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Leona Helmsley

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Leona Helmsley

  1. Madonna yesterday arrive  at 


    daily streams on spotify

  2. Madonna today arrive  at 


    total streams on spotify

  3. Madonna total streams on Spotify  6,995,080,295.....

  4. Madonna total streams on Spotify yesterday in one day 7,102,122....

  5. Celebration GH just surpass 3 billion and 100 million  streams on Spotify....

  6. Tomorrow Madonna will arrive at 7 billion total streams on Spotify....

  7. Who is free for a mega Madonna this or that game challenge?

  8. Something beautiful



    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I liked this!

      I only knew of this bad from that song Mariah Carey sampled.  

  9. Madonna with or without social networks?

    Curious about your opinion......

    I remember before insta, facebook, Twitter ecc ecc were a big things, in the 00', 10'.... and Madonna was at her peak...... when every M album was THE ALBUM, when she was one of the few..... and the other 2 was Britney and Christina.... you can only dream about her house, her private life,  about everthing and everyone who surrounded her..... now everthing is out on social...... a good or a bad thing? honestly i prefer the mistery M was surrounded by  in the 00'- 10' .... you have no idea how her homes were..... her closet, her art collection ecc ecc.... again you can only dream about that in that era..... Now for me, a lot of the allure gone..... so i really like singers and actors who are out of social and keep some sort of mystery about them......

    M on social network is good or bad?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      happy if you are better without social network that you put them out of your life dear @Anapausis

    3. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I'm not a fan of social media in general so I would lean toward no.


      From a fan perspective though it's easier to track what goes on with her and chat with other online fans about it.  Even if for me only on Madonna fan sites 

    4. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      im not a fan of social media too.... no facebook or insta..... but yes for her fans have M on insta is amazing so you can have news  from her..... but we lost a lot of mystery and allure.....


  10. All i need right now is a new Madonna album...... a disco one......


    art disco ball GIF by mr. div

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      and i love it!!!!

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      you post a lot of disco and 70s songs.... so you love that era too right @A. A. Aardvark?

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      every era has decent music

  11. Someone for Madonna this or that game right now?

  12. Good bye amazing Glynis Johns..... thanks for your amazing art.....

  13. HAPPY 31 EVERYONE!!!!


    1. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      can u do that with unscented moisturiser ?

    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      Happy new year eve @A. A. Aardvark! hope you an amazing 2024!

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      using a crack pipe and typing isn't easy to do at the same time
      but ditto

  14. Memories.....

    Madonna Confessions on a dance floor commercial



  15. One of the most beautiful version of Music

    Music Inferno Confessions tour



  16. Sassy Tyra Banks GIF

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      My mood today..... and yesterday.... and the day before yesterday..... and tomorrow..... and the day after tomorrow..... and.....

  17. tired cat GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leona Helmsley
    3. Anapausis


      Dave, sorry for leaving out forum so abruptly and not having come back for all last day, my internet was just turned off because the provider was trying switch the newest technology (optic fiber) to my home but they failed as they didn't manage to get the cables and wires to my home - I live in a building, so everything's more difficult to achieve. Internet got nprmalized by evening but as I had already a very bad day, didn't feel like coming here back properly. I'm heartily sorry as you were aflict to my absence and truly deserved a response, and here I am. I made profit of those hours disconnected to meditate about my online life and just have come to some conclusions I really need to practice. I am in advance sorry for how I am going most to behave online from now on, but, I promise you, as I told you several times, my mental health needs to come first. I do promise you I shall never forget you and the everything you mean to me, but, as I believe in God's signs, I honestly understand that internet long fail wasn't any for free. Have a wonderful day there in Torino (even with the omnipresent winter) and many thanks for all the caring, tender, generous words you've given me since we first met. Ti amo dal tutto mio cuore, per sempre e sempre. Molti bacci!!!

    4. Leona Helmsley
  18. your cats are so sweet!

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Anapausis


      Dear, really to take my shower and the internet just can't help failing every minute, later we keep this talk, just sorry, I just need this time, ok dear?

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      everytime on of my cat pass away.... after few days or weeks we always found a new cat somewhere who beh for help..... and i always think was a sign....

    4. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      dont worry when you are free again im here

  19. Anna Wintour GIF


    Happy Christmas..... not everyone but only a few..... i hope the best for you and your families..... for the others... i hope karma remember your names.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voguerista


      Thank you. Merry merry Christmas. Hugssss 

    3. stefo


      Grazie mille Dave, un Natale ricco di calore umano per te :heart:

    4. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      grazie stefo! ti auguro giorni felici e sereni.

  20. Oh wowwww.... another day another drama drama.... but not for me , not for me all i think about is Karma.....

    Another spam Jlo day....... My mood today....

    Jennifer Lopez Dancing GIF by American Idol

  21. @Anapausis now that the status is no more public..... we can spam Jlo hereeeeeee!

  22. and for the section of this forum who is music.... Kylie, cher, from yesterday even j lo, and not only Madonna.... who remember her?




  23. love when they say..... we'll just go harder... beautiful message.... if someone throw s***t on you..... go harder.... right @Anapausis?


    Speak, bitch, and say our fucking names
    It's Sam and Madonna

    Look like I'm dressed to kill, love how I make me feel
    All black in stripper heels, move like Madonna
    Rich like I'm in the Louvre, got nothin' left to prove
    You know you're beautiful when they call you vulgar
    I do what I wanna, I go when I gotta
    I'm sexy, I'm free and I feel (uh)


    Let's get into the groove, you know just what to do
    Boy, get down on your knees 'cause I am Madonna
    If you fuck with Sam tonight, you're fucking with me
    So watch what you say or I'll split your banana
    We do what we wanna, we say what we gotta
    We're sexy and free and we feel (uh)


    Vulgar is beautiful, filthy, and gorgeous
    Vulgar will make you dance, don't need a chorus
    Say we're ridiculous, we'll just go harder
    Mad and meticulous, Sam and Madonna
    Speak, bitch, and say our fucking names
    Speak, bitch, and say our fucking names
    Speak, bitch, and say our fucking names

    Do you know how to spell my name?
    Go fuck yourself, you heard me bitch
    Say our fucking names
    Speak, bitch, and say our fucking names

    1. Anapausis


      Let's not make J.Lo die here:

      As she said, 

      I'm gonna be alright!

    2. Leona Helmsley
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