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Kevin Antunes destroyed Madonna's reputation as a Live Act.


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16 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

Gaga is a more skilled musician when it comes to playing instruments. That doesn’t make her better or more talented, it’s just one aspect.

And she was being bitchy when she said that because she was still butt hurt about the “reductive” comment and a little bit defensive with the comparisons. I think deep down she really must have great admiration for Madonna or otherwise she wouldn’t have spent her entire career referencing her.

Gaga's not any better at the guitar. Maybe at the piano, but not the guitar.

Edited by Arckangel (see edit history)
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I don't thnk she is working with people who bring enough of their own creativity to the mix. They do what is asked of them and nothing more. In other words, pre-2007/08 she had a more true form of collaboration and her work was a mix of herself (pretty much as a sort of director/producer) and the people she worked with.

With HC that changed as that album is pretty much all Pharell,Timberlake and Timberland and MDNA was mostly WO left to his own devices. She either left people to do their thing with little input or made choices that no one was willing to challenge.

And moreso from 2008 to 2013, I felt like Madonna was just trying to get through her career. Another album, another tour, wash, rinse, repeat. A spark seemed to have died somewhere and it all became more about fulfilling a contract with WB and Live Nation.

I think she had hope with Rebel Heart though, but working with Diplo, I feel was disappointing. I will never understand why she had to chase after him to get him back in the studio. When she talked about recording that album she seemed sombre in many ways when talking about how things had changed in the studio and she did seem disappointed.

Even so I felt like with Rebel Heart she was ready to kick ass, but the leaks were the first of a few things that really hit her hard. Then the fall at the Brit Awards and the general lacklustre performance of the album, and yet she had to tour again. Was her heart in it? Not sure it was. It all seemed to be her just going through the motions.

It does not surprise me that she said in an interview to promote Madam X that she had no intention of doing another album at that point. Part of me felt like she was over it, and part of me felt like it took a lot for her to push her way back into the studio and if it hadn't been for Portugal, who knows when she would have gone back into the studio.

I think she has hired guns and yes people around her now and they have no idea what they are doing, except the minimum of what she asks and nothing more. I don't think it is just Antunes. I think Guy has fallen into the same thing, just getting things to #1 and doing what he is told and nothing more. It isn't just Antunes that needs to go.



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7 hours ago, Arckangel said:

I never said you did. I told you (and other members) what would happen if Mo put down her guitar. 

Note: Madonna did not play the guitar on her first four tours. That did not take anything away from her artistry or credibility as an author/composer. But (having already played live guitar in her early years) she chose to incorporate it again to her live act, starting from the Don't Tell Me promo tour in late year 2000, followed by the Drowned World Tour the following year. It's been a great addition, IMO, as it gives her a bit more cred and gives a lil' rock element to her concerts.

If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.

Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?

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10 hours ago, me1981 said:

MDNA was mostly WO left to his own devices

Absolutely not. Did you not read his FB posts detailing the recording process?

Start at the middle, then do the update at the top.


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10 hours ago, Jakey said:

Absolutely not. Did you not read his FB posts detailing the recording process?

Start at the middle, then do the update at the top.


That is quite a turn around, considering how annoyed he seemed originally. I guess officially she was there and they had a great creative experience.

Reading between the lines seems to suggest different. How good could things have been between them if he felt the need to say anything publicly and couldn't actually talk directly to her in the studio? Why is he e-mailing Guy about it all. In fact why did Guy e-mail him and not Madonna. It isn't as if WO and M didn't work together before. Seems odd.

But hey I wasn't there so I will just say I was wrong and move on

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17 hours ago, PWCCA said:

If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.

Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?

@PWCCAI explicitly stated that I like Gaga; I have her albums and go to her shows. I just want them to be on the same level in that regard. Gaga is already seen as the better live vocalist and she plays the piano onstage, so playing some guitar (even if basic) is good for Mo IMO. (You have good points, but Mo only does a few songs on the guitar anyway.)

The public compares acts all the time—who is the most talented, etc. And as Madonna fans, we have pride (ego) for Madonna. I love Miley Cyrus too, and reading comments under her Prisoner MV, I came across a comment by someone who wrote Miley was channelling Madonna. And inevitably, some started going on and on about how Miley is a real, powerful vocalist and Madonna has no voice at all (which is totally false). As Madonna fans, we've come across such comments so often it's not even funny, and we'd like the public to start recognizing all of her skills more.

Same thing for Beyoncé. I'm also a fan of hers, and I've had to fight like Hell (a very long debate w/ other editors and administrators) just for the word "songwriter" to be added back to the lead of her Wikipedia article. (Some editors had a huge problem w/ that just because of allegations Bey stole or bought credits, etc., in spite of the fact Bey has 350+ songwriting credits + hundreds of song production credits). Years ago, I also fought for the word "songwriter" to be added to the lead of Madonna's article.

Edited by Arckangel (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...
1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

That Madonna seems a long long time ago though - it’s a shame she never will go back to the live band sound - she seems more interested in visuals now 

I would never say 'never' with Madonna. Madame X tour had an accent on live dancers and musicians, Celebration was the opposite for very logical reasons. The next one could very well be a balance between both.

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On 11/15/2020 at 7:33 AM, nito84bcn said:

That's it. Since Sticky & Sweet all the live renditions sound like fanmade bootlegs, soul-less, uninspired, cheap... that doesn't translate well the music to the audience, and even if she has the best tecnology or dancers, or budget, the public don't have the feeling of being on their best night ever. Ditch him please!

You’re right, i made a compilation of all her live tour albums, i uploaded it on ShareMania if anyone wants to download it, but i don’t really like or even enjoy a bit her tours from Sticky and Sweet to Madame X, she sounds HORRIBLE in my perspective and she’s boring, i just think Confessions Tour is perfect even with that high pitch in her voice sometimes, yet i do love around 2 tracks per album, like “You Must Love Me” & “Vogue/4 Minutes” from S&S Tour


the one i like the most is Blond Ambition Tour, she sounds so natural, cute but strong, filled with energy, powerful, funny af, and i she may not sing so well but i don’t care, i love her energy in that concert

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On 11/15/2020 at 6:04 AM, nito84bcn said:

I can't believe that she had Stuart for only 3 tours and Keving for 4 of them, and maybe till the end of her career! 
I was watching Kylie's infinited Disco, and definetly the way she reinvented the songs, or made them sound live and emotional reminded me of the amazing work that Stuart did for Madonna. THE TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EACH SONG! Were amazing. Now it sounds like if she has an ipod conected to the speakers and when a song is over, someone press play for the next one. 

Steve Anderson handles all of Kylies musical tours. He does a fantastic job 👏 

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On 5/26/2024 at 4:01 AM, nito84bcn said:

Stuart Price came on board with Celebration Tour, and she slayed!

I’d have to disagree. The audio was hard to hear and the majority of it was just the album versions. He basically pushed play. I never liked his work. He made “Vogue” sound flat and boring for the Reinvention Tour. His music always sounds cheap. I wish she’d go back to having a real band. 

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She sounded so much better on the celebration tour than all the tours from S&S to Madame X and the songs sounded better too - love what Stuart Price does with her live arrangements and vocal mixing with tapes ,live vocals with autotune and other effects

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