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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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Just now, adirondak said:

From Fauci:

Fauci added that vaccinated people essentially become “dead ends” for the virus to spread within their communities.

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

Oh dear. Your pal already quoted this at me. I already responded pointing out that in the EXACT SAME INTERVIEW he clearly says you can still get infections if vaccinated and it's 'not impossible' to catch it from a vaccinated person. You once again illlustrate exactly what I just wrote and also underline that you're fearless 'independent research' consists of parroting the same brain-dead lines that get passed around anti-vax and far-right circles ad nauseum.

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1 minute ago, Debord said:

Oh dear. Your pal already quoted this at me. I already responded pointing out that in the EXACT SAME INTERVIEW he clearly says you can still get infections if vaccinated and it's 'not impossible' to catch it from a vaccinated person. You once again illlustrate exactly what I just wrote and also underline that you're fearless 'independent research' consists of parroting the same brain-dead lines that get passed around anti-vax and far-right circles ad nauseum.

So he contradicted himself within the same interview is what you’re saying. Could you provide the quote? I find it interesting. 

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4 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Yup, if I want to word something in what I feel is a better way  in a post  I use the edit feature. That’s what it’s for, and I’m not sorry, so don’t hang your shit on me. 

Only to be clear (cause I’m done): you edited things you originally posted to make yourself seem less insane/hypocritical after people replying to you pointed your argumentative fallacies out. But go off. Live in that reality. 

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2 minutes ago, DJ N A said:

Only to be clear (cause I’m done): you edited things you originally posted to make yourself seem less insane/hypocritical after people replying to you pointed your argumentative fallacies out. But go off. Live in that reality. 

Nope. Never edited anything as a result of someone’s response to me or because I’m worried some of you think I’m insane. Sorry to disappoint. 

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Just now, adirondak said:

So he contradicted himself within the same interview is what you’re saying. Could you provide the quote? I find it interesting. 

How did he contradict himself? The vaccines did greatly reduce transmission (not least because they made it more difficult to become infected, and uninfected people can't transmit). And as more and more people became vaccinated, incidences of COVID decreased (with allowances for different variants). Once again you're presenting you not understanding something as an argument.

And are you honestly serious in asking for the interview? You're using a quote as a slam dunk and you've not even read what you're quoting from? Didn't you earlier IN THIS EXACT THREAD make a big song and dance about how you don't listen to quotes out of context but instead look at the full thing and make up your own mind?!

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1 minute ago, Debord said:

How did he contradict himself? The vaccines did greatly reduce transmission (not least because they made it more difficult to become infected, and uninfected people can't transmit). And as more and more people became vaccinated, incidences of COVID decreased (with allowances for different variants). Once again you're presenting you not understanding something as an argument.

And are you honestly serious in asking for the interview? You're using a quote as a slam dunk and you've not even read what you're quoting from? Didn't you earlier IN THIS EXACT THREAD make a big song and dance about how you don't listen to quotes out of context but instead look at the full thing and make up your own mind?!

Do you have the quote please?

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1 minute ago, Debord said:

Try using Google, or is that beyond your fearless independent thinking too?

If you’re making the claim I think it’s fair to ask you for the source. I don’t want to suggest the reason you’re getting so angry is because you haven’t seen this quote you’re referring to or can’t find it, but we could eliminate all doubt if you’d provide it. 

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Just now, adirondak said:

If you’re making the claim I think it’s fair to ask you for the source. 

I'm not 'making a claim', I'm referencing an interview which can be found in 2 seconds via Google. You do realise that 'I have no clue what I'm talking about, I refuse to do the slightest bit of work to learn, if you don't do the work for me I win' is a mindset that's frowned upon after the age of around 5 years old? I know your type well, you're now clinging into getting given the link as some small point of power, too wrapped up in your nonsense to understand how deeply tragic that is.

Also we both know full well that if and when you do finally learn how to use Google, you're not suddenly going to go 'oh yes I see I was wrong, excuse me!'

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2 minutes ago, Debord said:

I'm not 'making a claim', I'm referencing an interview which can be found in 2 seconds via Google. You do realise that 'I have no clue what I'm talking about, I refuse to do the slightest bit of work to learn, if you don't do the work for me I win' is a mindset that's frowned upon after the age of around 5 years old? I know your type well, you're now clinging into getting given the link as some small point of power, too wrapped up in your nonsense to understand how deeply tragic that is.

Also we both know full well that if and when you do finally learn how to use Google, you're not suddenly going to go 'oh yes I see I was wrong, excuse me!'

Ok - makes good sense. 

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10 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Do you have the quote please?

""There are always breakthroughs regardless of what the efficacy of the vaccine is .....It is 72 percent effective against mild to moderate disease, but against severe disease, even the mutants that we're seeing in South Africa, it has pretty good protection against severe disease. So, it will be useful in keeping people out of the hospital."



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6 minutes ago, DJ N A said:

""There are always breakthroughs regardless of what the efficacy of the vaccine is .....It is 72 percent effective against mild to moderate disease, but against severe disease, even the mutants that we're seeing in South Africa, it has pretty good protection against severe disease. So, it will be useful in keeping people out of the hospital."



I fail to see how this goes against his comments that the vaccine stops transmission. This states, months after his first comment that you won’t get Covid if you’ve had the vaccine, that  it is now 72% effective towards stopping you from getting severe disease. Nothing about transmission, which he said was stopped if you had the vaccine. 

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12 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I fail to see how this goes against his comments that the vaccine stops transmission. This states, months after his first comment that you won’t get Covid if you’ve had the vaccine, that  it is now 72% effective towards stopping you from getting severe disease. Nothing about transmission, which he said was stopped if you had the vaccine. 

"I refuse to Google and so my incorrect presentation of an interview I refuse to read means I am correct. I WIN!"


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1 hour ago, adirondak said:

 Trump never said to take bleach. That was propaganda. If you’d like to find a video of him saying to take bleach to prove me wrong, I’ll happily admit it. 

You're right, he never said the exact words "bleach", but he did say 'disinfectant'. When he said that, even his own team had to go back and clean up what he said.  The point is, Trump had no idea what he was talking about.  Most people know that disinfectants are liquid cleaners. Most people associate Bleach as a STRONG disinfectant. They aren't things you would "inject" in one's body.  He said "inject" and he said "disinfectant" all in the same broken up sentence.  No competent medical professional or scientist would suggest using those two words together like that nor would they suggest "injecting" a "disinfectant" in one's body.   Chlorine, calcium and sodium hypochlorite, iodophor, phenol, ethanol, and quaternary ammonium compounds are some of the most often used chemical disinfectants.  Now if you're willing to take his advice and "inject" such compounds, then have at it, but I guarantee you, you won't be breathing much longer. The only time a medical professional would be using a "disinfectant" would be when they are cleaning their equipment or surfaces. 

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13 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Off to a whimsical lunch! Talk amongst yourselves. 



I’ll give you a topic:


Yes? What's the problem? Are you doing your "I don't understand so this is an argument" thing again?

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41 minutes ago, adirondak said:

If you’re making the claim I think it’s fair to ask you for the source. I don’t want to suggest the reason you’re getting so angry is because you haven’t seen this quote you’re referring to or can’t find it, but we could eliminate all doubt if you’d provide it. 

To illustrate how this ridiculous person abuses editing, everything after "source" in this was added well after I replied. The hilarious thing being that it confirms what I wrote: that he's using his refusal to Google for a second as some point of victory.

Just quite incredibly pathetic.

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13 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

“I’m so level headed…. Show me I’m wrong and I’ll admit it.”


Shows he’s wrong. 

“Those words weren’t exactly the same!! I’m still right.”


What a joke. 

If I didn't know better I'd honestly think it's some cutting satire on Trump supporters.

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19 minutes ago, Debord said:

To illustrate how this ridiculous person abuses editing, everything after "source" in this was added well after I replied. The hilarious thing being that it confirms what I wrote: that he's using his refusal to Google for a second as some point of victory.

Just quite incredibly pathetic.

Yep. I wish there was a way to see edit history on this forum because he's done it on multiple posts.

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3 hours ago, adirondak said:

They’ll change their minds on some of this stuff eventually. 

Who is exactly "They"... and what "stuff" are you exactly referring to that "they" will change their minds about?


They’ll just never admit they changed their mind, and it will just take until the TV says it.

Says the person who is regurgitating anything FOX NEWS has been spewing out to their viewers.


Just like how they now say the vaccine was never meant to stop transmission.

Again, who is exactly "they"??  Who here ever said the vaccine was 100% effective?  Every medical trusted source I've ever heard (FROM DAY ONE) always was specific and clear that the vaccine was NEVER a 100% effective.  This is just you twisting the facts which again has been spewed from many conservatives and the likes of FOX NEWS.

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