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  1. Like
    Loki got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    from an athletic point of view, she's a freak of nature: she managed to maintain an extraordinary rapport elasticity/strength even at an age relatively advanced. In this sense, the most evident example of this is the 'Sticky&Sweet' tour, which is basically an intense 2-hours cardio routine that would have broken the majority of us, or the 'knee-breaker' move during the Drowned World, move that she represented 14 years later on high-heels. Surely her past as dancer taught her to know every muscle of her body and how to move it properly, neverthless it's extraordinary, given the stress she's caused to herself. Although her body started to show signs of physical weakening later than usual, in the last 15 years she went through menopause, thing that people tend to underestimate but affects metabolism, bones and muscles among others, a stress fracture of one of the metatarsal bones (a very mangy injury) and a chronic degeneration of the cartilagineus tissue in her hip. If we wanna do a comparison, many Olympic athletes are forced to retire in case of these injuries and in any case they leave professional sports in their late 30s, generally. So, give this woman a fucking break. It's a gift for all of us if she still wants to dance and perform for us instead of retiring in the Hamptons and disappearing. Even for her it must be hard accepting she cannot do anymore what she used to do 10 years ago and that she has to shift to a different kind of show, less choreographed and elaborate. Is this a problem? For me, no. This little gig is a further evidence she's still a 'stage animal' if she's fully committed and focused and, above all, if she listens to her body. 
    P. S. I cannot believe that while I was typing this the Supreme Court overtuned the Roe VS Wade verdict. How to cancel 50 years of fights for human and women rights with a fucking stroke of a pen. Dark times are coming, I fear. 
  2. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from into the erotico in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    from an athletic point of view, she's a freak of nature: she managed to maintain an extraordinary rapport elasticity/strength even at an age relatively advanced. In this sense, the most evident example of this is the 'Sticky&Sweet' tour, which is basically an intense 2-hours cardio routine that would have broken the majority of us, or the 'knee-breaker' move during the Drowned World, move that she represented 14 years later on high-heels. Surely her past as dancer taught her to know every muscle of her body and how to move it properly, neverthless it's extraordinary, given the stress she's caused to herself. Although her body started to show signs of physical weakening later than usual, in the last 15 years she went through menopause, thing that people tend to underestimate but affects metabolism, bones and muscles among others, a stress fracture of one of the metatarsal bones (a very mangy injury) and a chronic degeneration of the cartilagineus tissue in her hip. If we wanna do a comparison, many Olympic athletes are forced to retire in case of these injuries and in any case they leave professional sports in their late 30s, generally. So, give this woman a fucking break. It's a gift for all of us if she still wants to dance and perform for us instead of retiring in the Hamptons and disappearing. Even for her it must be hard accepting she cannot do anymore what she used to do 10 years ago and that she has to shift to a different kind of show, less choreographed and elaborate. Is this a problem? For me, no. This little gig is a further evidence she's still a 'stage animal' if she's fully committed and focused and, above all, if she listens to her body. 
    P. S. I cannot believe that while I was typing this the Supreme Court overtuned the Roe VS Wade verdict. How to cancel 50 years of fights for human and women rights with a fucking stroke of a pen. Dark times are coming, I fear. 
  3. Like
    Loki got a reaction from VogueMusic in Rufus Wainwright on being ignored by Madonna   
    What a surprise, Madonna not being Snow White. Even rocks know she's one of the baddest bitches Hollywood has ever seen, among with Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, Bette Davis and Katharine Hepburn. All of them are ranked in the first 10 spots in the AFI's 25 greatest silver screen stars list and Madonna is widely known as one of the most influencing artists all time. Coincidences? I think not. 
    Love them or hate them, there's not a third way. And I love all of them because they're true bad bitches. 
  4. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from momosfantasy in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    I only hope she's physically OK and she'll have fun. Thing which, incidentally, seems it has been lacking for awhile in her last performances, since the end of the tournée. Maybe because she did them as a mere favour for friends, Pride for that disgrace called Ricardo, who candidly revealed in an interview that all that circus was an idea of his (foolish act from her having accepted), and the Colombian show for Maluma, for which she rehearsed for 2 days, despite being a notorious control freak and a fussy person. Surely I'm wrong, but in these 2 years I've had the impression she didn't give a damn about anything except her kids. I can't blame her, though. 
    I PRAY this time she's in the mood and fully involved, I've enough of these effing requiems about her career. If it's another favour she does for one of her friends, well, I won't care. In any case, this won't change my opinion about her as a performer. 
  5. Like
    Loki got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    I only hope she's physically OK and she'll have fun. Thing which, incidentally, seems it has been lacking for awhile in her last performances, since the end of the tournée. Maybe because she did them as a mere favour for friends, Pride for that disgrace called Ricardo, who candidly revealed in an interview that all that circus was an idea of his (foolish act from her having accepted), and the Colombian show for Maluma, for which she rehearsed for 2 days, despite being a notorious control freak and a fussy person. Surely I'm wrong, but in these 2 years I've had the impression she didn't give a damn about anything except her kids. I can't blame her, though. 
    I PRAY this time she's in the mood and fully involved, I've enough of these effing requiems about her career. If it's another favour she does for one of her friends, well, I won't care. In any case, this won't change my opinion about her as a performer. 
  6. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Alm47 in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    I only hope she's physically OK and she'll have fun. Thing which, incidentally, seems it has been lacking for awhile in her last performances, since the end of the tournée. Maybe because she did them as a mere favour for friends, Pride for that disgrace called Ricardo, who candidly revealed in an interview that all that circus was an idea of his (foolish act from her having accepted), and the Colombian show for Maluma, for which she rehearsed for 2 days, despite being a notorious control freak and a fussy person. Surely I'm wrong, but in these 2 years I've had the impression she didn't give a damn about anything except her kids. I can't blame her, though. 
    I PRAY this time she's in the mood and fully involved, I've enough of these effing requiems about her career. If it's another favour she does for one of her friends, well, I won't care. In any case, this won't change my opinion about her as a performer. 
  7. Like
    Loki got a reaction from milingo83 in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    I only hope she's physically OK and she'll have fun. Thing which, incidentally, seems it has been lacking for awhile in her last performances, since the end of the tournée. Maybe because she did them as a mere favour for friends, Pride for that disgrace called Ricardo, who candidly revealed in an interview that all that circus was an idea of his (foolish act from her having accepted), and the Colombian show for Maluma, for which she rehearsed for 2 days, despite being a notorious control freak and a fussy person. Surely I'm wrong, but in these 2 years I've had the impression she didn't give a damn about anything except her kids. I can't blame her, though. 
    I PRAY this time she's in the mood and fully involved, I've enough of these effing requiems about her career. If it's another favour she does for one of her friends, well, I won't care. In any case, this won't change my opinion about her as a performer. 
  8. Like
    Loki got a reaction from survivalartist in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    I only hope she's physically OK and she'll have fun. Thing which, incidentally, seems it has been lacking for awhile in her last performances, since the end of the tournée. Maybe because she did them as a mere favour for friends, Pride for that disgrace called Ricardo, who candidly revealed in an interview that all that circus was an idea of his (foolish act from her having accepted), and the Colombian show for Maluma, for which she rehearsed for 2 days, despite being a notorious control freak and a fussy person. Surely I'm wrong, but in these 2 years I've had the impression she didn't give a damn about anything except her kids. I can't blame her, though. 
    I PRAY this time she's in the mood and fully involved, I've enough of these effing requiems about her career. If it's another favour she does for one of her friends, well, I won't care. In any case, this won't change my opinion about her as a performer. 
  9. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Levon in Madonna X Fireboy DML - ( Frozen Remix ) makes Rolling Stone Top 50 best songs of 2022 🔥🔥   
    The remix is nothing special, imo. I'm happy for her, though, after all the s**t she's received lately. 
  10. Like
    Loki got a reaction from into the erotico in Madonna X Fireboy DML - ( Frozen Remix ) makes Rolling Stone Top 50 best songs of 2022 🔥🔥   
    The remix is nothing special, imo. I'm happy for her, though, after all the s**t she's received lately. 
  11. Like
    Loki got a reaction from DoneGone in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    Ray of Light (album, singles, videos, remixes and performances) specifically reminds me why I miss the '90s so much, although I lived like last 10 months of that fucking marvelous decade. There was something weird in those years that my mother bequeathed to me, as if she had put the energy of the late '90s in my veins and my heart beated at that futuristic, crazy rhythm, half human half electronic, melancholic and full of hope for the future at the same time. And every '90s movie tv show, song makes me feel at home.
    Tsk, we babies from the '99 class sucked nostalgia-infused milk from our mothers breasts 🥹. I'd trade anything for living them in full. 
    I can't wait her to leave me broke with these reissues. 
  12. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Roy in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    Ray of Light (album, singles, videos, remixes and performances) specifically reminds me why I miss the '90s so much, although I lived like last 10 months of that fucking marvelous decade. There was something weird in those years that my mother bequeathed to me, as if she had put the energy of the late '90s in my veins and my heart beated at that futuristic, crazy rhythm, half human half electronic, melancholic and full of hope for the future at the same time. And every '90s movie tv show, song makes me feel at home.
    Tsk, we babies from the '99 class sucked nostalgia-infused milk from our mothers breasts 🥹. I'd trade anything for living them in full. 
    I can't wait her to leave me broke with these reissues. 
  13. Like
    Loki got a reaction from ChrisK in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    I still can't get over the beauty of 'Deeper&Deeper', both lyrically and visually: the cryptic lyrics, the flamenco guitar that pops out from nowhere, the references to Andy Warhol and Luchino Visconti, the fusion between the Roaring 20s and the 70s, linked together by the common sense of decadence that pervaded those years. prolly the song I love the most from hers. I even like the remix, although I usually loathe them. I'd have never believed I could lose my mind over a Philly disco song released before I was born. Also, it's not a coincidence she released the video, coloured with the cinematographic 'pink&blue' lights, just in time for Pride Month! And people still ask me why she's one of my favourite LGBTQ+ icon...
    About 'Frozen', releasing a '98 remix after 5359 versions none requested would be very madge.
    I'm happy with this project, so far. Fingers crossed for the rest.
  14. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Roy in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    I still can't get over the beauty of 'Deeper&Deeper', both lyrically and visually: the cryptic lyrics, the flamenco guitar that pops out from nowhere, the references to Andy Warhol and Luchino Visconti, the fusion between the Roaring 20s and the 70s, linked together by the common sense of decadence that pervaded those years. prolly the song I love the most from hers. I even like the remix, although I usually loathe them. I'd have never believed I could lose my mind over a Philly disco song released before I was born. Also, it's not a coincidence she released the video, coloured with the cinematographic 'pink&blue' lights, just in time for Pride Month! And people still ask me why she's one of my favourite LGBTQ+ icon...
    About 'Frozen', releasing a '98 remix after 5359 versions none requested would be very madge.
    I'm happy with this project, so far. Fingers crossed for the rest.
  15. Like
    Loki got a reaction from steady75 in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    I still can't get over the beauty of 'Deeper&Deeper', both lyrically and visually: the cryptic lyrics, the flamenco guitar that pops out from nowhere, the references to Andy Warhol and Luchino Visconti, the fusion between the Roaring 20s and the 70s, linked together by the common sense of decadence that pervaded those years. prolly the song I love the most from hers. I even like the remix, although I usually loathe them. I'd have never believed I could lose my mind over a Philly disco song released before I was born. Also, it's not a coincidence she released the video, coloured with the cinematographic 'pink&blue' lights, just in time for Pride Month! And people still ask me why she's one of my favourite LGBTQ+ icon...
    About 'Frozen', releasing a '98 remix after 5359 versions none requested would be very madge.
    I'm happy with this project, so far. Fingers crossed for the rest.
  16. Like
    Loki got a reaction from nito84bcn in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    I still can't get over the beauty of 'Deeper&Deeper', both lyrically and visually: the cryptic lyrics, the flamenco guitar that pops out from nowhere, the references to Andy Warhol and Luchino Visconti, the fusion between the Roaring 20s and the 70s, linked together by the common sense of decadence that pervaded those years. prolly the song I love the most from hers. I even like the remix, although I usually loathe them. I'd have never believed I could lose my mind over a Philly disco song released before I was born. Also, it's not a coincidence she released the video, coloured with the cinematographic 'pink&blue' lights, just in time for Pride Month! And people still ask me why she's one of my favourite LGBTQ+ icon...
    About 'Frozen', releasing a '98 remix after 5359 versions none requested would be very madge.
    I'm happy with this project, so far. Fingers crossed for the rest.
  17. Like
    Loki got a reaction from hastobe_frozen in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  18. Like
    Loki got a reaction from johncba in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  19. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Humanfly in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  20. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Sultrysully in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  21. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Roy in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  22. Like
    Loki got a reaction from madonnaultimate in Mother of Creation: Virtual NFT Project   
    I'm in the minority group of who liked it, I see 😂. 
    even in a crumbling and apocalyptic world, even in a hybrid and sterile laboratory, a woman can still give life to a new life, different from the one we're used to, surely, but still 'life'. I found it full of hope for the future: altough we live in a society which is slowly dying, suffocated by ipertechnology, hybrid, aseptic, mechanical, we still have the strength to birth new individuals, who are the synthesis of it, half 'natural' and half mechanical, like the worms which come from her uterus, or completely natural, like the tree she birthed in that lab. To remind us we can fuse ourselves with technology as much as we want, but nothing will tear our fleshy, human heart away from us. At first glance this series of clips reminded me the movie 'Titane', by Julie Ducournau, I don't know why, maybe for the dichotomy humanity/mechanics.
    I found it also deeply feminist, particularly important in an historical context where women are still treated like supporting characters and not main protagonists of our society, where their right to choose for themselves and for their own body is still in danger, for the sake of a disgusting and false sense of morality, where women are still punished for their right to be who they want to be, where women are still payed 14,1% less than men, where women are still treated like an object, where women are marginalized and reduced to silence simply because 'they're women'.
    These clips show how strong and marvelous women are, the only ones capable to bring a new future to this sterile world, even when the circumstances are an obstacle and everything seems lost. 
  23. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Andreo in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    In the 'Frozen' video, she condensed different mythological and religious sets:
    -the Greek: 1.Hecate, the goddess of magic and darkness. daughter of titan Perses (according to the classic version of the myth, written by Hesiod in his 'Theogony', he fought against the Olympian Gods, whose leader was Zeus, along with his fellows Titans, the first generation of divine creatures, born from the union between Gea, the mother earth, and Uranus, the sky. This war goes under the name of Titanomachy) and titaness Asteria, Hecate is commonly associated with night, witchcraft, the Moon, ghosts and necromancy, a particular black magic practice that claims to be able to make the user communicate with the dead in order to foretell future events. The original cult saw her as the goddess of boundaries, which later leaded to adore her as a underworld goddess. Her animal symbol is the dog, as widely known, because dogs were used to watch over the cities boundaries at night. According to Greek beliefs, dogs were part of the moltitude of animals which lived in the underworld. 2.Sirius: the star in the sky is allegedly Sirius, from the 'Major Dog' constellation. it's also quoted as the 'Dog Star', because it was believed this star made dogs mad, during the 'dies caniculares', the hottest days in summer.
    -the Irish: the crow is the symbol of Mórrígan, the goddess of War, fate and ghosts, as the name suggests, part of a trinity which included Badb and Macha, her sisters, and Nemain, although this section of the cult is object of debact. Mórrígan was able to change her nature, morphing into a woman, a crow, aging and rejuvenating as she pleased. 
    -the Hindu: Kali, the goddess of death, time and change, depicted as a 4 or 10 arms-woman.
    Sorry for the length xxx
    I have to find yet a serious article that explains her 'alleged' satanism, because I analysed for fun all her videography and didn't see any trace of it. Instead, she exposed a particular and elegant taste in religions and arts, which includes pagan myths, esotheric beliefs and Catholic hagiography. 
    Instead of asking her crap, journalists should focus more on this side of her, which is astonishgly mesmerising. 
  24. Haha
    Loki got a reaction from Roy in Madonna found out her Twitter password   
    I'm ready for another feud between her and the Vatican. Last time it was epic.
    I know she'll bring chaos in the 'peaceful' world of Twitter. Fasten your seatbelts, folks, it will be a bumpy flight. 
  25. Like
    Loki got a reaction from androiduser in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Today it would have been Keith Haring's 64th birthday. I found this short clip, shot by Andrea Soldani in June 1989 while Keith was in Pisa, Italy, for realizing 'Tuttomondo', a mural painted on one of the exterior walls of the Church of San Antonio Abate. 'Tuttomondo' is believed to be one of his final works, along with the mural he painted for the 'ArtCenter College of Design' in Pasadena, in November 1989. This video was originally part of a series of short documentaries dedicated to Keith's visit in Italy. The longest one, with a 27-minutes length , is unfortunately not available on Internet (At least I didn't find it). Last year the city of Pisa organised a beautiful exhibition in Keith's honor, in collaboration with the Nakamura Keith Haring Collection. 
    Happy birthday, Keith, may you make angels draw in heaven.
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