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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    Ian got a reaction from fauxswan in massive shooting in my state oh my god   
    Horrible! Please stay safe, don't go out , the guy seems to be still at large
  2. Like
    Ian got a reaction from Voguerista in massive shooting in my state oh my god   
    Horrible! Please stay safe, don't go out , the guy seems to be still at large
  3. Like
    Ian got a reaction from Adonna in massive shooting in my state oh my god   
    Horrible! Please stay safe, don't go out , the guy seems to be still at large
  4. Like
    Ian got a reaction from proxy in   
    and Popular got certified Silver !
  5. Like
    Ian got a reaction from f78k in   
    and Popular got certified Silver !
  6. Like
    Ian got a reaction from proxy in Madonna in NY   
    get it girl!
    she looks so good and happy too
  7. Like
    Ian reacted to Roland Barthes in Why JJ fans are like that, JJ didn't introduce voguing to the world, it's total revis   
    Madonna was already voguing in the Express Yourself performance at the MTV awards in 1989. Shep Pettibone did that Janet remix, he reused HIS work. Janet is just a byproduct of the Jackson trademark, her fans are delusional and racist.
  8. Like
    Ian reacted to survivalartist in screaming   
    Now they need to tell ChatGPT cuz baby, she is so biased against Madonna
  9. Haha
    Ian got a reaction from RUADJAI in STUART PRICE IS IN THE FUCKING BUILDING!!!!!!!!!!!   
    That sounds like a fun place to be! naughty naughty
  10. Like
  11. Like
    Ian got a reaction from fauxswan in Ill say it once ill say it again, i want madonna and depeche mode to come together an   
    I knew you were still with Us Joan!
  12. Like
    Ian reacted to ChrisK in Greasy Max Martin for everyone!   
    OH yes, Daddy's gonna spank me - 
  13. Like
    Ian reacted to Rory in Greasy Max Martin for everyone!   
    He looks like he'd be down to make a fire without using wood!
  14. Like
    Ian reacted to Steffmad in WTF Rolling Stone didn't include Madonna, what is this shit?!!!   
    To list Bob Dylan in the Top 20 is a joke too.
    Even Kermit the Frog sings better lol.
    This List is the biggest joke ever 
  15. Sad
    Ian reacted to Roland Barthes in WTF Rolling Stone didn't include Madonna, what is this shit?!!!   
    Rolling Stone is not a journalistic media anymore, it's just bloggers making listicles and writting essays solely based on their impressions and not on facts. And that's not only Rolling Stones, Pitchfork etc... i know because that's my job, even in France it's like this and in England....even the BBC relies on this to make "content" on internet. I used to be paid for that only, making content on internet, no matter what you say, to attract clics thus money. Most of these publications online versions are just clicbaits now made by unpaid trainees or bloggers for free. The paper versions are the most reliable BUT there are less pages, articles are shorter, publicity takes more than half of the pages and it's more expansive than before. That's the state of printed medias nowadays we used to trust after they were bought by billionaires as a gift to their nepo babies to pretend they have a career.
  16. Like
    Ian got a reaction from proxy in I'll be drinking Krug Rosé and sometimes Lemon Drops I'll be wearing diamond grills a   
    dropdropdropdropdrop doooo ittt doooo itttt
  17. Like
    Ian reacted to Chris in ive been wanting to lose weight.. meanwhle im about to finish a 14.8FL OZ tub of ice   
    i didnt see a mint chocolate chip one at the store  thats my fav kind of ice cream
  18. Like
    Ian got a reaction from Chris in ive been wanting to lose weight.. meanwhle im about to finish a 14.8FL OZ tub of ice   
    I was havin' some choco mint!
  19. Like
    Ian reacted to Chris in ive been wanting to lose weight.. meanwhle im about to finish a 14.8FL OZ tub of ice   
    @Ian vanilla with a chocolate shell!
  20. Like
    Ian got a reaction from PlayPause in   
    That was the first time we got to see Madonna on an actual heavy rotation TV ad ! (unless you're from Japan)
    I mean after that Pepsi cancelled ad mess that ran only once or twice
  21. Like
    Ian got a reaction from proxy in   
    That was the first time we got to see Madonna on an actual heavy rotation TV ad ! (unless you're from Japan)
    I mean after that Pepsi cancelled ad mess that ran only once or twice
  22. Like
    Ian reacted to RUADJAI in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "Weird woke shit with the trans people " "Misgendering oneself is a new trend" 
    Bigotry isn't gonna fly on this forum. I suggest you keep your spoon fed political views for your other social media. 
  23. Like
    Ian reacted to Roland Barthes in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    You sure do own your age. Even your grandma's.
  24. Like
    Ian got a reaction from anjoel in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He sounds extremely ignorant about Dance culture, dance mixes and Dance History. He wants to look cool for his sheep following. Just look at the other basement dwelling nerds' comments over there. He got what he wanted too, tons of comments and lots of clicks.
  25. Like
    Ian reacted to anjoel in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's a 70s/80s Dad Rock fan who hasn't a clue about Dance Music. I take what he says with a pinch of salt.
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