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What happened with Madonna's lead singles?

Régine Filange

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Leaks and her age and a shift in a way music is put out  and the charts changing rules etc ...she is from a totally different generation and its difficult for her ......listen to wash all over me ..she explains 

gmayl should never have been a single from the album ..it should have been for super bowl only plus it leaked well before it was released 

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

GMAYL happened and then everyone laughed at her.. Horrible song and when u compare M who made Frozen, Vogue, LAP and then GMAYL or BIM of course something bad will happen. RH suffered because of MDNO. We need another Music/Hung Up type of bop this time. She needs to serve quality again. That's what people want from M not some "look at me I'm still that bad bitch, young bitch Madonna, blah, blah." And idk why but she became very lazy with her music videos. Very veryyy lazy. Quality song and quality video for that song is what she needs for this new lead single, no more fun pop trash. :Madonna008:

Leaks and her age and a shift in a way music is put out  and the charts changing rules etc ...she is from a totally different generation and its difficult for her ......listen to wash all over me ..she explains 

gmayl should never have been a single from the album ..it should have been for super bowl only plus it leaked well before it was released 

i dont think the general public like songs when it chants her name like gmayl and bitch im madonna im not surprised nobody bought bitch im madonna what i am surprised about is to why ghosttown was a flop ..it breaks my heart its a great track it worries me because if that wasnt a hit i feel she will never have a hit song again and i hope im wrong

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GMAYL was an awful song, rebel heart was a great collection of B sides, though living for love was a good song. Hard candy had the ugliest album cover in her career, after confessions her albums had a few great tracks like she’s not me, gangbang, addicted, beautiful killer, bitch i’m Madonna was great fun, but I never listen to these three albums. Ghosttown was a bore, she had great ballads throughout her career I acknowledge but what she does best is dance music with a cohesive album. Her best ones are confessions, erotica, and ray of light, three concept records. And I wish she would ignore the USA market, and not try to compete with the shallow. England has served her well

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16 hours ago, drivebitch said:

Both GMAYL and LFL screamed first single, but both weren't very good. I don't see what other song on those albums would have done better as a first single. 

4 Minutes made sense as a lead (even though Madonna wanted "Candy Shop") because it was so beyond commercial. 

With AL, the album, she threw on DAD, so you really don't know which was the lead single, AL, the song, or the James Bond tune. AL remains one of her worst albums and eras to me. It was a mess from top to bottom. I don't blame age or her anti-war stance on that album being a failure either. It just wasn't good. Green Day's "American Idiot" was a triumph as well others who put out much better material that had an anti-war stance. "Hollywood" was originally meant to be the album's title and first single. If you think about it, "Hollywood" summed up the gist of the album's content - anti-commercialism, critical of fame and materialism, etc. It would have made more sense. Even the Craig McDean photographs look like she's at a film premiere. Instead, she chose the on the nose approach, changing the album's imagery into a blatant Patty Hearst, Che Guevara motif for shock value. It backfired. It was predicable. Everyone knew the US was going to war with Iraq as she decided to start filming the music video, too. She loved re-writing the story, saying that they were already filming before anyone knew the US was going. She was in Guy Ritchie mode for a number of years using violence, violence, violence in an effort to shock (WIFLFAG, DAD, then AL). I blame Guy Ritchie for a lot of bad decisions she made. Then there's the other Guy in her life that keeps holding her back and giving bad advice. That's for another time.






i loved all three videos lol ...you got love profusion if you want to see madonna dancing with flowers ...lol 


i also loved the american life artwork the album is a bit dull at times but its not her worst

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GMAYL and LFL were great songs and maybe they didn’t burn up the charts for various reasons, they both reintroduced me to Madonna both times. In High School I didn’t actively seek her music but the singles were strong enough to reach my sphere influences. The Super Bowl obviously is how I heard GMAYL, and M’s Grammy’s performance was popular enough that I saw an article about it and then I heard the song and I was hooked. It’s my favorite song ever, despite all its beautiful scars. 

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16 hours ago, Lucifer's Angel said:

It is a big mistery ngl.

American Life and DAD are great lead singles, but Hollywood is arguably THE worst track on the album and I'm still wandering why the hell she promoted it as single. Confession era was still ok with Hung Up and Sorry, but Get Together was a strong sign that she was starting to lose her touch. There was no need to release such a bad song with an even worse music video (arguably Get Together is THE worst music video in her career). 

Hard Candy had few singles and that's a shame cuz it is honestly top5 Madonna's albums, but at least she avoid some mess track to become singles. 4minutes, Give it to me and Miles Away are amazing songs and they all deserved to be singles. For a moment it seemed everything was back to normal but then MDNA was the final proof that she did lost her touch. Gimme all your luvin' was more like a promo single for her Superbowl show rather than the lead of a new music era. It was like if the halftime show was more important than the album itself. Girl gone wild was ok but it lacked promo and then Turn Up The Radio destroyed any hope left: boring song with even more boring music video.  A huge disappointment aka Get Together. It was more like she wanted to tease the set-list for the MDNA tour and the era itself became just a big promo for the tour. 

Finally RH was the biggest disappointment so far. Both LFL and Ghosttown are mediocre songs and among the less interesting ones in the album. A terrible, terrible choice! She promoted the shit out of LFL but it was too trash to became a hit.  Instead Bitch I'm Madonna is the best song on the album but it was chosen as the last single when the gp had no more hopes for that era left. If BIM was chosen as lead single things would have been very different. Imagine if she performed BIM not at the Tonight Show with Fallon but at the Grammys. She would have caught everyone attention and it would have charted a lot higher and it would have get radio support too. In the UK LFL was played on the old people's radio station, while BIM was a sure hit for young people radios if only had been the lead.

Hopefully she learned tho cuz RH was a big flop and a better singles choice could have made a difference. :shade2:

Of all the songs on RH you honestly think BIM is a worthy choice for a first single?! I’m curious becuse I don’t see a fit. Okay, BIM first single. Second single, third single... LFL and Ghosttown/maybe RH.... the trend don’t match. But I see what you’re seeing. Grabbing people’s attention. She may have done it all wrong. But looking at the choices she made, it didn’t take and therefore she did everything she could. As much as I hate BIM, perhaps it would have been a better first choice. But a false image because it’s “fun”. And the rest are... not.

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Well, To be honest, I think that Real problem is "Not" which song should be lead single.

Real problem is most of songs doesn't have climax in her latest album. 

That's the real problem.

For example, give me your luving and Living for love.

It could be great song. But there's something missing. 

How can I explain this..well..

If you listen great song it is something like this.

"do~ re~ do~re~ do re mi~ then it goes to climax so~ la~ so~la~~~ then bamm!~ ti~~~~~do~~~!!!!!"

you know what I'm trying to saying?

(Don't get me wrong about this, I'm not trying to saying she should sing high tone. It's just metaphor)

But Madonna's latest songs doesn't have these kind of climax.

It feels like her most of latest songs like this.

Low do~ re do~ re~ do~re~~~~ do re mi~~~~ do~re~do~re~do re mi~~ do~re~do~re~ do~re~Dooo.........

you know.. I need something chilling climax from her song.

But her latest song has something missing. you know somthing Bamm!! kind of stuff.




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15 minutes ago, brazilfan said:

Well, To be honest, I think that Real problem is "Not" which song should be lead single.

Real problem is most of songs doesn't have climax in her latest album. 

That's the real problem.

For example, give me your luving and Living for love.

It could be great song. But there's something missing. 

How can I explain this..well..

If you listen great song it is something like this.

"do~ re~ do~re~ do re mi~ then it goes to climax so~ la~ so~la~~~ then bamm!~ ti~~~~~do~~~!!!!!"

you know what I'm trying to saying?

(Don't get me wrong about this, I'm not trying to saying she should sing high tone. It's just metaphor)

But Madonna's latest songs doesn't have these kind of climax.

It feels like her most of latest songs like this.

Low do~ re do~ re~ do~re~~~~ do re mi~~~~ do~re~do~re~do re mi~~ do~re~do~re~ do~re~Dooo.........

you know.. I need something chilling climax from her song.

But her latest song has something missing. you know somthing Bamm!! kind of stuff.




I get what you mean. But in America atleast, most of our top songs don't really have climaxes anymore. They sound pretty much the same all the way through. Ghosttown had a good bridge and then the chorus closed it out. Living for Love has a dramatic bridge too. BIM had Nicki to cover the bridge with a rap. Rebel Heart's song had variation than most songs that burn the top 40.

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7 hours ago, kesiak said:

I think "Living For Love" is great but the video was disappointing and I think overall "Rebel Heart" would've been a better choice for the lead single. 

I've always thought "I'm Addicted" would've been great as the lead single from MDNA - it's got an edge to it and is a great track.

Perfect opinion is perfect.

Also, I will not take any "Get Together" slander anywhere, when it's clearly one of the best tracks she's ever recorded. Whoever disagrees, get taste please.

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4 hours ago, gafuller said:

I get what you mean. But in America atleast, most of our top songs don't really have climaxes anymore. They sound pretty much the same all the way through. Ghosttown had a good bridge and then the chorus closed it out. Living for Love has a dramatic bridge too. BIM had Nicki to cover the bridge with a rap. Rebel Heart's song had variation than most songs that burn the top 40.

Yes Living for love has some kind of dramatic bridge but PROBLEM is that dramatic bridge is not enough for me.

You know what I'm trying to saying?

For example Like a prayer has very similar dramatic part and I'm chilling when I listen that part. I wanna dance like crazy!

But I just can't any feeling from Living for love dramatic bridge.

I remember one of Madonna interview, She said about Living for love something like this

"Diplo want to goes to all the way,  But I have to stop him." 

So I'm really curious and some part I really wish she did just let him to goes to all they way with living for love.

Because I always feel that this song has so much potential to explode to great climax but at some point she just supress to not to explode.




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12 hours ago, Andymad said:

Of all the songs on RH you honestly think BIM is a worthy choice for a first single?! I’m curious becuse I don’t see a fit. Okay, BIM first single. Second single, third single... LFL and Ghosttown/maybe RH.... the trend don’t match. But I see what you’re seeing. Grabbing people’s attention. She may have done it all wrong. But looking at the choices she made, it didn’t take and therefore she did everything she could. As much as I hate BIM, perhaps it would have been a better first choice. But a false image because it’s “fun”. And the rest are... not.

Yes, not only is my fave song on RH, but it is the one that aged better among the gp. Like it or not, BIM is the song with more streams and monthly listeners. It got more than the double of streams of LFL and the music video is the most watched one in Madonna's youtube history. It is a great video portraying how party is done properly and it has replay value regardless of the 3 seconds cameo of the other celebs.

On the other hand, the LFL music video served Gimme all Your Luvin 2.0 teas: it was just the rehearsal for the Grammys performance with her dancers. The Grammy's performance itself was not that great either cuz it looked like the LFL's music video but without any special effect. 

The truth is that the production of BIM is fresh and experimental and it is Madonna's back to her best form. After she performed it live at Fallon the song charted on the Hot100 (the only RH single to achieve this btw), but she did not promote it any further.  Instead,  can you imagine how much more successful BIM would have been if it was choose as lead single and promoted with a live perf at the Grammys and the Brits? Trust me BIM as lead single would have worked out much better and the song itself is much more friendly to young audience radio's stations. 

Ghosttown is a boring generic ballad that could have been released by anyone and it killed any hopes left for the RH era, although the music video was ok. Devil Pray as second single would have smashed the charts worldwide imo. It is a huge BOP that needed a music video and one of the best songs on the album. #justice4DevilPray

As third single I would have chosen probably Addicted cuz it is another huge BOP and should have been included in the standard version. #justice4Addicted

As forth single either Best Night, Veni Vidi Vici, Messiah, Rebel Heart or Wash All Over Me. Said that, the Avicii's demos were much better and it's a shame that she let Kanye ruin those demos. The leaks and the superior Avicii's demos were the real reason RH flopped, but still a better single choice could have made a difference XD

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51 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

Oh wow, BIM is Madonna back to her best form? 

Ok so LFL is back to her best form to me. But you do have to admit BIM did well considering the circumstances. And LFL was great. I think Ghosttown has aged the best. I put in playlists still with the newest songs on the charts and it never sticks out like a sore thumb. I also like placing Living for Love before High Hopes by Panic! and let them cross fade. 

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

Oh wow, BIM is Madonna back to her best form? 


I will not accept that butchering. 

Well some of her old fan really hate this song because it's too trendy but you have to admit that BIM is the one of most successful song of Madonna in decade. And young generation really into this song. 



I mean Bitch I'm Madonna is the only one Madonna song which these Young generation want to dance with and even make choreography their own.

Yean It maybe not a dance song for Old people but you have to admit that Young generation really like this song.

So I personally prefer Living for love than BIM, But I also have to agree with that If BIM was the lead single then we had different result.

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2 minutes ago, gafuller said:

Ok so LFL is back to her best form to me. But you do have to admit BIM did well considering the circumstances. And LFL was great. I think Ghosttown has aged the best. I put in playlists still with the newest songs on the charts and it never sticks out like a sore thumb. I also like placing Living for Love before High Hopes by Panic! and let them cross fade. 

BIM is arguably the most fun song on the album and Madonna back to her best humor and rebellious attitude. The lyrics are not as good as in Devil Pray, but the chorus is super catchy and Nicki's verse snaps. The sound is the most experimental one since AL. The instrumental goes hard, especially at the end of the song. It is that kind of sound-adrenaline that makes you lose control on a dancefloor. 
Just to clarify, LFL is a good song with a sophisticated instrumental, but lyrically it s not that catchy and it is not as good as BIM on the dancefloor. It would have worked out much better as an album track, giving the chance to Devil's Pray to shine. Just my two cents btw.

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On 1/8/2019 at 6:42 PM, discohub said:


How many times will we have to repeat this ?

Oh yes, he definitely did/does:

Proof 1: Hating the 'icy strings' and general feedback during the ROL sessions
Proof 2: Personally inviting Justin Timberlake to work with Madonna during the HC sessions
Proof 3: Advising Madonna against naming an album Black Madonna

And probably many other instances that we will never know about.

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1 hour ago, billybillybobilly said:

Oh yes, he definitely did/does:

Proof 1: Hating the 'icy strings' and general feedback during the ROL sessions
Proof 2: Personally inviting Justin Timberlake to work with Madonna during the HC sessions
Proof 3: Advising Madonna against naming an album Black Madonna

And probably many other instances that we will never know about.

Yep, and he's personally reached out to producers to send demos to her. He has a big influence on her. He worked for Maverick and brought people like Mirwais to her attention. She puts a lot of faith in him.

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1 hour ago, billybillybobilly said:

Oh yes, he definitely did/does:

Proof 1: Hating the 'icy strings' and general feedback during the ROL sessions
Proof 2: Personally inviting Justin Timberlake to work with Madonna during the HC sessions
Proof 3: Advising Madonna against naming an album Black Madonna

And probably many other instances that we will never know about.

OK. Wow. He gave her advice. SO BAD GUY O, BOO BOO.

That's what partners do.

If she didn't want to do any of those things, she wouldn't have done them. He is not forcing anything on her. Stop blaming him for her own choices.

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19 minutes ago, discohub said:

OK. Wow. He gave her advice. SO BAD GUY O, BOO BOO.

That's what partners do.

If she didn't want to do any of those things, she wouldn't have done them. He is not forcing anything on her. Stop blaming him for her own choices.

I blame both lol...

He had/has a lot of influence over her decision-making and you'd be naive to think otherwise.

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MDNA stronger singles choices:

Turn Up The Radio (First single, fits incredible for the superbowl)

Gang Bang (Second single with an amazing video A La Quentin)

Love Spent (Third single)

Falling Free (Last single, a remixed version, with a beat like Frozen)


And for Rebel Heart:

First single: Devil Pray (feat Avicci and BLOODPOP in the music video)

Ghosttown is perfect the way it was released

HeartBreakCity as the third single

And Rebel Heart (Avicci's version as the final single)

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  1. Nobody Knows Me
  2. Nothing Fails
  3. Mother & Father
  4. Intervention

CONFESSIONS - Perfect singles run


  1. 4 Minutes
  2. Give It 2 Me
  3. Miles Away
  4. Beat Goes On

WE - Masterpiece stand alone single (included on deluxe MDNA)

SUPERBOWL - GMAYL stand alone single (Included on deluxe MDNA)


  1. LoveSpent / Gang Bang (double A with a Tarantino video that spanned both songs)
  2. I'm A Sinner
  3. Some Girls

REBEL released March

  1. Iconic (DEC 14)
  2. Rebel Heart (FEB 15 with album) 
  3. Devil Pray (MAY 15)

HEART released Sept

  1. Bitch I'm Madonna (AUG 15)
  2. Body Shop (OCT 15)
  3. Ghosttown (DEC 15)  XMAS market with "Holy" Water remixes being issued to clubs)
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13 hours ago, steady75 said:


  1. Nobody Knows Me
  2. Nothing Fails
  3. Mother & Father
  4. Intervention

CONFESSIONS - Perfect singles run


  1. 4 Minutes
  2. Give It 2 Me
  3. Miles Away
  4. Beat Goes On

WE - Masterpiece stand alone single (included on deluxe MDNA)

SUPERBOWL - GMAYL stand alone single (Included on deluxe MDNA)


  1. LoveSpent / Gang Bang (double A with a Tarantino video that spanned both songs)
  2. I'm A Sinner
  3. Some Girls

REBEL released March

  1. Iconic (DEC 14)
  2. Rebel Heart (FEB 15 with album) 
  3. Devil Pray (MAY 15)

HEART released Sept

  1. Bitch I'm Madonna (AUG 15)
  2. Body Shop (OCT 15)
  3. Ghosttown (DEC 15)  XMAS market with "Holy" Water remixes being issued to clubs)

Nice, except that I'd consider Bitch I'm Madonna more of a REBEL single, and I'd release just two singles from each part of the album because quality over quantity (oh, and budget constraints!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I belive Hollywood would be better choice for lead single for American Life. First make it commercial than political.

MDNA was poor choice with GMAYL - she could do Superbowl without it.

New album with GGW would be better.

Hard Candy 4 minutes duet would do great even if second single because of Timberlake, Give it to me would be better first but I still dislike LP version of it.


About Rebel Heart... first single was a good choice but the leak ruined it. remember...we all knew the song 2 months before the video was out. Ghosttown was a good choice for a single but she lost it with Bitch Im Madonna...not because the song but the video that looked like a parody but it wasnt. It was fun on Jimmy Fallon but music video no. She should release live rebel heart tour version instead. My opinion...

Problem with Rebel Heart album is to many songs only 3 singles. To bad she didn't release at least 2 more singles after Bitch Im Madonna, she was on tour it was still "new". 



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On 1/8/2019 at 5:30 AM, Andymad said:

To be honest I thought living for love was a great lead single. The song was great, video was great (and in HD), the promo live performances were great, as was Ghosttown.


I think she literally did everything she could have done... it just didn’t take with the general public which is unfortunate. 

I agree

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