few years), for instance. Elvis is still there as well (thanks to the biopic lately). I think she will always be present somehow. She's way past that point when they reach immortality and are, indeed, forever.

That is if the world continues as we know it, of course, if everything goes to hell or changes drastically then who knows.

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20 hours ago, Bjonkers said:

In 100 years time, instead of listening to classical music or opera in concert halls, the more conservative social types will be paying high prices to go to drag shows to watch extravagant drag divas with enormous lips and wigs cloned from the actual heads of former superstars...

But this is already happening!

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On 8/26/2024 at 5:43 PM, Aiwa08 said:

Tchaikovsky with 1812 Overture  :jamming:


Exactly. I just cant with reponses like that. I mean people are still making films about ancient composers and film makers are still using classical pieces in contemporary films and giving them new meaning. Look at Beethoven and Kubrick.

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I don’t believe Madonna will be forgotten anytime soon. Movies like The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind are almost 100 years old and still get screened and talked about. There is music that old that still gets streamed or featured in films, tv, ads etc

Her influence on pop culture will be studied for centuries ahead.

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