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Status Updates posted by RUADJAI

  1. 122 Days till October

    1. DiegoLCL


      AKA #soon in Madonna Language

  2. We need to make it harder to view content that we have ignored. Cuz I end up just clicking "show post" because my curiosity is killing me... and then I am flooded with regret as I look at the ignorant things my past self was trying to protect me from. :cryin:

    1. Angelo
    2. Andymad
    3. Fighter


      Technically you shouldn't mute people as a mod lmao Kermit Suicide GIF

  3. Sleep Yawn GIF

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andymad


      Oh he’s in Italy. Jesus send help. Glorious food. (Orders a Big Mac and 10 McNuggets)…

    3. Andymad


      Wild boar. Interesting. The old Italians are clapping. Tweldebrhan is bringing me my Big Mac btw thank god.

    4. RUADJAI


      Meme Reaction GIF by reactionseditor

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone. :05:

  5. Y'all ever realize how big her ears are?

    1. Angelo


      Big ears = big dick

      she’s a top after all ?

    2. Andymad


      Makes sense she turned me into a bottom

    3. Ekans


      And they'll get bigger and bigger! They don't stop growing with age :Madonna003:

  6. I think we’re getting Fever Single :party:

    1. Shoful


      Wait spill the tea

    2. RUADJAI


      @Shoful Did you see her Instagram story?  However its also Friday and nowhere to be found... so...

    3. Shoful


      @RUADJAI Oh yea I saw that. Idt she has any connection to these releases though ?

  7. So keep it up, keep it up
    Don't be a pri Moderna

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RUADJAI


      Well, you did it. You convinced me. You can go now. Get Out Theatre GIF by Tony Awards

    3. Andymad


      lord mercy when it's my turn I swear to god

      black friday sale GIF

    4. OhBabyReadyOrNot


      I've already been vaccinated and am glad I did the morally and socially responsible thing to protect myself, my family, and the world around me. If people have a problem with that, then that's their issue, not mine.

  8. Do you have instagram or twitter or something?

  9. I guess no Madonna single today ?

    1. Andymad


      I have no life anymore ? what’s this talk about a single babe

    2. RUADJAI


      @Andymad cuz they been rereleasing her singles almost every Friday. 

  10. Bob the Dragqueen letting the children know there will be no slander of Madonna’s name on her Twitter. 


  11. Do we know who is the vocal soloist in Like a Prayer?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. RUADJAI


      Did they have a problem with the song itself?? Or just the video... I feel like the song isn't that controversial. 

    3. Certified Fuck Up

      Certified Fuck Up

      He couldn't as listened to the song in his car and got inspiration for the production as Leonard tells this in a Billboard interview and Madonna explains the idea I mentioned above for the video for Interview magazine. 

      Madonna had the vision for this song's controversial video long before Pepsi released its cutesy dancing-in-the-streets version. She told Interview magazine: "Originally, when I recorded the song, I would play it over and over again, trying to get a visual sense of what sort of story or fantasy it evoked in me. I kept imagining this story about a girl who was madly in love with a black man, set in the South, with this forbidden interracial love affair. And the guy she's in love with sings in a choir. So she's obsessed with him and goes to church all the time. And then it turned into a bigger story, which was about racism and bigotry... Then Mary Lambert got involved as the director, and she came up with a story that incorporated more of the religious symbolism I originally wrote into the song."

       Madonna's original idea for the video was to have her and the black saint-figure shot in the back.


    4. Scottyx


      the video itself once so much controversy came with the launch. Several of his choir members quit and they Andre Crouch Choir was not welcomed in some churches for a while.  til the storm blew over.

  12. Get u someone who looks at you the way Ingrid looks at Madonna. 

  13. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but .... MUSIC on the Celebration album sounds HORRIFIC!!! I kept thinking my internet was being weird and making the song glitchy, but then I played MUSIC on the MUSIC album and its fine. Are people really out there listening to this horrible copy of this song?!!?!  Is the CD like this? I know this release was notorious for certain sound issues, but I dont think I ever realized it was this bad. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RUADJAI


      @Clark_KentI thought they figured stuff out, but apparently they didn't fix Spotify or Apple Music. 

    3. madgefan


      Celebration as a whole was a disaster. She didn't even bother filming a decent video for the lead single...

    4. VogueMusic


      I have the itunes plus version back around the time it came out (or shortly thereafter), and "Music" sounds just fine. From what I know, my CD version sounds fine too.

  14. Anyone wanna buy a straw hat for 400$, I heard they were popular.   Open to see a picture of the luxury item. Monkey-D-Luffy-Straw-Hat.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RUADJAI


      We only have Kabbalah String Red and Beauty Roller Charcoal Grey. 

    3. Andymad


      Ooo. It’s a toss up, really. Kabbalah String Red would go perfect with my new harness. But Beauty Roller Charcoal Grey would really accent my new hooker boots. Ugh. Can’t decide :Madonna012:

    4. madmadmadgefan


      It looks like you mistakenly added a zero to the $40.00 price tag.  

  15. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. artlover


      Democrats are what us latinxs see as liberals, center-right-ish. Left is a larger group than Democrats. 

      What is a Trump supporter doing here anyway?

    3. RUADJAI


      @Winn Give specific examples... we will all wait. 

    4. Fighter


      @WinnI am not worried about politics on this forum the way you and the other person are. You go on and on about being silenced yet you are the ones implying people shouldn't post things and becoming belligerent on a simple celebratory status update. :cryin: 

      I can also assure you I do not worship politicians because that is very weird. I value ideas and institutions as do normal people, hence why we celebrate democracy being saved from the hands of stochastic terrorists inciting violent coups through years of hateful brainwashing and disinformation. My bringing up the FBI was a humorous way of saying "careful what you engage with on the internet" considering some of you are propagating conspiracy theories that led to what it led to. I'm ok with discussion but I draw the line at dangerous conspiracy theorism.

      Now about your second post;

      You are talking about criticism against Israel and lobbyists, coming from Muslims and leftists who don't agree with many of Israel's actions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and who do not agree with lobbying in general. Many prominent jews have defended Illhan Omar while recognizing the unfortunate way some of the wording in her criticisms falls into antisemitic troupes, as she has recognized herself. Criticism on the politics of Israel on a very complicated and sensitive conflict, doesn't equate "distrust of jews". 

  16. Sometimes I think Madonna is too far ahead of her time. I think THIS would be the moment to declare a Revolution of Love. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fighter


      She actually was ahead of her time though. She was calling for a revolution of love since many people saw what was going on already back then. Don't forget when she put a swastika on Le Pen's head. At the same time I feel she got blindsided in the end and didn't keep up the message enough. 

    3. RUADJAI


      Yeah... it’s also a case of... it was happening elsewhere, it wasn’t real for the US yet, and we are a bit self absorbed. So the message didn’t necessarily resonate. 

    4. Fighter


      its easier to see when its happening somewhere else than in your own home... there was a lot of looney far right stuff happening during obama's term but people just thought it was more of the same, or on the fringes of politics. 

  17. I'm not a Mariah fan by any stretch, but her Christmas Show was cute and obviously a smart business move. Even if they did CGI her neckline for the gawds.

    1. Andymad


      Can u imagine. “CGI MY NECKLINE!” Yes ma’am.  10-4

    2. Scottyx


      I am a happy Lamb. its been a fantastic year .. full catalogue. overkill on her shop. now this Magical Christmas special. if Ariana had not been in the mix, I would have said it was a perfect Mariah year for me lol

      Glitter anniversary next year! more goodies.

      How come Madonna's camp doesnt do this sort of stuff?????

    3. Andymad


      @ScottyXbabe do u really need to ask why lol M’s camp is clueless. They ain’t helping her and they just... don’t get it. 

  18. If Madonna made the Like a Prayer video today... the black Jesus would have been shot by the cops and she woulda typed "He didn't do it" on Facebook. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RUADJAI


      Things will get better. It just a random thought/observation I had. Not meant to be too serious. Every generation has obstacles, this one is no different. 

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      8 years before Madge pocketed Pepsi's money Rick James' Mr. Policeman song was released.
      America talks a good talk but never changes.


    4. RebelMe


      I would only replace Facebook by Instagram Stories* 

  19. What Movie was Demi Moore and Madonna possibly going to do together in 1990? She mentions it briefly in the interview "Dinner With Madonna"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. me1981


      It was a buddy cop movie but I can't remember the name, was pre- Thelma and Louise. I did a thread with all the movies Madonna never made. No idea where that is, but will have the name there

    3. me1981


      Leda and Swan I think it was called

    4. Voguerista


      I would have loved this union to make a movie together.

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