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Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?


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3 minutes ago, R3B3LH3ART said:

AHHH omg finally! I can listen to the 12'' version on spotify and not through youtube

Seriously hoping they put ALL her singles on streaming.. I have a LOT of faves that aren't available.. :sad:

Omg just realized they put Human Nature there too!!

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I'm a fan since 1989. When I heard about a new album for 2019, I thought : "OMG I can't wait ! I want to see her in 5 shows in Europe !"  I was excited.

Then, Medellin arrived. I was like : "Huh" ? But it was OK. But then, the album has been released,, and after 1 play, I felt depressed. I thought that this album was to encourage suicide or so.  DEPRESSED ! It was the total opposite of Music, La isla Bonita, ROL, and almost the opposite of each Madonna album. 

Then, the tour. When I saw the 3 cities in Europe and the prices, I knew that my 5 shows plan was dead. So I planned only 1 date, which hopefully has not been cancelled.

It was not Interscope fault. Of course, the lack of promo didn't helped, but the main failure was the whole era.

But I think Warner won't even allow her to release such an album. And they won't let the Instagram account becoming a political room. 

Interscope didn't put any interest in Madonna, maybe because they knew her deal was mainly with Live Nation and huge tours. MX was supposed to be her biggest tour in the number of dates.

With Warner, I guess there won't be any tour planned. So they 'll focus on Music in order to protect the back catalog. The more the new album will be good, the more the back catalog will be protected (in terms of sales). 


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Pages later, it's safe to say we have come to one simple conclusion. A vast majority of those posting on here don't like Madonna as she is, and think she'd be more appealing (to them) if she just returned to being a one-dimensional marketing ploy solely incorporating the fundamental infrastructure of her Warner Bros. years. 

Either you love Madonna, warts, scars and all, and seek to understand her creative drive in spite of the way she is marketed, sold, exploited and denigrated via tabloidism, or you find yourself at a constant impasse of disagreeable disappointment.

I'd venture as far as to say that the contrarianism of her fanbase is as much to blame for the pervasive negativity surrounding her public image and her dwindling popularity as ageism, sexism and politics. In comparison to what Madonna has done in the last ten years alone, I imagine most of these contrarians are totally underwhelming. 

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12 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

Pages later, it's safe to say we have come to one simple conclusion. A vast majority of those posting on here don't like Madonna as she is, and think she'd be more appealing (to them) if she just returned to being a one-dimensional marketing ploy solely incorporating the fundamental infrastructure of her Warner Bros. years. 

Either you love Madonna, warts, scars and all, and seek to understand her creative drive in spite of the way she is marketed, sold, exploited and denigrated via tabloidism, or you find yourself at a constant impasse of disagreeable disappointment.

I'd venture as far as to say that the contrarianism of her fanbase is as much to blame for the pervasive negativity surrounding her public image and her dwindling popularity as ageism, sexism and politics. In comparison to what Madonna has done in the last ten years alone, I imagine most of these contrarians are totally underwhelming. 

Totally. There's also an element of nostalgia when it comes to discussing her potential return to WB and nostalgia can be dangerous cause it's selective. Let's not forget "Erotica", "SEX" book,  "American Life", the children books all happened on Warner's watch. I personally have nothing against any of the above mentioned (well, couldn't care less about the kids books really) but there were plenty of people questioning her choices back then too. It's also as if some fans want to go MMGA - Make Madonna Great Again while forgetting there have been plenty of slip ups along the way and all those (perceived) failures, along with the successes; the mess and the glory, are what make her such a compelling artist. You can either enjoy the ride or change the train. :)

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8 minutes ago, Fighter said:

Maybe we should just let people have opinions, as messy as they can be, without resorting to personal insults and assumptions.. it's not like we don't know how fanbases are, it's not a problem solely on this fandom or "most people here". 

Nothing I wrote is based upon assumption. I read it. Over and over. I'm quite certain everyone will continue to share their opinions, with or without my two cents. And when I feel like it, i will weigh in as I see fit. No personal insults in my posts. Check again! 

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2 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

Nothing I wrote is based upon assumption. I read it. Over and over. I'm quite certain everyone will continue to share their opinions, with or without my two cents. And when I feel like it, i will weigh in as I see fit. No personal insults in my posts. Check again! 

"In comparison to what Madonna has done in the last ten years alone, I imagine most of these contrarians are totally underwhelming."

You really want to continue insulting people's intelligence? 

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1 hour ago, kesiak said:

 Let's not forget "Erotica", "SEX" book,  "American Life", the children books all happened on Warner's watch. I personally have nothing against any of the above mentioned (well, couldn't care less about the kids books really) but there were plenty of people questioning her choices back then too. 

That's true and at the time the whole Madonna' slipped up and her career is all washed up and over etc was being discussed and she was bashed all the time in the press relentlessly  - there was really nothing nice written or spoken about her in the press for about 2 years following.

I think most fans still think the Erotica album was brilliant in terms of music even if she was not liked by the general public at the time and American Life too even if not as good as Music and Ray or Light - it had some great music on it. With that dip in popularity she came back with the Re-Invention Tour, Live8 and Confessions to reach another career imperial phase and after Erotica she came back with Bedtime Stories, Evita then Ray of Light.

Her next moves after both those less popular albums were genius in the way she built things back up with the projects and music that followed. I think the u turn she managed after the Erotica backlash was incredible like turning the titanic around and am sure Warner Bros would have been heavily involved in that. I think she got more negative press in 93/94 than she is getting now  - it was brutal.

Maybe the difference in the last 10 years is that the quality of music has declined from her own high standards of amazing to three ok/quite good but patchy albums when her music used to always be so brilliant on each release even if she was not in favour with the general public like Erotica and American Life.

I think if she had stayed with Warner, their expertise would have really supported and helped to steer things back after a less popular release like MDNA as had been the case before  - I don't think Rebel Heart and Madame X at least in the format/versions/singles we got them and how they were promoted would have followed MDNA under Warner Bros. Up to the last 10 years when she was with Warner any mis-steps/albums not as well received have always been followed up with some great music from Madonna and really well promoted.  

So am really hopeful for what she might come up with if she does return to Warner and there is more focus on her music, promoting it and her credibility as an artist. I do agree with the comments that she may have been left on her own under Interscope in terms her music/recording career and output while all the focus was on the Live Nation Touring parts of her deal

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So much negativity towards her last couple of albums. I personally loved all three!

People slagging Medellin - if I remember correctly it was UKs Radio 2 featured song for several weeks in a row - that says to me it was received well. Her Billboard performance was trending for a few weeks as well.

Crave did well too - No. 51 on the UK charts, and No. 11 on the US Adult Contemporary - and received good airplay!

Bitch was her biggest uTube hit in decades from Rebel Heart - plus with Rebel Heart she put her blood sweat and tears into that album - there's 130 + versions, and at least 40-50 unique songs - she worked hard on that album and some fans (or maybe non fans) ruined it for her. But she promoted the fuck out of it - all over the world!

Whether you like her processed vocals or not, that's a personal preference. They all do it - even Taylor Swift.  Madame X was received extremely well by the critics - and I think it did pretty well considering it was very much a latin infused album in a non latin market.

But, her brand is damaged - touring wise - coming on so late on all tours since MDNA isn't helping her with the general public. Her Rebel Heart Tour while brilliant - and finally coming to Australia - the legacy of that was the general public being pissed about her coming on so late.



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9 hours ago, DaddyZ said:

.....and one could simply label you a yay sayer who applauds everything she does even if it stinks, without a hint of critical thinking?


As far as I'm concerned she fkd up the album with the over processed vocals. Artistic choice or not most people, fans, love her voice and want to hear that voice not some computer distorted nonsense. There was no soul, no warmth, nothing. The album could've been a great return to form but it simply wasn't. Elements were there but she seems to have lost that magic touch a while ago. Maybe age just does that.

The general public didn't care for her vocodered mess either. Medellin could've been her new Las Isla Bonita but alas....The other massive fk ups were the Grand Prix - Eurovision. Who advises her on these matters? A producer friend of mine who worked on the show said that during rehearsals it was clear she wasn't delivering the vocals to Like A Prayer. She was struggling hard and should've lipped it that one too.  If she had just done a medley of Holiday and Music and hints of something MadamX she could've killed it, well if she lip synced it. Something fun, that's what they spirit of that show is, a coming together of nations to celebrate. The dark LAP and the crap Future were just so out of place.

And then of course the utter disrespect for her fans who travel and spend thousands of hard earned money and then get either cancelled on or have to wait endlessly for the show to start and then have to struggle finding their way home if they actually stayed for the show. It's disgusting behavior. 

I live in NYC, 20 min cab drive from BAM and for me the experience was great. I fkn loved the show, saw it three times. She wasn't broken yet, the design, the dancers, the small venue, the interactions, her...all was amazing (besides maybe 2-3 songs of MX that she could've dropped and put other fan pleasers in. I say fan pleaser because I don't care for the big hits, just some other songs) .... but I feel for everyone who was so happy to see her only to get fkd in the end. Fukk, I even had tickets to see her in Paris but sold my tix on stub hub a week before knowing how much she was struggling. The date we were supposed to go she did the short version of the show and it would've pissed me off.

She could've done her "living room" jam sessions for the fans if she was too broken to dance and sing. She didn't have to cancel. Sit in a chair like Phil Collins did with his broken back (?) and jam...Watch him on youtube form last years tour. All most fans want is to see her and hear her sing. It would've made for something very special, instead fo cancelling. 

Her touring power, just like her musical power, just like her fanbase have diminished and most of it is her own fault.


I don’t disagree with your experience and perspective; I simply have a different one. Sycophantic isn’t an adjective often aimed in my direction, but if you find my decision not to spend my time on a Madonna forum complaining about her poor choices and how she should have done things differently and to my personal taste proof of my lack of critical thinking, then I can’t really argue with that. I will continue to focus on her accomplishments because I prefer to find the positive in all circumstances. It isn’t personal toward anyone in particular that I stated what I did, but in all fairness, I think my point stands if you actually go back to the beginning of this thread and see how it degenerated into another revisionist shit show about how much better Madonna’s career could have been if only she’d listened to her fans. Anyone around long enough on the Madonna forum circuit has been reading variations on this same topic for over a decade...perhaps even longer if I recall how American Life was perceived once it wasn’t performing as well commercially.

I’ve never been a follower. I think Madonna is as flawed as she is brilliant. As far as I’m concerned, she gives her all, and that’s plenty. I find it weird that I have to defend myself on a forum devoted to Madonna for not avidly ripping her a new asshole for things none of us can change, and that she did the way she either intended or was limited to for reasons we are not fully aware of.

I do happen to find it particularly sad that her incredible stamina in spite of her very serious degenerative injuries isn’t what her fans and the general public have chosen to focus on. She may have canceled to the disappointment of many and annoyed people with her consistent lateness, but I personally try not to judge without walking in someone else’s shoes. Imagine what it felt like with no cartilage in her hip area and a busted knee, performing a show as close to her artistic vision as possible that she invested blood, sweat and tears into...to the point that she might never be able to walk properly again, let alone dance. That may have been foolish of her, but it’s nothing short of extraordinary in my opinion. Ultimately, she will pay a higher price than any of her fans for that folly, and so I guess that’s what drives my point of view. 

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MadonnaStellar exclusive from Roger Friedman/Showbiz 411:  Madonna is at a crossroads now. Her record deal with Interscope is over after a decade of not selling records, CD’s, downloads, or streams.Variety first reported this news last week.

It’s a situation not uncommon to older artists. Madonna was once a bestselling pop star with Warner Music. Then she moved into the Interscope phase, which was tied to her concert tours. The albums were bundled with tickets to make it look like they were selling.

But in recent years, the record sales have dried up as radio stations don’t play new music by legacy stars. It’s hard to believe that the woman whose records are ubiquitous on oldies and disco stations can’t get arrested now on radio. The one time Material Girl turns 62 in a couple of weeks.

Madonna’s total sales this year, according to Buzz Angle/Alpha Data, comes to 28,300 albums in CD sales and paid downloads. Her last album, Madame X, has sold 170,000 copies since it was released on June 14, 2019. Of that number 125K was CD’s and downloads. The rest came from streaming. I’m sorry to say, but that’s not enough to engage a contract from a major label.

Madonna could go the way of a lot of older artists and sign a vanity deal with BMG. But they just rubber stamp the release and do no marketing or distribution. (Ask Chrissie Hynde.) Warner’s could make a distribution deal with her since they have her biggest catalog. But there’s no money there for new Madonna music.

What Madonna could do is revive her Maverick Records as indie, use an outside distributor, and hire PR, radio, ad, social marketing etc people. What Madonna hasn’t really explored are box sets, taking old albums and making anniversary packages, finding lost recordings. For some legacy artists, that’s become a good business. (See Paul McCartney.)

But Madonna just posted to Instagram that she did everything to make her career, she had help from no one. She did it her way. So she may not find a lot of people who want to help her now when she needs it.

Having been intimately involved in Madonna’s early-career (The Funhouse; Mark Kamins; Jellybean; Sire) I can tell you Roger has really hit the nail-on –the-head this time. Madonna has re-invented her image (or, at least tried to) so many times … I bet even she’s a bit confused now.

Watching the Go Go’s documentary I really zeroed in on the problem: Is Madonna relevant anymore? Sure, she, along with Cyndi Lauper, was at the forefront of femme-artists who would go onto making, not only major record sales, but major pop culture changes. Remember when Madonna wore those cheesy black-rubber bracelets? All the gals did back then … and, even some of the guys.

She was, for better or worse, a major, pop-culture phenomenon. Her music was first and foremost, but the way she looked and acted, just totally unique. Taylor Swift, Britney Spears and Katy Perry owe a lot to Ms. Madonna.

Truth be told, before Madonna, there really hadn’t been such an iconic female figure figure since Cher.

She changed culture for sure. Remember her singing “Like A Virgin” in a wedding dress at the VMA’s at Radio City? Right?

Can she get back in the saddle? Of course. Though last week she practically dismissed everyone who had helped her along the way in an Instagram post, believe me, there are literally dozens who’d help her out in a New York-minute. From Shep Pettibone to Nile Rogers, Bobby Shaw and Seymour Stein too …  they’d all be there. The reason why? They made some great music … and, boy, do we need it now more than ever.



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In a time when you're either a "follower" or a "hater" there's very little room for a nuanced discussion. The lack of general public's ability to engage in music and with an artist on a more nuanced way is also why Madame X suffered (I mean, aside from not getting radio airplay). I love that album. I think it's clever, brilliant, edgy and packed with great songs but it's a little bit too much for the 6 second attention span generation (although I'd argue even that could be challenged with certain songs off the album were they given proper airplay). Would I prefer less vocal processing? Yes, but I got over it and enjoy it for what it is. The tour was a magical experience for me despite several cancellations - it was a privilege to see that show. And yes, I would've loved a live drummer but I got over that too.

The relief Gaga's and Kylie's recent returns to straight forward dance pop shows how little is expected of our artists these days - as long as they stay in their lanes, provide the stuff that made them big in the first place, we shall accept them wholeheartedly. It's also displayed in the never-ending Confessions On A Dancefloor nostalgia among Madonna's fans (one of Madonna's weakest albums in my opinion). I love the fact Madonna is not that kind of artist and she does what she wants. I struggle to understand why people can't appreciate and celebrate the fact that here's a woman in her 60s, with almost 4 decades in the business behind, who doesn't conform to what's expected of her, doesn't rely on her legacy and is instead looking forward and still experimenting. That doesn't mean liking everything she does (I sure don't) but perhaps having a bit more perspective and compassion for her. I think others are doing the best they can given the circumstances they are in. I don't know if that's true but I know I feel better when I assume that. :)

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22 minutes ago, kesiak said:

In a time when you're either a "follower" or a "hater" there's very little room for a nuanced discussion. The lack of general public's ability to engage in music and with an artist on a more nuanced way is also why Madame X suffered (I mean, aside from not getting radio airplay). I love that album. I think it's clever, brilliant, edgy and packed with great songs but it's a little bit too much for the 6 second attention span generation (although I'd argue even that could be challenged with certain songs off the album were they given proper airplay). Would I prefer less vocal processing? Yes, but I got over it and enjoy it for what it is. The tour was a magical experience for me despite several cancellations - it was a privilege to see that show. And yes, I would've loved a live drummer but I got over that too.

The relief Gaga's and Kylie's recent returns to straight forward dance pop shows how little is expected of our artists these days - as long as they stay in their lanes, provide the stuff that made them big in the first place, we shall accept them wholeheartedly. It's also displayed in the never-ending Confessions On A Dancefloor nostalgia among Madonna's fans (one of Madonna's weakest albums in my opinion). I love the fact Madonna is not that kind of artist and she does what she wants. I struggle to understand why people can't appreciate and celebrate the fact that here's a woman in her 60s, with almost 4 decades in the business behind, who doesn't conform to what's expected of her, doesn't rely on her legacy and is instead looking forward and still experimenting. That doesn't mean liking everything she does (I sure don't) but perhaps having a bit more perspective and compassion for her. I think others are doing the best they can given the circumstances they are in. I don't know if that's true but I know I feel better when I assume that. :)

I always love your posts. A very well balanced forum member. 

I also think that any future greatest hits compilations will feature at least six songs from the interscope era

at a guess


Girl Gone Wild


Bitch I’m Madonna



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3 hours ago, Alibaba said:

I don’t disagree with your experience and perspective; I simply have a different one. Sycophantic isn’t an adjective often aimed in my direction, but if you find my decision not to spend my time on a Madonna forum complaining about her poor choices and how she should have done things differently and to my personal taste proof of my lack of critical thinking, then I can’t really argue with that. I will continue to focus on her accomplishments because I prefer to find the positive in all circumstances. It isn’t personal toward anyone in particular that I stated what I did, but in all fairness, I think my point stands if you actually go back to the beginning of this thread and see how it degenerated into another revisionist shit show about how much better Madonna’s career could have been if only she’d listened to her fans. Anyone around long enough on the Madonna forum circuit has been reading variations on this same topic for over a decade...perhaps even longer if I recall how American Life was perceived once it wasn’t performing as well commercially.

I’ve never been a follower. I think Madonna is as flawed as she is brilliant. As far as I’m concerned, she gives her all, and that’s plenty. I find it weird that I have to defend myself on a forum devoted to Madonna for not avidly ripping her a new asshole for things none of us can change, and that she did the way she either intended or was limited to for reasons we are not fully aware of.

I do happen to find it particularly sad that her incredible stamina in spite of her very serious degenerative injuries isn’t what her fans and the general public have chosen to focus on. She may have canceled to the disappointment of many and annoyed people with her consistent lateness, but I personally try not to judge without walking in someone else’s shoes. Imagine what it felt like with no cartilage in her hip area and a busted knee, performing a show as close to her artistic vision as possible that she invested blood, sweat and tears into...to the point that she might never be able to walk properly again, let alone dance. That may have been foolish of her, but it’s nothing short of extraordinary in my opinion. Ultimately, she will pay a higher price than any of her fans for that folly, and so I guess that’s what drives my point of view. 

My experience is my experience and is not up for you to agree with or not. It just is. The arrogance of it all. 
You write a lot but say nothing at all besides criticizing people for voicing their opinions while heralding your own and walking on some faux higher ground because “positivity”.  There’s nothing positive about letting your fans of 4 decades wait for THAT long and struggle to get home after the show. It happened on all recent tours. Not just MX. 
It’s all just terribly silly and I’m not going into every meaningless point and generalization you have made. 

A Madonna forum is exactly where these things should be discussed. Your overly positive ones and the other side as well. 

love and light to you. 


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22 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

Exactly. People blaming Interscope for everything are missing the point. Madonna is still the main reason people don't check for her anymore. 

It's her offstage persona in this social media world that caused this. 

MDNA was the first era that she flopped, the beginning of the end, and she wasn't even using social media. Her sales and chart success dropped drastically when she went to Interscope.

With or without social media she would've get the same reaction, i actually think without her "social media controversies" -which most of them are made up by the media/social media overreactions- fewer people would've even notice she releases new stuff. I don't think Rebel Heart or Madame X would've sell more copies if she was not being "messy" on IG, cuz Interscope, her team, her manager, idk who, don't know that streaming promo > few random interviews nowadays.

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7 hours ago, Jackie said:

So much negativity towards her last couple of albums. I personally loved all three!

People slagging Medellin - if I remember correctly it was UKs Radio 2 featured song for several weeks in a row - that says to me it was received well. Her Billboard performance was trending for a few weeks as well.

Crave did well too - No. 51 on the UK charts, and No. 11 on the US Adult Contemporary - and received good airplay!

Bitch was her biggest uTube hit in decades from Rebel Heart - plus with Rebel Heart she put her blood sweat and tears into that album - there's 130 + versions, and at least 40-50 unique songs - she worked hard on that album and some fans (or maybe non fans) ruined it for her. But she promoted the fuck out of it - all over the world!

Whether you like her processed vocals or not, that's a personal preference. They all do it - even Taylor Swift.  Madame X was received extremely well by the critics - and I think it did pretty well considering it was very much a latin infused album in a non latin market.

But, her brand is damaged - touring wise - coming on so late on all tours since MDNA isn't helping her with the general public. Her Rebel Heart Tour while brilliant - and finally coming to Australia - the legacy of that was the general public being pissed about her coming on so late.



The albums have only done “reasonably” well because us fanatics buy multiple copies and numerous bundled tickets.
In my case that all added up to 5 units of recyclable MX CDs and two digital units plus streaming. The general public has zero interest in her music. Hence the quick and drastic fall offs. 

Some critics get paid to push product as well. All part of the PR. 

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed MX and RH but they only hold glimpses of her genius that I fell in love with in 1985 and re-fell in love with, with each album until MDNA. Downhill from there for me. Again, glimpses everywhere and nice moments but not all there, for me. 

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I think it will be very interesting to see what direction she goes on the next album if it’s released on Warner. A more traditional safe pop/dance direction like Confessions and recent releases from Gaga and Kylie or continue down the more experimental path of Madame X or some combination of the two. 
My personal taste goes more towards the experimental side but I can see from a practical side why it might be a good idea to go in more of a pop/dance/disco/direction. 

Edited by Glindathegood (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, likeaprayer76 said:

I'm a fan since 1989. When I heard about a new album for 2019, I thought : "OMG I can't wait ! I want to see her in 5 shows in Europe !"  I was excited.

Then, Medellin arrived. I was like : "Huh" ? But it was OK. But then, the album has been released,, and after 1 play, I felt depressed. I thought that this album was to encourage suicide or so.  DEPRESSED ! It was the total opposite of Music, La isla Bonita, ROL, and almost the opposite of each Madonna album. 

Then, the tour. When I saw the 3 cities in Europe and the prices, I knew that my 5 shows plan was dead. So I planned only 1 date, which hopefully has not been cancelled.

It was not Interscope fault. Of course, the lack of promo didn't helped, but the main failure was the whole era.

But I think Warner won't even allow her to release such an album. And they won't let the Instagram account becoming a political room. 

Interscope didn't put any interest in Madonna, maybe because they knew her deal was mainly with Live Nation and huge tours. MX was supposed to be her biggest tour in the number of dates.

With Warner, I guess there won't be any tour planned. So they 'll focus on Music in order to protect the back catalog. The more the new album will be good, the more the back catalog will be protected (in terms of sales). 


no way gtfo GIF by Desus & Mero

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4 hours ago, steady75 said:

I also think that any future greatest hits compilations will feature at least six songs from the interscope era

at a guess


Girl Gone Wild


Bitch I’m Madonna



I am wondering if a future greatest hits album that wants to cover the Interscope albums would be better as a 'Best Of' description and select the tracks that should have been singles! But admittedly that's very subjective

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51 minutes ago, MDNA22 said:

I am wondering if a future greatest hits album that wants to cover the Interscope albums would be better as a 'Best Of' description and select the tracks that should have been singles! But admittedly that's very subjective

Seeing as none of her interscope singles have been hits I doubt a greatest hits is even on the cards 

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