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3 hours ago, poodle said:

Yup, have you tested it? I can also see a Byredo bottle on the right, and Nicki Minaj's Onika next to the Piguet. ETA: Now that I've rewatched the video I can tell that the second perfume's she's spraying on is definitely Diptyque and not some plebian Diamonds or Paris. So the first one is TF Bitter Peach, the second something by Diptyque, and the third one FM Portrait Of A Lady. Aaaand she's an oversprayer of the worst kind.

Nice, I’m gonna search for these ASAP! Just curious! & yes she oversprayed & that means she stinks? ???

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2 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Is this normal??? M in Malawi... all people/children without masks... life is good... just like pre COVID days... like if they’re living in another planet! ???? anyone knows if ?? is free from COVID? ?

I read it has a relatively small number of cases. It’s a very poor country. Not really a tourist hot spot where people from all over the world constantly visit.

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1 hour ago, Ayham said:

Nice, I’m gonna search for these ASAP! Just curious! & yes she oversprayed & that means she stinks? ???

She says her pits stink and that's why she's overspraying, but... bitch please. She's dousing herself like a teenage boy who hasn't showered a single time during the last week.

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5 hours ago, poodle said:

Yup, have you tested it? I can also see a Byredo bottle on the right, and Nicki Minaj's Onika next to the Piguet. ETA: Now that I've rewatched the video I can tell that the second perfume's she's spraying on is definitely Diptyque and not some plebian Diamonds or Paris. So the first one is TF Bitter Peach, the second something by Diptyque, and the third one FM Portrait Of A Lady. Aaaand she's an oversprayer of the worst kind.

I have - it’s nice - but I prefer Lost Cherry - 

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For who is interested, I've found an article which explains what caused her injury: as I supposed, it's osteoarthritis, but please remember this problem is not merely age related. It's caused primarily by mechanical and traumatic stress to the joints and it's quite common in sports: I remember that former N.1 in tennis, Andy Murray, suffered the same injury when the was 30, so I wasn't surprised she had it, 'cause she's pushed her body to the limits and beyond since she was very young.


Hope you enjoy it and have a great new year.

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23 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

I read it has a relatively small number of cases. It’s a very poor country. Not really a tourist hot spot where people from all over the world constantly visit.

The part about "relatively small numbers of cases is WRONG. The US Embassy literally states on it's website "AVOID" Malawi because it's at a "Level 4." With its 18.6 million inhabitants, Malawi is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa, but also one of the poorest in the world, with 40 per cent of the population living in extreme poverty. Widespread poverty makes restrictive policies too costly for people, while a weak healthcare system exacerbates the adverse health effects of the pandemic.

In other words, the numbers are actually bigger then reported for the lack of care and money.  https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/covid-4/coronavirus-malawi

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2 hours ago, Frank said:




Dr Lazarus Chakwera

Madonna came by to say hello today. It was good to hear the progress of her charity work in Malawi.

She seems itchy

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12 hours ago, Frank said:




Dr Lazarus Chakwera

Madonna came by to say hello today. It was good to hear the progress of her charity work in Malawi.

so gorgeous and stunning. Love her dress. ???

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On 12/31/2020 at 7:30 PM, Ayham said:

Is this normal??? M in Malawi... all people/children without masks... life is good... just like pre COVID days... like if they’re living in another planet! ???? anyone knows if ?? is free from COVID? ?

No it isn't. We're just witnessing white/rich privilege and Madonna being a complete idiot once again, without any shame whatsoever. She's so far gone she clearly doesn't realize what an irresponsible fool she has become. 

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14 hours ago, DanK said:

No it isn't. We're just witnessing white/rich privilege and Madonna being a complete idiot once again, without any shame whatsoever. She's so far gone she clearly doesn't realize what an irresponsible fool she has become. 

Jesus Christ.

Why is the default emotion "outrage". Does no one know how to think and just not automatically assume the worst.

How do you know theyre not following guidelines? Why would they go to a children's hospital and put everyone at risk.

Health measures are different everywhere.

I find that some people automatically go to upset or outrage or disbelief and try to cause drama where there isnt any.

When your default emotion is outrage (especially when you just stick to what you see ONLINE and dont have all the information), it is easy to turn to hate and distrust.

And when we have to fall in line with YOUR level of sensitivity, we are all in deep trouble.

Stop assuming that what you see is all there is to see.

See, this is why it is important to read books.

Nuance, accepting of other ideas, not jumping to conclusions, critical thinking...you all get that from reading books,

Something people dont do much anymore.

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*triggered*  :angry:

1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

How do you know theyre not following guidelines?

Because we have eyes. We have videos of Madonna+her kids+dozens of locals dancing/cheering together. Almost nobody's wearing a mask or distancing, and Madonna's basically making herself the spokesperson of non-distancing by posting such videos to her millions of followers. 

1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

How do you know theyre not following guidelines?

Because I know first-hand what the local guidelines are in Malawi, and that ain't it. Maybe you don't. Google is your best friend, it's probably all there. Check it out.

1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

Health measures are different everywhere.

Indeed they are. And she and her team are absolutely not following the national protocol.  They didn't in England, they didn't in the US, and again in Malawi. She's clearly making a point of defiance via her many videos, month after month. And now she's doing this with the blessing of the local officials - who are just too happy to have Malawi making headlines all over the world just because of her presence there. They are only too aware that 90% of the world hadn't even heard the word "Malawi" before Madonna put it on the media-map 15 years ago.


1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

I find that some people automatically go to upset or outrage or disbelief and try to cause drama where there isnt any.

According to you, there isn't any. I'm sure that according to Madonna, there's no reason for drama either. She was lucky not to be one who's had a child under respiratory equipment, lost a parent or a partner to Covid. She's not the one who's going to heal or mourn the people who might be infected with Covid by her very presence or that of her team members during her post-colonial parties in Malawi. She's arrived with a party of +25 people in Lilongwe (flights from the US, the UK) all of them tested with PCR tests post-flight, yet none of them was quarantined, all of them immediately in close contact with locals after their PCR tests.  If you have any medical knowledge or expertise, you'd realize how mental that is, especially when travelling from the US to Africa these days. Then again, I doubt your specialty is virology or epidemiology, otherwise you wouldn't be defending your diva this way. "We don't know" - oh yes, we do. Even if it hadn't been months of fuck-ups on her part through her posts on SM. Even if it had JUST been that one Malawi video she posted... that's enough to call her an irresponsible moron when it comes to that pandemic. But that's very far from being her first strike.

Oh and your "you should read books"-tirade is incredibly out of place and smug. You assume I haven't (and I won't even waste my time defending my credits, that's completely irrelevant here), while I assume that people like you, who despite being shown evidence and having all the cards in hands to make an informed and factual opinion on this matter, decide to go "we don't know", are tepid and neutral. Not all opinions are valid. And at least mine wasn't insulting towards you. Facts are : there are protocols in place all over the world. Madonna's making a point in defying them over and over again, and showing her stand via her social media. I'm making a point calling her an irresponsable idiot on this. Her decisions regarding Covid - or what she's decided to showcase about it at least - make her an irresponsable idiot on this matter. I'm all for her doing whatever she wants with her kids, her demented fake bottom, her career, her boyfriends, whatever, that's her life - but the constant defiance against medical corpus via social media is just gross and makes her an entitled, rich idiot. 

In the end, after 10 months of this crap, it's just exhausting to keep having these conversations with people who aren't informed, who will defend their idol no matter what, and who certainly haven't been touched by Covid themselves.  Get back to me to defend Madonna's no-mask-policy when you'll have seen dozens of people of all ages die from Covid like I did, and then we'll talk. Maybe you'll be a little less protective of her and a little bit more angry at irresponsible people like her.

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On 12/29/2020 at 10:08 PM, RebelBeauty said:

I disagree about Madonna trolling fans. She would never do such a thing. Madonna is the best. Love her 

I am using "trolling" in the sense of being provocative. For Madonna, as an artist, the goal is not to start an argument in the negative sense (although her behaivor often does) but to make people think. 

A great many people mock looking deeper into things and hang on to pressured beliefs shared by whatever group they have attached themselves to. So they are left with just reacting to what someone should or should not be doing. Energy has to go somewhere and this particular energy has found it's way into pop culture. 

Art used to be driven by looking deeper. It seems now to be driven by a controlled set of rules which used to be on the outside looking in. Madonna truly does not fit in and I thank God for that. 

The drag is not in how she appears, the drag is her fans "obsession" with how she appears. In the earlier years I can't tell you how many times I couldn't understand the negative reactions to what I considered thought provoking and a lot of times beautiful. 

Why does how she appears matter so much to us? It's a valid question and can have many different answers with thoughts being just that, thoughts. I can have an opinion on how she appears but if it goes beyond that and I actually get upset at her for how she appears, that's obsession over her appearance and I need to ask myself why her appearance is so important to me? 

I do not think Madonna's fans would be exempt from an invitation to consider what they think about things and people. An artist speaks to the observer. 


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