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The Biopic; Untitled  


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18 minutes ago, Glindathegood said:

It needed to be done. They were trying to cover too much time and would be rushing through things and not giving enough detail or developing characters. 

I'm still very anti that. Lol gonna say something blasphemous but 90s Madonna was so much more interesting than 80s Madonna. I'd rather open the film with Blond Ambition and cover all the shit that was thrown at her.

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Just now, androiduser said:

unrelated to the biopic, but Evan Rachel Wood is playing Madonna in the Weird Al Yankovic biopic



Oh shit! It does look a little too cosplay for me tho but that's cool that her character makes an appearance!

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Ending at Blonde Ambition is weird even from a general public point of view. SEX is when things get really interesting. And then you get the phoenix from the ashes/rebirth with Evita/ROL. 

For me, the last 20 years is the most fascinating. We don't really know too much about what went on behind the scenes. It's the time period I have the most questions about. I keep saying it but this should be an autobiography that covers everything up til now. Then base the movie, series, whatever from that.  At a certain point the general public told her to fuck off so pandering to them TOO hard is just not for me.

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1 hour ago, adirondak said:

They could do this movie, then do a series, autobiography, or both. Did you watch the Aretha biopic?  They tried to cover way too much time and it ended up a mess. 

My concern is if everything else is riding on the film doing well, that they might not happen. And that would be tragic. An autobiography after the fact could work. I'd still buy it and sleep in line overnight if she did a signing. But for me, it just makes more sense to do it before. And then take whatever pieces you want for a film, series, musical etc. Fans who would complain that those projects left out certain material can always have the book. Every year/era/detail in her own words. 


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A movie is def not enough. Obviously they cannot cover everything in one movie, so either they stop at BAT or ROL or whatever and we will be frustrated or they do try to cover her whole life in one movie and so they will just touch on things quickly and we will be frustrated... She needs to do something about it, a part two or a minie serie after the movie... or do her eyebrows whatever but do something.

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On 4/5/2022 at 2:42 PM, drunkby6 said:

They should stop at the 1984 MTV Like A Virgin performance. Most people already know all the rest since she was literally the most famous woman in the world from that point onwards.

No that would be exactly the same as the TV movie and wouldn’t cover anything new. Also it wouldn’t include a lot of her biggest hits. 
Her earlier life has been covered extensively in interviews, the TV movie and documentaries as well. 

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10 hours ago, drunkby6 said:

A biopic isn't really about her songs, it's about her life. I think people are expecting it to look like Truth or Dare or IGTTYAS but with a younger actress lol

Rocketman included all of Elton’s best known songs. It doesn’t make sense to stop just as someone becomes famous. You don’t get to see why people are fans and their artistry then. 

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