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1 hour ago, thegoldencalf said:

Heaven? It’s just the album with some remixes and performances added. I liked it but it was very basic and expensive. 
I’d love to see the meltdowns here if Madonna released something similar

Babe, it’s at least something done perfectly, us M fans won’t get at least during her lifetime. Just imagine ROL with similar production (including Has To Be & remixes) won’t be existing to buy???

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38 minutes ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

where there riots in 2001 when the first three albums were 'remastered' and reissued with two bonus tracks??

No comparison. Those 'louder' albums were barely even announced, certainly they were not given the fanfare going along with the 40th anniversary 2 year lead up or Mariah's Butterfly.

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18 hours ago, cosmic_system said:

So now people are against vinyl (the best selling format in 2023) because to them they sound like shit? Clearly they have not idea what they are talking about 🤣

I hope the deluxe box set is going to be vinyl only with no digital release 😂

I want it all.  I cannot take my vinyls on a hike or on a cruise down the west coast.  

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17 hours ago, tscott said:

You make very valid points.  People complained that the original vinyl release was limited and here we are with a wider release and people are still complaining.  I see it like this; this allows those who missed the opportunity to buy it the first time, to do so now.  If this isn't for some people, then move on and wait for the next release.  No one is forcing anyone to purchase this.

As you also pointed out, we've had several releases within a short amount of time since the original release of FEL..... Everybody, Erotica and recently with American Life Mix Show Mix.  We also are hearing there's possibly a release of the MXT. I pretty much figured that this new deal was going to come with a lot of curated releases, beyond the re-releases.  Even @GregVsMattsaid at the end of last year, the next 12 to 18 months there were a lot of things lined up for fans.   We need to remember this is a multi-year deal.  They aren't going to re-release the whole catalog at once.  People are already complaining how expensive it's getting.  I'm glad to see this gives fans who missed the opportunity to buy the FEL Vinyl set the first time, another chance to purchase it. :)

Yeah, I was like, these recent releases on Vinyl are hardly "shitty".  And I don't have the most expensive Vinyl player out there, but I've been playing the shit out of several of her previous releases, and they still sound perfect. 

Her latest albums (and don’t get me started on some pressing from the 90s) sounds WAY better on vinyl than on cd and digital too.

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5 minutes ago, Aiwa08 said:

https://www.amazon.es/Madonna-Finally-Enough-Number-Rainbow/dp/B0C3MW4RQF/ (si no me equivoco, casi 50 euros mas caro que en FNAC Francia).

Marykœng! Siempre me pasa igual, yo busco y nada, y luego haceis la magia xD. Gracias. Fnac.fr.... no se. Roja/negra me parece mas sosaina. La vendería por esta... no se

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23 minutes ago, subversive said:

Marykœng! Siempre me pasa igual, yo busco y nada, y luego haceis la magia xD. Gracias. Fnac.fr.... no se. Roja/negra me parece mas sosaina. La vendería por esta... no se

A mi la roja y negra tampoco me mata, sin embargo la rainbow me encanta. Usaré la roja y negra para abrirla y escuchar el vinilo mientras que mantendré sellada la rainbow.

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3 hours ago, Ayham said:

Babe, it’s at least something done perfectly, us M fans won’t get at least during her lifetime. Just imagine ROL with similar production (including Has To Be & remixes) won’t be existing to buy???

You’re preaching to the choir. Though I wouldn’t find it an ultimate release, I would be excited about a similar boxset and buy it in a heartbeat.

But from all the bitching and complaining and the very high expectations I see here, many fans wouldn’t be satisfied with something like that. 
Also it seems like each year these boxsets are becoming more and more elaborate. So I think the longer we wait the better they’re going to be so they can be competitive with the other releases. 
I don’t know why everyone is so impatient. For years we didn’t get anything at all and everyone was ok with that. 

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1 hour ago, Shoful said:

Sad Real Housewives GIF by Slice

The people in here defending this release have to be either paid, brainwashed, or have the IQ of a koala (they are the lowest IQ mammal)


I’m very excited for this. The black and read was so bland. 
I don’t think this reissue is impacting whatever other plans they had in place, in any way. It’s just a bonus to capitalize on pride. 

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37 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

I’m very excited for this. The black and read was so bland. 
I don’t think this reissue is impacting whatever other plans they had in place, in any way. It’s just a bonus to capitalize on pride. 


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9 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

Heaven? It’s just the album with some remixes and performances added. I liked it but it was very basic and expensive. 
I’d love to see the meltdowns here if Madonna released something similar

I believe that member was referring to this:


It's beautifully presented, no? Side E to H include 16 other remixes/edits that are a first for vinyl too, I believe.

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4 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

I’m very excited for this. The black and read was so bland. 
I don’t think this reissue is impacting whatever other plans they had in place, in any way. It’s just a bonus to capitalize on pride. 

Agreed.  I don't get why some have to insult other fans for enjoying this release for whatever reason?  I get why some have no interest in this.  But you don't see me or others ridiculing them for not appreciating it?  I almost passed on it as well since I have a copy of the  first edition.  But as a collector of her vinyls, I decided to add this among my collection.  Though, I think this release is a wonderful gesture to those who missed the opportunity of buying it the first time.  I know a lot of people were disappointed when it sold out the first time and they no longer could get a copy.  It's okay not to like this release.  But it obviously is just a "bonus" release as you stated.  I know more releases are on the way.  We just need to be patient. :)

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4 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

You’re preaching to the choir. Though I wouldn’t find it an ultimate release, I would be excited about a similar boxset and buy it in a heartbeat.

But from all the bitching and complaining and the very high expectations I see here, many fans wouldn’t be satisfied with something like that.
Also it seems like each year these boxsets are becoming more and more elaborate. So I think the longer we wait the better they’re going to be so they can be competitive with the other releases.
I don’t know why everyone is so impatient. For years we didn’t get anything at all and everyone was ok with that.

Isn't it obvious? The M fandom is starved compared to other fandoms. It's not very motherly of her, is it?

And yes, let's all do our best to outlive M so that we can finally see her anniversary releases done justice!

*Plays Promises by Kylie Minogue*

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4 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

You’re preaching to the choir. Though I wouldn’t find it an ultimate release, I would be excited about a similar boxset and buy it in a heartbeat.

But from all the bitching and complaining and the very high expectations I see here, many fans wouldn’t be satisfied with something like that. 
Also it seems like each year these boxsets are becoming more and more elaborate. So I think the longer we wait the better they’re going to be so they can be competitive with the other releases. 
I don’t know why everyone is so impatient. For years we didn’t get anything at all and everyone was ok with that. 

I'm pretty confident we are on the eve of the first expansive re-release of one of her landmark albums.  Like you, I feel time is being put in this first re-release.  It should take some time especially if they are putting together beyond just the original tracks. I also feel the only reason we learned of this deal with Warner in 2021 is because Warners was behind the release of the MXT Live digital and streaming release, so they felt they had to address why Madonna is back with Warner.  Still, it was very clear that this deal was to celebrate her 40 years in the business. Her first album has yet to reach that landmark, so it makes sense to wait until that time.  Meanwhile, it's not like things haven't been happening.  We've also got multiple releases since then, which again were single re-issues and special curated releases.  We've got far more in the last two years than in any era, between FEL, Erotica and Everybody Re-issue, American Life Mix show mix, constant digital and streaming releases, video upgrades and a number of new mixes for older songs.  It may have not been everyone's cup of tea, but things are happening and with a divisive fan base, I would say plenty of fans have been pretty excited for all that has come so far.  Is it perfect?  Not at all!  But again, more has been happening regarding releases and her catalog in the last two years, then any year in her career.  It may not match the same impact as the studio albums released originally, but that is to be expected since not all of this is appealing to every fan or even the general public. 

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13 minutes ago, tscott said:

I'm pretty confident we are on the eve of the first expansive re-release of one of her landmark albums.  Like you, I feel time is being put in this first re-release.  It should take some time especially if they are putting together beyond just the original tracks. I also feel the only reason we learned of this deal with Warner in 2021 is because Warners was behind the release of the MXT Live digital and streaming release, so they felt they had to address why Madonna is back with Warner.  Still, it was very clear that this deal was to celebrate her 40 years in the business. Her first album has yet to reach that landmark, so it makes sense to wait until that time.  Meanwhile, it's not like things haven't been happening.  We've also got multiple releases since then, which again were single re-issues and special curated releases.  We've got far more in the last two years than in any era, between FEL, Erotica and Everybody Re-issue, American Life Mix show mix, constant digital and streaming releases, video upgrades and a number of new mixes for older songs.  It may have not been everyone's cup of tea, but things are happening and with a divisive fan base, I would say plenty of fans have been pretty excited for all that has come so far.  Is it perfect?  Not at all!  But again, more has been happening regarding releases and her catalog in the last two years, then any year in her career.  It may not match the same impact as the studio albums released originally, but that is to be expected since not all of this is appealing to every fan or even the general public. 

i agree with some of your comments and im happy if some fans are happy with the constant focus on vinyl since 2021 - i dont consider dumping decades old songs and remixes onto streaming as back breaking effort - i mean how long does it take someone to upload these files to the servers ??? i think whats frustrating to me(as someone who favours the cd/dvd/blu-ray format) is nothing on those formats yet - and sorry but i consider vinyl a very useless format mostly because its only playable on one medium not to mention the vinyl hiss that i hate - sure it looks nicer than a cd but thats it - what worries me is this new FEL rainbow edition has probably derailed the first big album re-issue now to god knows when ? maybe xmas this year ? and 2 years later we still have no unreleased material which is why i was excited about this deal in the first place - i know i keep moaning but as a fan for nearly 4 decades this is all i want from this deal - not constant re-packaging of stuff ive heard since day 1...

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