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The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase


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5 minutes ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

Hun, it goes for every fanbase. There's a portion that always lives in the past or is always stuck in the negative aspect of things. 

You can't prop the Britney army because they finally (not all but some) came to see the fraud the conservatorship was. I used to frequent Exhale, the forum for Britney, back in the day, and some of the topics there were beyond disgusting. Speculation she was on drugs, the constant dissection of her looks (thread after thread of her new nose, lips, her tanning), blaming her kids for albums and tours not getting promo, etc etc.  Most of the time the fans who saw through the lies and fraud of her dad and family, were constantly called "theorists." So while they came together finally, they've spent years shitting on their own fave. :om:


true ive been on exhale too. however this type of vitriol of some of the fans here constantly want madonna to be someone else than who she is, is shocking to me.

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5 minutes ago, madonnagreece said:

you are entitled to your own opinion, it's a forum. I'm also entitled to mine which is that opinions like yours are not opinions of a fan.

That makes zero sense. 

I don’t think fan forums are for you tbqh. How can you take part if you are only going to attack others for not having the same opinions as you? We are all here for 1 reason, and that is Madonna. Let us fan over her how we want. Don’t school and lecture us on how we should do it.

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Just now, deathproof said:

That makes zero sense. 

I don’t think fan forums are for you tbqh. How can you take part of you are only going to attack others for not having the same opinions as you? We are all here for 1 reason, and that is Madonna. Let us fan instead her how we want. Don’t school and lecture us on how we should do it.

i stated my opinion. you don't like, you don't take it. the last thing i want to do is lecture someone who believes MadameX is worth of a 5. that's completely beyond me.

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2 minutes ago, deathproof said:

That makes zero sense. 

I don’t think fan forums are for you tbqh. How can you take part of you are only going to attack others for not having the same opinions as you? We are all here for 1 reason, and that is Madonna. Let us fan instead her how we want. Don’t school and lecture us on how we should do it.

I dont have any issue with you because you are open about your opinions but are not constantly negative unlike vesalii. He gives off the vibes of a troll.

Edited by Blond Ambition (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, Blond Ambition said:

I think it is fairly obvious you have been revealed as a troll, you are most likely one of those frauds that I see on her social media sometimes. Right now im just trying to figure out who I can message to have you banned.

For you heney


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1 minute ago, Blond Ambition said:

Look man, I dont know you, all I know is that you can have your opinions about things without coming across as a total troll every time you post, Its not that hard.

I'm left with the fact that I will still have an opinion and will write them everytime I want, it's a free country.

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9 minutes ago, yeezuslovesmypussybest said:

Rated it 5/10 on IMDB too, not even as a personal rating. This idiot is actively trying to lower Madonna's public rating.

Beyond disgusted but not even slightly surprised at it coming from him. You have to be a certain level of braindead to spend most of your waking hours posting on a forum dedicated to a woman you openly despise. 



Please make it make sense.

Where are the receipts?

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1 hour ago, madonnagreece said:

WTF this makes NO SENSE. so you want madonna in jail so you can cut her some slack? seriously............. 

I’m just saying that when something tragic like that happens all fans are on the same page. Since it’s not a matter of personal taste.

Madonna is doing great and is in control of her life. People are allowed to express whatever they feel regarding her work and public persona. That’s why that stuff is created and exists

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26 minutes ago, proxy said:

"She's is just a tantrum reach old woman" Spreading hate and ageism is not an opinion, you are absolutely toxic and you should be banned from here!  

To say "old" is ageism? OMG, what if call her tantrum young woman? is that ageism too? How defensive is ppl nowadays.

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2 hours ago, vesalii said:

I guess that what drives people crazy is not that she is 63, is that she's acting 14 when she is 63 lol. But yeah, I guess that some people here are like super blinded and this wont lead anywhere.

I'll never understand all these problems you guys have with her just having fun in her 60s, she gives 0 fucks, enjoys her life and loves to say "fuck you" so what? She has always been like this. How is all of this even a problem for you guys to always talk shit about this woman making her seem a mentally ill old lady with dementia? This is getting more and more difficult to ignore everyday, of course people will say it's ageist at one point, because it is. Talking shit about her and making the same comments on how she's embarrassing and should "act her age" is ageist but sure, let's call every fan who doesn't do the same a blinded sheep and let's hope she stops being herself in order to become the usual stereotype that people expect women past their 50s to be. Pathetic. 

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The fundamental difference is Madonna is not a victim (particularly in the way Britney has unfortunately been).

Even if she's been wronged (and she has), Madonna never plays the victim, nor panders to victimhood.

Thus, you WILL be perceived differently. Particularly as a woman.




As for fanbase support, oh hell yes, I wish there was a much stronger sense of appreciation for who she is now and what she is doing now, at this point in her career. But in the end, you don't have a soon to be 40 year career as the biggest selling female artist - of all time - without a dedicated fanbase.

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This guy is definitely a troll and should be banned from here.

That being said I don't particularly like the word 'army' either. It gives off a 'brainless' vibe I'm not into.

I've supported Madonna for 19 now which is a long time considering I'm 26 going on 27.

Have I reviewed anything from her terribly low? Hell yeah.

Do I think it was UNNECESSARY of her to touch SO MUCH of her face? Yea, sure.

Have I ever called her anything derogatory or sexist or ageist? Not even in my dreams.

That is what makes me a fan. I grew up gravitating towards her figure; she was omnipresent, literally everywhere. Both from catholic households, both lost the mothers at very young ages and both of us are artists and rebels our own ways and scenarios.

A fan is someone who cherishes your figure, appreciates the value of your work.

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why do haters follow her every move they even join fan forums ffs its bad enough when they are all over her social media , i swear if she was not know as the queen of pop she would not get half the shit she gets ..its fans of other artists that cant deal with the fact that Madonna is known as the queen of pop ..i may be wrong ..its clear they want to make madonna fans miserable and sadly sometimes i think the opinions of these influences actual fans of her - i dont know what they want to achieve ..they cant take away Madonnas legacy or records etc etc 

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6 hours ago, vesalii said:

This has nothing to do with being a woman, is for everyone, I'd love to see many of you acting that way when you're 63, in real life. Anyway, I guess that each and one of us loves a different angle from her and is an endless discussion. 

why do people compare themselves to madonna like this i see it all over her social media 
madonna is a celebrity not some nobody trolling on facebook 

if you do not get why madonna behaves like she does they you have not been listening ..you think she behaves like the way she does at home when chilling ? she does it to annoy narrow minded idiots and it works 

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28 minutes ago, hankypanky2021 said:

why do people compare themselves to madonna like this i see it all over her social media 
madonna is a celebrity not some nobody trolling on facebook 

if you do not get why madonna behaves like she does they you have not been listening ..you think she behaves like the way she does at home when chilling ? she does it to annoy narrow minded idiots and it works 

Exactly, I have been trying to tell people she likes messing with peoples heads lol. Whatever, they can continue to be played like fiddles if they want I guess.

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13 hours ago, vesalii said:

And this is the perfect example o what @Blond Ambitionsaid "a group of zombies who worship the ground she walks on and says she can do no wrong", like for real?, everything she does has to be an statement? C'mon that's ridiculous, then evrything I do is a statement. I did not even born in the 80's lol, and that's not my favourite persona, I became a Mafonna fan since Confessions. And it does not suit every human healthy reaction lol

No it's just you being stupid. Don't turn things around.It's not because YOU think something is true that it is. It's just opinions, that's all we got here. All of us. But don't be defensive when you are being called stupid because what you say is stupid otherwise you are not only stupid but a hypocrite who does not practice what you preach. Go listen to beige Adele. She won't bother you with an opinion.

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