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Posts posted by wtg1987

  1. 29 minutes ago, adled said:

    honestly, does anything knows any of her songs besides Shake it off ? nope .

    so I wouldn't worry, Madonna is safe from that insignificant crap .

    this slays me !!! and its so true too - her last album sold millions but no general music fan could probably even name one song of it(yet she still one loads of MTV awards - like that was a shock ) and yet everyone raves about how popular she is - imo she will never be in same league as M because she is not outspoken or takes any kind of artistic risks, she cant dance, has no sex appeal and just appeals to (mostly) vacuous teenage girls.... but i like her Lover album only ...

  2. Love the opening of this show it’s so creepy , mysterious and visually stunning - I and Stuart’s mix with that base on the beast within is sublime - I wish we had a better pro shot show than the Lisbon footage but at least we got something in full - of course everyone knows i adore the Bedtime story interlude too - I don’t think M will ever revisit this though and give us the full Paris show ( if it even exists ) guess it will disintegrate like holes of a full BA tour release 🥹😂😜

  3. 4 hours ago, bstranger said:

    3 long years of this pathetic campaign and NOTHING of worth (forgive me for those who thinks FEL was something). This is the last time I post anything in this topic until anything really happens. I will only come back when we have anything to buy that is really worth it. Another color vinyl, at this point, really looks like a slot machine to me. I still love Madonna, she'll be my forever idol, but, after 3 long years and only pointless releases, this campaign became ridiculous, IMO. PS madonna you were the best of all, if you're reading this forum.

    Amen 🙏 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Magic Pussy said:

    My guess is she has the rights to the RIO show but purposely won't release it so RIO doesn't take away from the upcoming concert film version of the tour.  RIO will probably end up as a release in 10 years in some collector's package, special cloud, hologram or whatever the platform will be in 2034.  

    I think the rights issue is a moot point for her tours - I mean look at BA tour and MX Tours ? 
     Do we definitely know a tour film is even coming ? It seems a bit redundant now we have the Rio show and it will be edited to death too 😢

  5. I think it was a fascinating read - let’s be honest M is never going to to write a memoir at this stage - she is too focused on the contrived bullshit movie to care and we all know that’s going to be a one-sided disaster and she will never show herself in a bad light - her ego and sycophants won’t permit that - I liked reading the behind the scenes stuff on tours the most in his book 

  6. I think guy is more a friend than a manager and like @Jackie says - M is always the one in charge here and that’s good and bad - I mean how could anyone manage someone as big as her - she might take advice but in the end she decides everything which is probably why she thought she didn’t need a manager - it’s funny how her career has gone downhill imo since 2008 - she lost a lot of support from people since then and her image in the public has gotten worse and the music quality has been very hit and miss since then too but that’s just my opinion- I’m sure I will be vilified but the numbers don’t lie in terms of record sales - all that’s kept her afloat is the touring which is why she has charged so much for them 

  7. People need to calm down - so what if the song isn’t number 1 over the world or doing well on streaming - it’s a fucking old song that had its success and will forever be immortalised as one of her finest moments - just because the masses aren’t streaming who seriously gives a fuck - her team are useless at most of her marketing now and just give us scraps to feast on - move on FFS and just accept it 🙄🥱

  8. I’m only interested in LAP expanded if she includes all the demos Bray talked about and to finally give us some incarnation of the blond ambition tour in FULL - I think we’ve waited long enough for that haven’t we ? She has half a dozen full pro shot shows to play with ? I don’t think Paris exists but would love to be proved wrong - this release would really kick off the campaign in style imo and the album itself needs a bit of beef in the mastering department too but not Mike Dean boosting 🥱😢😉

  9. Holiday 

    like a virgin

    true blue

    express yourself

    hanky panky

    justify my love

    Fever ( was a single in my country )

    take a bow

    one more chance( hate this song )

    the power of goodbye

    dont tell me

    american life ( pure excrement)

    hung up ( sorry too camp for me)

    4 minutes 

    turn up the radio / GGW and GMAYL ( hate all these songs the same 😆 )

    BIM - her worst ever song , makes my ears bleed 


  10. Why are people so pissed on this ? The song was a massive hit in 1989 - pretty much everyone over the age of 30 knows it - why do you care so much - her team can only do so much to flog a dead horse - if people prefer bye bye it just means they want a more jolly upbeat song which LAP isn’t - get over it FFS and just buy the silver vinyl and forget about the wonderful demos we won’t get from this era 😉🥹🙄

  11. Who cares really now and of course people will bitch again why it’s not combined with celebration version or LAP album version on Spotify which no one uses anyway -… in the meantime we have dozens of unheard demos gathering in dust in the archives and no one gives a shit about that 😢🥱🙄 I’m so tired of us getting all the wrong stuff 

  12. The people on here trashing MDNA - do they like trash songs like BIM or AL ? Just trying to gauge their music tastes here - as for live nation and interscope trashing yet again - people forget that she was in her mid 50s - how many artists do you know have hits at that time in their career ? She was never going to have big hits just like she is now so just get over it - it wouldn’t have mattered if she made an album on a par with LAP or ROL - the GP are just not interested in her they have moved on - she should be catering to her true fan base now and not TikTok tweens. They have Taylor swift for that now 

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