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Madame X Tour | Paris


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2 hours ago, cosmic_system said:

I get it was very late, but it was saturday night in Paris. Are everybody in Paris in bed by midnight usually? I mean, she also did a full show. 

There's really no excuse that's good enough for the tardiness at this point. It's not like anyone attending the show can just go hang out at a bar until the show starts. And no, not everyone in Paris is sleeping at midnight on a weekend, but let's see how this goes over on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Having sat in 4 of Madame X's audiences, the waiting and the no phone policy do make it feel slightly hostage-like. ?


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5 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I think we can probably assume it will be the shorter show on the second nights. Unless it really was because of the curfew. She actually gave both as a reason on her instagram clips so...

Yes, we can only go by her pattern and what she explained on IG when she mentioned why she was cancelling and shortening some shows. 

I have a feeling that what happened last night was definitely something technical/legit that started the show late.  Then again, I believe her injuries could have played a part too.  It's just she should use it to her advantage and explain exactly what is going on. Though, she is quite stubborn and she tends to think she doesn't owe people an explanation.  In a way, I agree since no matter what she says, it will still be criticized or questioned.

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4 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

Wait... people still defend stuff like this in here? The show ended at 2am guys.

A show scheduled to start at 21:30 /9:30 ended at 2:15 and people still go "wat? People go to bed early in France?"

This is hugely disrespectful. What's next? 3am to end the show? Getting home at 4am? Seriously...

I can only imagine people that needed transportation to get home. She deserves the bad publicity.

Thanks. Some forget it's not just die hards attending this show either but some of the GP so not everyone is going to wait hours for the queen. Waiting during MDNA was brutal both nights with almost two hours of simply waiting there with nothing aside the opening DJ act then another hour and a half of nothing. With Rebel Heart, she started going on time and then reverted back to the late starts. If some don't mind the wait, by all means but the majority don't want to wait hours for a late show and then scramble trying to find their way home etc. I feel a lot of fans would be fine if she simply walked out, waved and then went home because she's the QuEeN!

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4 hours ago, tajybajyboo said:

 How did we get here? I want to grab her by the shoulders, sit her down, stare her right in the eyes and say: 

‘look, if you’re going to do this, do it properly or not at all. Stop taking the piss, pretending you’re better than all of us and acting like you don’t give a shit. You’re ruining everything you’ve worked so hard for, through your own conceited, selfish arrogance. Learn some humility. Show some respect. Be grateful for your success and never forget we are the ones who put you where you are.’

I’m not sure if our unfaltering loyalty is admirable or just foolish at this point, but things have got to change.

I think you should relax. We fans - especially we hardcore fans - have the tendency to wanting to direct our idol as if they were a puppet. Well they ain't. 

Have you always been at the top of your game in you life? Do you know anyone who has? 

The answer is one and only.

To my opinion Madonna is today is a continuation to her grandiose past, still strong only maybe inevitably less charming, it's true. But I personally wouldn't be able to do what she does at 36, guess at 61. I salute her amazing craftwork and personality, for me one in a zillion!!!!

No one does it like Madonna! Who cares about radios, who cares about popularity, when you have THAT!

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30 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Damn, now THATS a crowd!


   Also... Did Instagram change something? Videos aren't playing in my browser anymore. @Fighter  ?


Nevermind, some of them work. :confused:

It is!

Also, according to twitter, the first act went on at 10:00. So, if all goes well, she should start around 11:00? Still late, but better than last night.  ?

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