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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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16 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Remember the dems were all against the “trump vaccine” until Biden got into office and then all of a sudden they loved the exact same vaccine that was developed by private pharmaceutical companies. .

First of all, that's just bullshit.

So is the covid vaccine a death sentence or a life saver?? You can't have it both ways. 

Moderna Vaccine distributed December 2020. Biden takes office January 2021. So the "dems" were holding out for them 30 days. Please. Tell another one. 

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45 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

What was fascinating were the amount of people that flooded the emergency room (where I worked) that came in droves that weren’t vaccinated seeking medical care. You’d take propofol, neuroleptics (so we can place you on a ventilator) fentanyl, labatolol, dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, salbutamol. But won’t take 1ML of a vaccine lol oh and cry that you may die. All while the Cheetoh in Cheif and literally everyone who said they didn’t get the vaccine — Got it. 

Spill . Hit her again :Madonna009:

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1 minute ago, RUADJAI said:

First of all, that's just bullshit.

So is the covid vaccine a death sentence or a life saver?? You can't have it both ways. 

Right!? People were begging for vaccines to end this madness. Trump was literally one of the first people to get it. All the right “idols” got it but lied to the faces of fools who believe everything they say. 
And if you vote for Republicans for tax cuts. Chances are you aren’t rich enough to benefit people. It legit is only for the richest people and businesses like Elon Musk :Madonna009:

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12 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

First of all, that's just bullshit.

So is the covid vaccine a death sentence or a life saver?? You can't have it both ways. 

Moderna Vaccine distributed December 2020. Biden takes office January 2021. So the "dems" were holding out for them 30 days. Please. Tell another one. 

I don’t think it’s either. I just don’t think it should have been mandated. And the democrat politicians all came out while it was being developed, said it was going to be rushed released, and they didn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump. Then they all changed their tune the next January. About the exact same vaccine. 



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1 minute ago, adirondak said:

I don’t think it’s either. I just don’t think it should have been mandated. And the politicians all came out while it was being developed, said it was going to be rushed released, and they didn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump. Then they all changed their tune the next January. 

That’s not exactly how it happened, but again, certain vaccines have been mandated long before Covid came along.

And it was only mandated at certain places. Nobody forced anyone to keep their job.

Again; choices.

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3 minutes ago, adirondak said:

How the tune changes on bodily autonomy given the tv directives. 

Is that all you people do?

Lie, Deny, Deflect.


And you wonder why people are flocking to Kamala in droves. 😂


How the tides have turned in two weeks. 😎🙏🏼🇺🇸

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3 minutes ago, Boombox90 said:

Is that all you people do?

Lie, Deny, Deflect.


And you wonder why people are flocking to Kamala in droves. 😂


How the tides have turned in two weeks. 😎🙏🏼🇺🇸

K. Cling to Kamala it has no effect on me.  Hope it works out better for you than all those people who committed minor marijuana related offenses. 

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3 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I don’t think it’s either. I just don’t think it should have been mandated. And the politicians all came out while it was being developed, said it was going to be rushed released, and they didn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump. Then they all changed their tune the next January. 

If HIV was transmitted through coughing and sneezing and we had a vaccine would you not want a vaccine to be mandated?? Would you not want the ability to go to work or school knowing you wouldn't be infected with HIV? Or maybe everyone should just wear masks for the rest of their lives in public?? Which one is better? Or maybe we can just go maskless and play a game of chance and fuck anyone with a preexisting condition or disability? 

Where is the disconnect? Do you not believe Covid is real? Do you not care if people die? Or you just get off on "giving it to the dems" because... you don't like them. What is it? 

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5 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

If HIV was transmitted through coughing and sneezing and we had a vaccine would you not want a vaccine to be mandated?? Would you not want the ability to go to work or school knowing you wouldn't be infected with HIV? Or maybe everyone should just wear masks for the rest of their lives in public?? Which one is better? Or maybe we can just go maskless and play a game of chance and fuck anyone with a preexisting condition or disability? 

Where is the disconnect? Do you not believe Covid is real? Do you not care if people die? Or you just get off on "giving it to the dems" because... you don't like them. What is it? 

What about you calling what I said bullshit, then getting disproven with a video of it happening?


And as for what you’re saying here, why weren’t biohazard receptacles required to toss the masks away? I for one believe we should have taken people’s lives seriously. Didn’t anyone care about people who took out the trash with people’s germy masks in them? 


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32 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I don’t think it’s either. I just don’t think it should have been mandated. And the democrat politicians all came out while it was being developed, said it was going to be rushed released, and they didn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump. Then they all changed their tune the next January. About the exact same vaccine. 



You're being misleading.  Watch your video again. She simply said she wasn't going to take it if JUST Donald Trump insisted she must take it.  But she DID SAY if the public health professionals and trusted doctors say if we should take it, she would be first in line.  Notice, she mentioned Dr. Fauci.  He was part of the medical team advising Trump.  It's interesting as soon as Fauci said it was okay to take the vaccine, the very people who were loyal to Trump, suddenly stop trusting Fauci.  And why was that....

Trump wanted to make this vaccine about HIM.  The problem is, the health professionals such as Dr. Fauci stole his thunder. He didn't like that, so that is why Trump started trash talking Fauci which leads people such as yourself to believe Trump's word is gold here.  But let's remember, he was the first one in line to get the vaccine. :ahh:

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2 minutes ago, adirondak said:

What about you calling what I said bullshit, then getting disproven with a video of it happening?


And if what you’re saying here, why weren’t biohazard receptacles required to toss the masks away?

First off. You edited your post. The video was not there in your first post, and I'm not refreshing the page in anticipation for anything you are saying. 

Second... Kamala is not "all dems". 

Third.... If you understand the English language she said she would take the vaccine if the doctors said so. NOT if Trump said so. Why???? Because Trump was a bumbling fool suggesting unproven methods including ones that could possibly kill someone like "bleach", or injecting light in the body, or some sort of disinfectant. He was a joke. He was an incompetent "leader" during a historic crisis in this country who, at first, denied covid was even real. So yes, the answer to a HYPOTHETICAL question would someone take ANYTHING that this uneducated person suggested to you, the answer would be no. It's really not that difficult to understand.  

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16 minutes ago, adirondak said:

K. Cling to Kamala it has no effect on me.  Hope it works out better for you than all those people who committed minor marijuana related offenses. 

What about people who have committed multiple felonies and were found liable for sexual assault? Should they go to prison or is that more TV fodder?

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11 hours ago, Debord said:

He had spent months spreading disinformation about the election being stolen, pressurised people in positions of power to falsify results and called the rally on January 6th knowing it was the congressional vote count. He was encouraging them to "fight" or they would have "no country left' in the hours before and refused calls to speak out when it was happening. Of course he incited it.

At the very least, people who want to be candidates in an election should be made to sign a document stating that they will accept the result whatever it is. Otherwise, what's the point of an election?
So regardless if he really incited an insurrection the last time or not (to me it's obvious he did), the mere fact that he has refused to clearly state that he will accept the results this time, should be enough to keep him from running. Don't want to play by the rules, get out of the game!

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6 hours ago, Winn said:

Women can still get abortions, it's just a state issue now rather than federal. If it's illegal in your state, get in your car and drive to another. I'll PayPal you some frickin gas money if it's that important. All this phoney hysteria.

Yeah, I'm sure you'd be saying the same if it was something which massively impacted your own body.

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8 hours ago, adirondak said:

What about you calling what I said bullshit, then getting disproven with a video of it happening?


And as for what you’re saying here, why weren’t biohazard receptacles required to toss the masks away? I for one believe we should have taken people’s lives seriously. Didn’t anyone care about people who took out the trash with people’s germy masks in them? 


Did you not wear a mask and gloves when taking out the trash during the pandemic?

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8 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

Imagine if Ebola turned into a global pandemic (almost happened). I bet these same people that were SO AGAINST the vaccine, would have rushed to be the first injected. That or hemorrhage to death — the choice is yours 🤷‍♂️

Billy The Puppet Saw GIF by SAW: Escape Experience

Antivaxxers are imo the WORST TERRORISTS EVER!!! Even worse than wahabis!!!

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11 hours ago, Boombox90 said:

I can’t with self-loathing gays.

I’m done with this topic and can’t wait for Madam President Kamala Harris. 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Self loathing? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just because some homosexuals don’t wrap their whole identity into gayness doesn’t make them self loathing.

Being gay is by complete chance and is only a fraction of what makes someone’s identity. At least in healthy people who are aware that they are infinitely more than just their sexual orientation.🤷🏻‍♂️

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Fck the vaccines. I almost died after the second shot which I was forced to take in order to fly to Europe to my dad’s funeral. My fever shot up to 103.5 while driving home and getting weird chills that turned into seizures. Through Siri I called my partner who figured out where I was and thankfully an ambulance came within 10 min. They pulled my twitching body out of the car and cooled it down with ice and cooling saline IV. At the hospital they did all sorts of tests to make sure there was no underlying infection of any sort. They couldn’t find anything and consensus was that my body produced too many Covid antibodies and that one shot would’ve been enough. Doctor said if the fever had gone over 104 or 105 I could’ve gotten a stroke and what not. 

I had Covid months prior and it was awful but I was never close to death. 

And many on “the left” did indeed say that the vaccine would stop transmission, like Rachel Maddow.


It’s ok to admit that we got a lot about Covid wrong and that the reaction to it was completely overblown and a windfall for the vaccine makers who verifiably lied about pretty much everything AND got shielded by our government from any resulting injuries. 


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5 minutes ago, Papa Zelko said:

Fck the vaccines. I almost died after the second shot which I was forced to take in order to fly to Europe to my dad’s funeral. My fever shot up to 103.5 while driving home and getting weird chills that turned into seizures. Through Siri I called my partner who figured out where I was and thankfully an ambulance came within 10 min. They pulled my twitching body out of the car and cooled it down with ice and cooling saline IV. At the hospital they did all sorts of tests to make sure there was no underlying infection of any sort. They couldn’t find anything and consensus was that my body produced too many Covid antibodies and that one shot would’ve been enough. Doctor said if the fever had gone over 104 or 105 I could’ve gotten a stroke and what not. 

I had Covid months prior and it was awful but I was never close to death. 

And many on “the left” did indeed say that the vaccine would stop transmission, like Rachel Maddow.


It’s ok to admit that we got a lot about Covid wrong and that the reaction to it was completely overblown and a windfall for the vaccine makers who verifiably lied about pretty much everything AND got shielded by our government from any resulting injuries. 


Any medication is going to have a tiny number of people who experience side effects and in an extremely small number of people those will be severe. That's how medicine works. It doesn't mean there's something dodgy going on.

And anyone who thought being vaccinated meant definitely no covid is just an idiot, cos it was extremely easy to know the truth and indeed the literature I was given with my vaccine made it clear.

Also it wasn't a windfall for all the vaccine creators- the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, for example, was given at cost and millions of doses were donated for free to low-income countries.

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