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Has Shep Pettibone heard Love Hurts demo?

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Shep Pettibone:

"We did the mixing for Erotic the ode to S&M that Madonna wanted to include in her book, Sex. She felt it should sound the same as Erotica (the song on the album), with just a bass line, her voice and some sensuous Middle Eastern sounds. But by then I had seen the book and had come up with an interesting idea.

You have all these great stories in the book," I told her, "Why don't you use them in the song?" I knew that Madonna was developing a 1930s dominatrix look for Erotica, but I didn't realize how far she was willing to go before I saw Sex. It contained stories authored by her mysteriously dark alter, Dita. Madonna took the book and walked out of the room and didn't come back until about half an hour later. Suddenly she was on the mic, speaking in this very dry voice. "My name is Dita," she said, "and I'll be your mistress tonight." I knew that the original Erotica would never be the same again, and it wasn't. The chorus and bridge were changed entirely and the whole psyche of the song became sexier, more to the point. It seemed as if Dita brought out the best in her, actually serving as a vehicle for the dangerous territory she was traveling. Actually, it was the same name Madonna used when she'd stay in hotels around the world. Not anymore."



Has Shep released the whole diary about Erotica? The Erotica Diaries have appeared in a magazine, which could mean only interesting parts were chosen for the magazine. It is vague here and there, like the quote above.

  •  He says Madonna wants Erotic to sound the same like Erotica. He also mentions Middle Eastern elements. It is not specific if those elements were used for the first time on Erotic. It could mean there was a version with those elements on Erotica itself.
  •  While making Erotic, Shep suggests Madonna to use Sex book as an inspiration and mentions Dita. That part implies he has never known about Love Hurts demo where Madonna mentions Dita.
  • It could mean that he didn't hear Love Hurts. But why? We know Madonna wanted a different direction for her music and called Shep, and it would be kind of logical to show him previous demos and say what she likes and doesn't like on them.
  • The sexy talking on Love Hurts is present on Shep's demo, which could mean he did hear Love Hurts. However, Madonna could have achieved that without revealing Love Hurts.
  • So, they are about to make Erotic, Shep suggests Sex book as an inspiration, but it seems Shep has no clue that Madonna prepared Love Hurts lyrics to use on Erotic. Maybe she didn't actually prepare. If she didn't prepare, then what exactly she wanted Erotic to be. She must have had some idea. And the only idea could be using the same lyrics from Erotica on Erotic,  while only making a different production. On the other hand, the Sex book they had was probably a working version. So, Shep didn't know about Love Hurts and suggested Madonna to use something from the Sex book, then she went to the other room and she figured out she could use those Love Hurts lyrics for Erotic and probably some of those Love Hurts lyrics were in the working version of Sex book. 
  •  It is also possible that he heard Love Hurts, but didn't expect Madonna to use it for Erotic after he suggested to use Sex book as an inspiration.
  • Aside from Middle Eastern elements, he is definitely specific about the bridge and the chorus being changed for the final album version of Erotica.
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I got lost with the amount of demos for the song Erotica aka Erotic aka Love hurts aka You Thrill Me..

Really can someone make a definitive chronological list of the demos before it simply became Erotica?

I really doubt any other Madonna song has had so many demos/versions before it got finalized!

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Yes, it is odd. But one thing we've learned over the yrs is that Shep is a stubborn and petty guy. He could just be ignoring it for his own ego & benefit.

The supposed backstory about this song is that she recorded it in 1991 before she worked with Shep. BUT, that has never been confirmed. I believe that first came from Bruce Baron, but never stated or described anything more than that. I know it was also listed on Junior's old website under his discography.


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1 hour ago, Gonzus said:

Love hurts is sooo good

Agree, Love Hurts is a great track I go to very often.

I always guess why when Erotica got to her final stage they simply chose to take You thrill me off. She clearly likes that song (she included it in the Confessions and in the Celebration tour) and it's actually sexy and dramatic and cool at the same time. They could have produced a new instrumental, maybe writing some spoken parts and include it in the album. I'm sure it would have worked better than Did you do it, don't you? :kiss2:

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My theory is that Shep created all of this stories and explanations about his project to make it more relevant and about him working with Madonna.

At the time he could say whatever because it  was shared in an magazine interview and little more.

Love Hurts sounds like a demo of Erotica.That probably she brought to him and he reworked removing any musical trace from Junior.

Then when asked, came up with some ideal fabrication not expecting the internet to evolve into the monster of today where everything is shared and recorded.

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11 hours ago, LoveAffair said:

She listed the song as a separate project on an early tracklist.

-     Deeper & Deeper

- 1. Bad Girl

- 2. Rain

- 3. Bye Bye Baby (?)

- 4. In This Life

  5. It's a Shame (?) You Are the One - Betty Boo

- 6. Don't Break My Heart = Waiting

  7. Goodbye to Innocence (?)

  8. Words (?)

- 9. Erotica

- 10. Why's It So Hard to Love

- 11. Secret Garden

- 12. Thief of Hearts

  13. Dear Father

  14. Dear Father

  15. Where Life Begins

  16. This Used to Be My Playground


Love Hurts - Junior track

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12 hours ago, Would You Like To Try said:

I think the chanting in the song is from The Beast Within remix of Justify My Love or at least sampled in some way

As Martine said,

12 hours ago, MartineX said:

The. Middle East elements it's probably the sample from Fayrouz. 

Given the Queen of Lebanon's being sampled on both songs with her Easter Arabic longtime hit El Yom Olliqa Ala Khashaba:


For someone who knows Spanish (like Would You Like to Try member btw), here's a live performance subtitled in Maluma's mother language:

And btw this song is in Arabic, but naturally is not Islamic but rather Maronite Christian since Muslims DON'T believe Jesus got crucified NOR he's the Messiah but rather the Prophet Issa, right, @RUADJAI and @Redha DBL???

Back to normal programming.

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5 minutes ago, PhysicalAttraction said:

This live version is brilliant! Thank you for sharing! Can it also be found on a cd release?

You mean the live version or the original one? The original's present in this Lebanese CD:


Otherwise I've only known vinyl and cassettes to it.

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Honestly the use of that sample is GENIUS.

So genius that she couldn't just use it once on a lost remix/B-Side. It had to had its own moment on a lead single.

And on a tour opener:

And as a documentary opener:

And on her greatest hits tour of course:

Special mention to it being absolutely BOTCHED on the first "Celebration" pressings!

So good that 2009's Emily just couldn't take it and press the wrong cut button!

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1 hour ago, Anapausis said:

You mean the live version or the original one? The original's present in this Lebanese CD:


Otherwise I've only known vinyl and cassettes to it.

I do mean the live version. I have that Good Friday CD and I love it as well.

The live version was released on vinyl? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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