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2 hours ago, musicinferno said:

Unheard demos and deleted tracks ARE new music dear :polish:

you know the funny and crazy thing? on youtube you find tons of unreleased songs who are amazing....... this songs are everywhere and not where they should be...... in an official edition......

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3 hours ago, steady75 said:

I know some of us floated the idea of Madonna "eras" before rather than specific album anniversaries that includes the tours, movies and side projects from around that time too. So the era is revisited through the celebration of that era with various releases from all projects.

  • Movies on streaming  (Netflix / Amazon / Disney / Apple etc)
  • Album reissues and deluxe versions,
  • New mixes of old songs released with current artists
  • Tours brought to TV & Music streaming, Blue Ray
  •  Coffee table book with notes, design and production details, Hand written lyrics, notes from Madonna of present and some entries from her diaries and scrapbooks. 
  • Genius Interview documenting the writing process of some of each era with the relevant producers. 

That all feels much more like the kind of celebration her career deserves. A bit like Bowies eras. 

The Virgin Years - Madonna - DSS - VQ - Like A Virgin - Live Aid - The Virgin Tour

White Heat - Shanghai Surprise - True Blue - Who's That Girl Film & OST - YCD - WTG tour

Blond Ambition - Like A Prayer -  I'm Breathless  - Dick Tracy - Blond Ambition Tour - Speed The Plough - Bloodhounds Of Broadway  - Truth Or Dare

S.E.X - Immaculate Collection - League Of Their Own - Erotica -  Body Of Evidence - Dangerous Game - The Girlie Show - S.E.X book

Logic & Reason - Ill Remember - Bedtime Stories - STR - Evita - Four Rooms - Girl Six

Shanti - Ray Of Light - Beautiful Stranger - Drowned World Tour

Americana - The Next Best Thing - Music - GHV2 - American Life - Die Another Day - Swept Away - Reinvention Tour - I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - Live 8

Sticky Disco - COAD - Confessions Tour - Hard Candy - Sticky & Sweet Tour - Live Earth - Celebration

Make your own ideas for MDNA onwards 

Your endless creativity and unwavering hope is almost inspiring. But we all know, when they eventually get around to these reissues, it'll be a €200 Like A Prayer candle and a Sticky Disco pillow that's so sticky it's unusable. Sigh. Why does she hate us? (A rhetorical question, not an invitation to write an essay dear reader).

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8 hours ago, maddy1111 said:

What is even more crazy is that we have got an announcement from Warner back in 2021. It is 2024 and we've got exactly 0 reissues. So after years of waiting, I'm just wondering what was the point of that announcement? They didn't need to do that only because of FEL back then.

I am fine if the first reissue is coming in 2026 or whenever, but then they should have hold it back and let us know only when something is coming. All this marketing strategy, or whatever it is, is kind of crap. 

This has been said countless times, but some fans are conveniently dismissing things happening from this deal, all because their focus is on one portion of the deal. Most are simply focused on the re-issues when in reality the deal was more than just about that.  I don't get why some are missing that point?  Let's remember, MX TOUR EXPERIENCE was released under Warner, right after the announcement (in October).  No doubt, if Warner didn't make the announcement why they were distributing the tour audio, then fans would be confused. Therefore, they just laid out their plans for the unsee-able future.  They announced a "Multi-Year deal".  The idea of the deal was to house her complete catalog by 2025 under Warner. While that happening, they also laid out plans of releasing new curated projects which has happened such as FEL and American Life Mix Show.  We also got the re-issue of Everybody (40th Anniversary) and Erotica Vinyl. Not only that, they had already started the ball rolling for updating the streaming and digital platforms with her back catalog that hadn't been up yet.  So again, this wasn't just about the "re-issues".  That was just one part of the deal, while the bigger picture was to inform the public that she and Warner agreed on a deal to bring all her catalog under Warner and curate special projects that included curating new projects as well as eventually re-issuing "LANDMARK" albums in Deluxe Edition format.  I realize the latter hasn't happened yet, but there was never any promise that to happen right away. But to say, nothing has happened from this deal would be inaccurate.  I think there was a perfectly good reason in making the announcement when they did.  The MX TOUR EXPERIENCE became the first new distribution under Warner.  So of course, they are going to go public with the deal made at that time.

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23 minutes ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

Did I call it or did I call it? :ahh::ahh::ahh:

Yes, coming from the person who claims to have no interest in reading the ACTUAL PRESS STATEMENT to even comprehend what it's even about!  :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh:

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9 hours ago, McDonna said:

This has been said countless times, but some fans are conveniently dismissing things happening from this deal, all because their focus is on one portion of the deal. Most are simply focused on the re-issues when in reality the deal was more than just about that.  I don't get why some are missing that point?  Let's remember, MX TOUR EXPERIENCE was released under Warner, right after the announcement (in October).  No doubt, if Warner didn't make the announcement why they were distributing the tour audio, then fans would be confused. Therefore, they just laid out their plans for the unsee-able future.  They announced a "Multi-Year deal".  The idea of the deal was to house her complete catalog by 2025 under Warner. While that happening, they also laid out plans of releasing new curated projects which has happened such as FEL and American Life Mix Show.  We also got the re-issue of Everybody (40th Anniversary) and Erotica Vinyl. Not only that, they had already started the ball rolling for updating the streaming and digital platforms with her back catalog that hadn't been up yet.  So again, this wasn't just about the "re-issues".  That was just one part of the deal, while the bigger picture was to inform the public that she and Warner agreed on a deal to bring all her catalog under Warner and curate special projects that included curating new projects as well as eventually re-issuing "LANDMARK" albums in Deluxe Edition format.  I realize the latter hasn't happened yet, but there was never any promise that to happen right away. But to say, nothing has happened from this deal would be inaccurate.  I think there was a perfectly good reason in making the announcement when they did.  The MX TOUR EXPERIENCE became the first new distribution under Warner.  So of course, they are going to go public with the deal made at that time.

I completely understand what you're saying. I just don't find it a good strategy from Warner. That's my point.

They could have expected that fans will be going crazy for reissues. Basically, any other artist is releasing them nowadays. In this digital era, in 2020s where everything is happening at such fast pace and every 'miracle' lasts five minutes. You cannot simply promise landmark reissues to fans in the announcement... and then do not release a single one for 3 years. 

I understand the deal is also about FEL, AL Mixshow Mix, digital singles etc. But if they knew back then in 2021 that there is no plan to release any reissued album until let's say 2025/2026, there was no point mentioning it in the official Warner statement. 

I just feel they shot themselves in a foot by doing it this way. They could have easily announced a simple thing that Madonna is back with Warner and they plan to release digital singles and remixed albums as the first thing (FEL, Mixshow) etc., noone would be asking about reissues, and then WHEN SOMETHING/reissues are actually planned and coming, make another announcement.

Announcements are being released literally daily, you are not limited to only one, you don't need to announce something 3 years in advance. No one is doing it this way because it's simply doesn't work. That's my whole point. I don't find this Warner strategy and way of communicating with fans very well thought. And as clearly seen in this thread, it's just p*ssing off (pardon my French) most of fans.. Or most of fans simply gave up and all excitement regarding reissues is long gone, including mine. But that's how I see it. 

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On 3/19/2024 at 9:33 AM, McDonna said:

Nothing has been cancelled!  The deal is currently in motion. I think some of you are so stuck on the Re-issues of the album, you are ignoring the whole picture to this deal. The idea is to get her whole catalog under one roof by 2025 as well as curating new projects from it, etc.  This has been happening since the deal was announce if not before hand.  The digital and streaming adds, the numerous releases such as MXTour experience, FEL, American Life Mix Show, and the other physical releases, some fans claim to have no interest in and shrug it off as it's nothing. It may be nothing to them, but it's all part of the deal.  Remember, the deal was specified to be happening for multiple years.  In fact, they even mentioned that in 2025 the Interscope albums will start to become licensed under Warner. Nothing is cancelled!  Nothing is on pause.  More is to come!  You just need to be patient and stop thinking it's only about her studio albums being re-issued!  It's more than just about that!

Thanks for that, ir really made me open my eyes on the subject. I was so stuck on the idea of the studio albums that I didn't even thought that the items releases you mentioned were part of the deal lol.

Do you think that in the coming years, with this deal, they can finally release Blond Ambition on blu-ray (or at least stream)? I want so badly to watch the whole thing in HD and with that wonderful edit Alek did on the performances in TOD.

Re-Invention, I guess, will remain unreleased as M was not happy at all with the footage we have. 

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On 3/19/2024 at 5:47 PM, McDonna said:

But I think you are missing the point.  They know the "re-issues" could really make them some money.  While I originally thought, having some of these ready for the tour would be excellent, but the problem is, they will be expensive.  There is already a lot of expensive merchandise that is tour related which they will want to sell.  Meanwhile the re-issues are a separate entity.  It makes sense to wait until after the tour.  Not only that, the idea is to re-issue landmark albums.  LAV is most definitely a landmark album. It's the album that made her a world-wide star.  That anniversary is coming up later this year. If they are smart, they will have at least the reissue of that album ready for this fall to celebrate it's 40th Anniversary.  My thought; this is what happening. Also, there was a source that claimed the debut and LAV are coming at the same time, so they might be packaging it all together.  It will be expensive. I don't believe they would sell many "reissues" at the concerts. 

How expensive u think they will be? Something like $200,00 or more? Oh God how I wish I live in the US, it's just expensive as hell to import things these days

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5 hours ago, maddy1111 said:

most of fans simply gave up and all excitement regarding reissues is long gone, including mine.


sad but true......

i was sure every re edition would be an event....... a real event........ and every single album full of unreleased, remixes ecc ecc .....

i was sure it would be an amazing way to celebrate again, every single album and single M created years ago not only with her old fans but with new fans too...........

it became a mess.......

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I honestly just think they don’t see the point in a rerelease while she is currently active on tour. When the tour is over something will come. Hopefully the full show on streaming and online first if the Taylor / Beyonce route has been taken, and then LAV40 in Nov.

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2 minutes ago, steady75 said:

I honestly just think they don’t see the point in a rerelease while she is currently active on tour. When the tour is over something will come. Hopefully the full show on streaming and online first if the Taylor / Beyonce route has been taken, and then LAV40 in Nov.

But this is absolutely ridiculous... They made that announcement back in 2021,she has stared touring in 2023. What about 2 years in between? 

There is always some excuse from some fans:

- they cannot release it now because it is too early, they made that announcement only 3 months ago, they are definitely working hard on it

- they cannot release it because it's not any anniversary, so it does not make sense

- they cannot release it now because FEL has been recently released 

- they cannot release it now because she is working on a movie

- they cannot release it, because she is touring. 

... While they even missed the big Madonna 40 (!!!) 

Life is not a closed book, there is and always will be something happening. I don't even listen to music of Taylor. But she can do tour, new album and 'Taylor version' (which is basically a rerelease in a sense), while Warner cannot put out one reissue they promised 3 years ago. 


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5 minutes ago, maddy1111 said:

While they even missed the big Madonna 40 (!!!) 

so absurd...... how many times you can celebrate 40 years in the music industry?

6 minutes ago, maddy1111 said:

Life is not a closed book, there is and always will be something happening.

totally agree !!!!


7 minutes ago, maddy1111 said:

But she can do tour, new album and 'Taylor version' (which is basically a rerelease in a sense), while Warner cannot put out one reissue they promised 3 years ago. 

you can love or not taylor but you can't  deny she is revolutionize all.....

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Sorry for these optimistic and apologetic fans, but whenever i think of the Warner statement about "expansive editions of her albums personally curated by Madonna" vinyl exclusives just dont come to my mind as part of the good things we'll get. If a single EP on vinyl with different cover is enough for you guys then good for you, but at this rate ww should have got much more, Just saying.

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28 minutes ago, Leona Helmsley said:

so absurd...... how many times you can celebrate 40 years in the music industry?

totally agree !!!!


you can love or not taylor but you can't  deny she is revolutionize all.....

Not only how many times, but WHO ELSE can celebrate 40 years in the music industry, being an active artist and people attending your tours in million. She is one and only and yet... for 40th anniversary, all we've got was Lucky Star video, lol/tears

And if they can repress Celebration vinyl from 2009 while she is on tour, why reissues need to be stopped while she is touring? I simply don't understand that logic. It's not a new album, it's REISSUE with same songs +some bonuses from vault, moreover they had full 2 years before she went on tour to prepare it. This is mostly aiming at fans, it's not gonna sell with general public that much anyway. Actually, tour is a perfect opportunity to reissue 2-3 iconic albums while she is touring and 'love' for Madonna is being spread among fans again. It would sell like crazy. But no, let's rather wait until when? When every anniversary has long passed, as Madonna 40?! 

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4 minutes ago, maddy1111 said:

Not only how many times, but WHO ELSE can celebrate 40 years in the music industry, being an active artist and people attending your tours in million. She is one and only and yet... for 40th anniversary, all we've got was Lucky Star video, lol/tears

And if they can repress Celebration vinyl from 2009 while she is on tour, why reissues need to be stopped while she is touring? I simply don't understand that logic. It's not a new album, it's REISSUE with same songs +some bonuses from vault (+ they had 2 years before she went on tour to prepare it). This is mostly aiming at fans, it's not gonna sell with general public that much anyway. Actually, tour is a perfect opportunity to reissue 2-3 iconic albums while she is touring and 'love' for Madonna is being spread among fans. It would sell like crazy. But no, let's rather wait until when? When every anniversary has long passed, as Madonna 40?! 

i agree with all...... from the first word to the last one........

its crazy when they say she is in tour so she can't release re edition........ where is the logic in all this?

Btw like i write in the celebration lp topic....... i loved so much the celebration 2009 gh..... but i would love if with this new celebration lp they would include songs from mdna, rebel heart and madame x........ a celebration 2024 gh ........ like the weeknd do with the highlights who is now the most streamed album ever on spotify.......


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30 minutes ago, Andreo said:

Sorry for these optimistic and apologetic fans, but whenever i think of the Warner statement about "expansive editions of her albums personally curated by Madonna" vinyl exclusives just dont come to my mind as part of the good things we'll get. If a single EP on vinyl with different cover is enough for you guys then good for you, but at this rate ww should have got much more, Just saying.

think the same........

i would love a re edition with inedits, remixes ...... not the same old songs ........ 

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6 hours ago, maddy1111 said:

I completely understand what you're saying. I just don't find it a good strategy from Warner. That's my point.

They could have expected that fans will be going crazy for reissues. Basically, any other artist is releasing them nowadays. In this digital era, in 2020s where everything is happening at such fast pace and every 'miracle' lasts five minutes. You cannot simply promise landmark reissues to fans in the announcement... and then do not release a single one for 3 years. 

I understand the deal is also about FEL, AL Mixshow Mix, digital singles etc. But if they knew back then in 2021 that there is no plan to release any reissued album until let's say 2025/2026, there was no point mentioning it in the official Warner statement. 

I just feel they shot themselves in a foot by doing it this way. They could have easily announced a simple thing that Madonna is back with Warner and they plan to release digital singles and remixed albums as the first thing (FEL, Mixshow) etc., noone would be asking about reissues, and then WHEN SOMETHING/reissues are actually planned and coming, make another announcement.

Announcements are being released literally daily, you are not limited to only one, you don't need to announce something 3 years in advance. No one is doing it this way because it's simply doesn't work. That's my whole point. I don't find this Warner strategy and way of communicating with fans very well thought. And as clearly seen in this thread, it's just p*ssing off (pardon my French) most of fans.. Or most of fans simply gave up and all excitement regarding reissues is long gone, including mine. But that's how I see it. 

I don't think you understand because you're still ONLY making it about the re-issues.  It's bigger than that.  Up until 2021, Madonna had no deal with Warner.  So of course, there is just reason to announce the deal.  The joint venture is big news for Madonna.  Again, along with that announcement we were informed of the MX EXPERIENCE TOUR was going to be released.  That was under Warner.  So of course it was importaant to make it public at the time.  Again, this wasn't just about re-issuess.  I and others have numerously stated this and also shared what else. has come of the deal.  Again, the re-issues did NOT have a time factor when they would start.  The only time factor we were told is that this was a "Multi-year deal" and by 2025 her Interscope will start being under Warner.  This deal wasn't just about what the deal was going to give to us fans, but also share their new venture with her complete catalog.  

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5 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I don't think you understand because you're still ONLY making it about the re-issues.  It's bigger than that.  Up until 2021, Madonna has no deal with Warner.  So of course, there is just reason to announce the deal.  Again, along with that announcement we were informed of the MX EXPERIENCE TOUR was going to be released.  That was under Warner.  So of course it was importaant to make it public at the time.  Again, this wasn't just about re-issuess.  I and others have numerously stated this and also shared what else. has come of the deal.  Again, the re-issues did NOT have a time factor when they would start.  The only time factor we were told is that this was a "Multi-year deal" and by 2025 her Interscope will start being under Warner.  This deal wasn't just about what the deal was going to give to us fans, but also share their new venture with her complete catalog.  

This discussion is going nowhere at this point, so let's just agree to disagree :)

I completely understand the deal but my point was totally different and I believe it stays.. Announcements are being released literally daily, you are not limited to only one, you don't need to announce something 3 years in advance. So I still think they could have announced Madonna being back with Warner and all stuff planned in near future but without mentioning reissues if they are not coming yeeears later. Is all ;-) 

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6 hours ago, Lucas B. said:

Thanks for that, ir really made me open my eyes on the subject. I was so stuck on the idea of the studio albums that I didn't even thought that the items releases you mentioned were part of the deal lol.

Do you think that in the coming years, with this deal, they can finally release Blond Ambition on blu-ray (or at least stream)? I want so badly to watch the whole thing in HD and with that wonderful edit Alek did on the performances in TOD.

Re-Invention, I guess, will remain unreleased as M was not happy at all with the footage we have. 

You're welcome. I'm glad you are able to grasp this deal much better after what I explained.  And I have no idea BA will be released because of this deal, but it sure would be a good opportunity to do so, when they finally start re-issuing deluxe versions of her albums.  Not sure which album would be best to tack on BA video release, but I can't see why that can't happen. The same for with Re-Invention Tour.  Or it could be a separate release at some point.

5 hours ago, Lucas B. said:

How expensive u think they will be? Something like $200,00 or more? Oh God how I wish I live in the US, it's just expensive as hell to import things these days

I think it will depend how much they decide to pack into these Deluxe sets.  I expect they WILL be expensive.  There was already a rumor late last year that they may be re-issuing LAV 40 and Debut Album together, and I can see that being very expensive. Especially if they decide to include the video for the Virgin Tour.  Of course, I am not saying this is happening, but yes I do believe these Deluxe sets could get expensive. :luv:

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