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(Will) Madonna hit us baby one more time?


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So please don't be mad at me - I never opened a topic - this is the very first time and yes Im feeling like a virgin.


But the question is - will she give human kind a new hit? 

Will she ever change her hair color again? or even give us the taste of a bold hair cut?

Can we wait a MUSICal bust as she gave us in 2000?


Will she ever go for underground unknown producers again? 

And make us wonder why she kept herself away from setting the trend for soo long?

(instead of following)

Will we ever get mesmerized again? 

Like when we first listened to ray of light..

Or this time was gone for good?


I just learned she might direct a movie again. And thats awesome!

I was just yearning daydreaming if she will come with some new brilliant pop

wile manouvre sound trickery - with some

'new found voice' and 'hit us like a truck' 

as she once used to. 


Not that Im complaining - I love all that she's ever done with all my heart.


I just felt she could unexpectedly take the scenario over to show

the 2000 generation, the internet generation, the smart phone generation

who they are dealing with. (actually if I get the permission to use that word)


Not that she has got to prove anything to anyone.

Its just me. 'Its just my imagination once again - running away with me.'


Just say that you sort of slightly agree with me? Please. Or not! 

Have a great day!





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I expected it years ago but not so much now. Her output is very very good but she's probably not as passionate about her music career as she used to be, I never thought she would be selling lifestyle products but I have accepted it. She also has 6 children and other ambitions... and honestly she probably doesn't have a clear idea of where to go with music, which is why she spreads herself so thin when making an album with so many different producers and so many different and trendy sounds. It's only natural that after so long and so many amazing "re-inventions", it doesn't come as easily, therefore it's probably made her go in other directions when it comes to her interests...


I think she's very capable of a brilliant and innovative album though.

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you speak my mind.


I don't have answers to your questions, just the same questions. And actually I'm not very optimistic.


But even if I wish she changed her hair, her look, her musical direction, and no matter if she will ever have a huge comeback again or not: She already changed musical history, she changed US... so let's hail her for still being there and for giving us the soundtrack of our life time.

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People musictaste are still changes (and most is boring all over this time)...she still make awesome

Music and if mankind will not listen or buy..their own fault imo.

But for me she released the wrong Songs as Singles and that for ages...she did awesome Songs

on every Album which are real worth to get a Single Release!

I hope she will do more Music then directing a Film...she can do that when she's 70.

She still rules my (our) little World and when i take a look at the world, great Madonna is

still in it and i'm proud of being a Fan..from 83 till now and 4ever.


And of course she will do what SHE wants---ask Pepsi!

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Yeah I don't see her stopping with new music. How that happens is anyone's guess. She averages 3 studio albums per decade, not that she is doing that on purpose, I guess I am more saying I wouldn't be concerned, as she isn't slowing down. One more album in the next couple years and she would continue her average, lol.


I think her hair will stay the same, she seems to be okay with it and I think it is more a sign that she is more settled with who she is, or at least happy with her identity at this point. I think her past changes were about searcing for something and being restless.


Personally I wouldn't put too much expectation on her music being a major hit. Radio hates her, she may release great music that people love and have a good year and a great tour, but don't look for another ROL era or even Confessions era, I think those days are done. Is it fair? No not at all, but it is unfortunately life.


Thing is, people I know who liked Rebel Heart just didn't give a toss about it, it was more "Yeah it's good, but I don't care" There is an apathy about Madonna, just like many older artists, GP like them and buy their music, but they are not impacting pop culture as no one is excited by them and really into them except the loyal fanbase. So big eras like ROL are not possible anymore.


I think Rebel Heart was a return to form for Madonna, unlike HC and MDNA I felt it was more her. Diplo may have been flavour of the month, but they created Madonna songs, they all felt like her. So yeah I think she will go with a producer, whether underground or unknown, for the right reasons next time, not just for hits.

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Judging by the way she looks (amazing and sexy and confident), the magazine covers, the looking back at her past on instagram (Steven Klein W Magazine Shoot, In the Vault) having something to rebel against (I won't mention names), still having the clout she has in the music business Id say she's about to unleash some fierceness on the world. I think with the women's march all across the world that just happened, it would be regrettable if she didn't release new music sooner than later. She could tap into that energy. I am scared if she takes time off and makes a movie she will return to music a little removed and unsure again. 


As far as the look/reinvention...... I don't think its going to be a full on reinvention or style. While Beyonce puts on goddess garb, and Gaga puts on crazy outfits/ rocker chick Joanne clothes I think Madonna will stay along the lines of hows she's been dressing. street, casual, sex kitten, all eyes on me, queen bitch.  :om:

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She's almost 60, I can't think of another woman in the industry getting a #1 hit on the main charts in 2017. And you know what? I really don't care. We may have different perspectives when talking about her recent work... her last truly risky album was American Life and everybody knows what happened to it. Also, her videos after American Life were never the same again. Confessions played it safe, Hard Candy had this sound that didn't feel like her but it was still a good Madonna album. Same for MDNA which had poor single choices and a concept that could have been promoted better. Rebel Heart felt like the honest and straightforward Madonna again. Even if every fucking song has at least 6 writers... She's part of the club and if you don't play the game well you're just out of it. 


She's done so much for all of us that I don't care if she takes 2 more years to release a new record. She's in a different state of mind right now. Her family IS the #1 priority... and it's always been like that since 1996. Before that we could see her changing the color of her hair every year but if you pay attention to her interviews from 1995 you could see a feeling of loneliness. And now I kind of feel she's the happiest she's ever been.


Let's give her time to decide what directions she needs to take. Professionally it's safe to say she will be involved in more than one project: she's a workaholic. It's not like she's going to disappear.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I expected it years ago but not so much now. Her output is very very good but she's probably not as passionate about her music career as she used to be, I never thought she would be selling lifestyle products but I have accepted it. She also has 6 children and other ambitions... and honestly she probably doesn't have a clear idea of where to go with music, which is why she spreads herself so thin when making an album with so many different producers and so many different and trendy sounds. It's only natural that after so long and so many amazing "re-inventions", it doesn't come as easily, therefore it's probably made her go in other directions when it comes to her interests...


I think she's very capable of a brilliant and innovative album though.


The songwriting during Rebel Heart sessions was pretty great, with all the demos and so many songs being written I think she was inspired during that time. I hope she takes her time, but writing music along the way and putting songs aside for her next album. with Rebel Heart I kinda got the sense that she goes into different sounds during conception of albums and then when she finally starts to piece the tracklist together she ends up having to go with the material that will blend well together in a cohesive way, so great tracks (like Never Let You Go, and Nothing Lasts Forever) that are really well written don't see the light of day not because of any kind of drop in quality but simply because it wouldn't be as cohesive. So you never know, maybe when an album is slightly weaker (like MDNA overall) she ends up using tracks that are kind of throwaway/filler (Superstar) because it won't interrupt the flow of the album. I want more meaningful songs instead of just stupid music that doesn't really mean anything though... Give Me All Your Luvin' isn't all that different to Bitch I'm Madonna really, they're both "show me love" songs. No more Nicki Minaj. I'd like something more organic from her, not acoustic, but more of a Ray of Light kind of vibe. I want music that feels like she wrote it because she had to get it out rather than BIM kinda stuff. Rebel Heart was a step forward though - leaks affected the tracklist most likely, working with different producers who are all busy, having so many different songs and managing to make the album work and sound like a cohesive project, she did quite well really. (Although I'm not sure what possessed her to record a song like Score).


Madonna's best work from the past 15 years tends to sound kind of experimental... Ray of Light and Music, American Life, even Confessions sounds experimental musically when you really listen to it. Songs like Push and Isaac.

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yes RH was definitely a step up and hoping it will continue this trend and considering how many things she was doing and all the trouble during the making and release she did really well. I think maybe a problem with her last couple of albums is the track listing and length. MDNA was a sorta weaker but cutting a few tracks and focusing on the rest would've made it better, since the finished album was a bit too long (the deluxe edition). 


I think RH had very good reception and it definitely deserved it but cutting a few tracks and pulling it together a bit more would've given her even better reception. 80 minutes is too long for an album. I feel the traditional 1 hour album format is still the thing she's best at, and really in general terms the perfect format. 


Imagining COADF with Superpop, Fighting Spirit, History and whatever other extra track would've made it not as good in my opinion as much as I enjoy those tracks... honestly same with all her other albums and their outtakes. She knew what songs to leave out. It sucks for an artist to make those kind of decisions but it's an important part, same with editing a film or any creative project, you have to try to leave some things out that maybe you love for the sake of the whole.


I understand tho that especially RH was a big experiment so I appreciate that it's unconventional but if she did an album the "old fashioned" way with the same kind of effort, it could be amazing...


I also want a Ray Of Light esque album in that it was both meaningful and fun, trendy and experimental, it was all integrated into every track rather than alternating from track to track. I like Bitch I'm Madonna but it's possible to make fun music without it being too silly. Tracks like Celebration or Girl Gone Wild are even sillier in my opinion, at least BIM is playing up a "character". Hung Up on the other hand has some meaning behind it and melodically it is very good. 4 Minutes would be when fun and meaningful together didn't really work out lol, but when she does it right it's magic.

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