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Madonna to present Video of the Year at the VMAs TONIGHT!


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Video of the Year

Can you imagine if Beyoncé wins? Receiving the award... from the Master!

Instead, if Drake wins he can have a second chance with kissing...


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31 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Video of the Year



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6 minutes ago, discohub said:

Cutie of the year, series of the year, man of the year, video of the year, don't you dare ask who he is :scary:


calm down. I know who he is. i like his political rap and video. but i'm not crazy about him dancing topless...for some strange reason i feel second-hand embarrassed...



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3 minutes ago, NowRadiate said:


calm down. I know who he is. i like his political rap and video. but i'm not crazy about him dancing topless...for some strange reason i feel second-hand embarrassed...

Well, that's totally intentional and shouldn't keep you from appreciating the quality of the video, once you know how it works and why it does that to you.

"If you watch “This Is America” on YouTube, you might stumble on videos of people who recorded their own reactions to it. Many of these viewers sway along with Glover at first, rolling their own shoulders, nodding to the afro folk–inspired melody as the musician twists his bare torso, revealing his own musculature and contorting his body in ways both alluring and disturbing. But the benign nature of that contagion is shattered when the first gunshot rings out 53 seconds in, and with the jarring transition of the melody to dark, pulsing trap. In the reaction videos, mouths fall open, and people are stunned into paralysis. The shooting itself is shocking, but so is that fact that Glover carries on dancing as if nothing happened.

An internal struggle begins in the viewer’s body, which is pulled between joy and horror. Just as the video questions how we can dance when there is pandemonium all around, the audience struggles with whether to continue moving, too, after witnessing such brutality, especially after Glover shoots an entire choir of gospel singers, supposedly in reference to the 2015 murder of nine churchgoers by Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina."

source : https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/05/this-is-america-childish-gambino-donald-glover-kinesthetic-empathy-dance/559928/

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10 minutes ago, discohub said:

Well, that's totally intentional and shouldn't keep you from appreciating the quality of the video, once you know how it works and why it does that to you.

"If you watch “This Is America” on YouTube, you might stumble on videos of people who recorded their own reactions to it. Many of these viewers sway along with Glover at first, rolling their own shoulders, nodding to the afro folk–inspired melody as the musician twists his bare torso, revealing his own musculature and contorting his body in ways both alluring and disturbing. But the benign nature of that contagion is shattered when the first gunshot rings out 53 seconds in, and with the jarring transition of the melody to dark, pulsing trap. In the reaction videos, mouths fall open, and people are stunned into paralysis. The shooting itself is shocking, but so is that fact that Glover carries on dancing as if nothing happened.

An internal struggle begins in the viewer’s body, which is pulled between joy and horror. Just as the video questions how we can dance when there is pandemonium all around, the audience struggles with whether to continue moving, too, after witnessing such brutality, especially after Glover shoots an entire choir of gospel singers, supposedly in reference to the 2015 murder of nine churchgoers by Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina."

source : https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/05/this-is-america-childish-gambino-donald-glover-kinesthetic-empathy-dance/559928/

it does a lot to you and makes you think and realize in which reality we (not only americans) are living. I like its artistic and socio-political value.

i just can't get over his nudity. i love nudes. but this one feels naughtier than anything i've seen in a long time. babyface with manly chest....it's disturbing.

but art. agreed. oh well, go and snatch the award from ariana then, the cross-eyed voice wonder.

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