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Madame X Tour | New York City


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19 minutes ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

I know it's sort of off topic and that I'm in the minority on this (surprise, surprise) but I would kill for a rock tour from her. Play the guitar or don't. Just stand there and sing. 

It would solve this problem. I'd be there every night. 

If she’s going to just stand/sit I think I’d prefer an acoustic tour over a rock tour. Would be cool to see her change the setlist up lots and do lots of surprises.

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27 minutes ago, THE ROSE MIST said:

If she’s going to just stand/sit I think I’d prefer an acoustic tour over a rock tour. Would be cool to see her change the setlist up lots and do lots of surprises.

I feel like a rock tour would still have the energy of a Madonna concert with people still up and having fun. Put an acoustic set in the middle

 That OYH demo from a few years ago is heaven

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4 hours ago, cyberrage said:

Cant she just add one of these-



This whole forum is a gag:lol::lol:. I gagged :ahh:Ain’t nothing wrong with a good roast!
We all know knee injury is a bitch. Three days ain’t enough. Like y’all said: she been wearing those tapes since rehearsals. The best thing for her to do is cancel the whole tour and rest.  Focus on other projects. Maybe do a documentary netflix. 

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Knee injuries take months to heal. Three days ain't gonna cut it. Expecting more dates to be cancelled/postponed. She really shouldn't have booked all those back to back theatre dates. Three or maximum four shows a week would have been much more realistic and easier on the body. 

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9 hours ago, L-U-V said:

What is going on?


I have tickets to the Chicago show on the 16th and I have not been refunded.

I HATE to say this, but I also think the rest of the New York dates should be cancelled. She was there for around two weeks, so people that wanted to see her in New York had ample dates to do so. She already moved the 10/15 Chicago date, which gives her another day of rest. With well over a week of being off of her knee she has a better chance of healing up. I don't think she's done anything truly bad to her knee, and she probably only needs a few days of rest, but honestly, the more rest the better because we all know that it would take a true act of God for Madonna to cancel the tour.

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1 hour ago, *mlvc* said:

I HATE to say this, but I also think the rest of the New York dates should be cancelled. She was there for around two weeks, so people that wanted to see her in New York had ample dates to do so.

In New York especially out of all cities, a large portion of attendees aren't from New York, especially as it had the most dates in the US of the lottery options.  It's fine for her to cancel, but she needs to do so ASAP and not an hour before.  There's nothing more devastating than showing up to a show and finding out it's cancelled then.  Most fans aren't made of money unlike Madonna.  I also feel especially bad for these last 2 shows' ticketholders as most will be rescheduled tickets from the original opening night dates, so they will be suffering a second cancellation.

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1 hour ago, stfan97 said:

In New York especially out of all cities, a large portion of attendees aren't from New York, especially as it had the most dates in the US of the lottery options.  It's fine for her to cancel, but she needs to do so ASAP and not an hour before.  There's nothing more devastating than showing up to a show and finding out it's cancelled then.  Most fans aren't made of money unlike Madonna.  I also feel especially bad for these last 2 shows' ticketholders as most will be rescheduled tickets from the original opening night dates, so they will be suffering a second cancellation.

I didn't mean to come across as harsh. You are correct that many people that went/plan to go to the NY shows aren't local and some are international. I suppose I mean that if the tour is to continue it wouldn't be fair for Chicago attendees (and yes, I am attending the 16th if the show goes ahead - maybe a little bias here) because there were always far fewer dates and therefore the options for attendance were always smaller.

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1 minute ago, *mlvc* said:

I didn't mean to come across as harsh. You are correct that many people that went/plan to go to the NY shows aren't local and some are international. I suppose I mean that if the tour is to continue it wouldn't be fair for Chicago attendees (and yes, I am attending the 16th if the show goes ahead - maybe a little bias here) because there were always far fewer dates and therefore the options for attendance were always smaller.

I understand what you meant, I just mean that for everyone (both Madonna and her fans) it would be better to have as much advance notice as possible if a cancellation is necessary.  The first time last minute is understandable, but it's no time to be heroic.  Her fans aren't made of money, so making a habit of last minute cancellations to try to push through is the worst thing that she can do.

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5 hours ago, BeepBeepBitchMove said:

Knee injuries take months to heal. Three days ain't gonna cut it. Expecting more dates to be cancelled/postponed. She really shouldn't have booked all those back to back theatre dates. Three or maximum four shows a week would have been much more realistic and easier on the body. 

We don’t know the full details but based on the bandages during rehearsals we can speculate it’s probably a longer term injury which would mean 2-3 weeks rest would be beneficial.

If she needs 2-3 weeks off she could postpone Chicago entirely. It would be much safer for the overall tour, they can come back after Paris and add more NYC shows while they are there. If she pushes herself too hard now there’s a risk she will have to cancel more dates later on.

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14 minutes ago, Fuchur said:

I know you weren't being serious, but I honestly think this would be a real badass move on her part!

She could even crack jokes about it in the show.

And I know you aren't being serious either, but the stairs don't have rails on either side, so... :tongue:

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Nah, I was ~kinda~ being serious.  There's a lot of humorous banter in the show, so why not a joke about "my grandma knees" and "needing a lift to get up and down those fucking steps" ?

If I were in the audience (which sadly I won't be), I would totally appreciate her owning this unfortunate knee situation.

Obviously I don't know what kind of lift could logistically be added to the stage...

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Just now, ScottyX said:

A good piece of 2x4 could suffice as a rail lol

Lol well if we're being serious, you'd need more than one lift.  The stairs are actually 4 stair pieces that form 2 layers of stairs of different heights depending on the song and they all move around in different directions in different patterns.

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