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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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2 hours ago, EgoRod said:

It's puzzling the clothing choices thou. It's weird picks for her body. She could pull outfits like any Gaultier she did and still showing booty, chest and small waist. It looks like they (she) wants to tight things up but then throw loose fabric on top to cover, giving always unflattering shapes. She had the sound box on her back and gave her the weird hunchback. And doing big shoes with the cinch and long braids gonna make her look shorter. She can pull tight shorts and full body corset bras (like she did) and still playing with the sexy side of thing but fitting her body shape.

Without going into 90s Madonna, she had this looks recently and is hot and works.


"because I don't have an opinion about Madonna's body."

Really? It seems like you have a lot of opinion about Madonna's body even more than me.

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10 hours ago, MadameX said:

Actually yes I have!

One of my best friend gained a lot of weight because she ate too much due to stress after breaking up with her boy firend. The sycophants around her told her to "You have to love the way you look now.." And they lied to her, "You're beautiful now!" And behind her they laughed at her as a funny gossip.

But I sincerely advised my friend to come to her senses and I even worked out with her and made for her a healthy diet list. As a result, she does return to her former beauty and will marry in July this year in new true love.

You know what's most funny? Those sycophants who lied about how beautiful she was when my friend was fat and ugly? My friend didn't invite any of them to her wedding.

Most people who have gained weight know that and they don’t need someone to tell them. 
Doesn’t putting on weight automatically make someone unattractive and ugly? How fatpphobic. 
Glad you’re not my friend. 

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I've read some comments and some personal attacks on people who think differently, and this is ridiculous because no one has expressed an opinion on a family member, but insulting users who express their opinion which is completely respectable is shameful.

There are people who liked the performance and who didn't and where's the problem? but from there to insult those who did not praise her last night is really absurd! It seems to me that what is evident is denied, no one attacks Madonna for her age, or for her weight, but it's also absurd to say that she's not fat, it seems clear to me that going on in time you cannot have the body that you have at 20 or 30 years, her butt makes her clumsy and her movements awkward, but it is clear that it's humanly impossible for her to dance like 40 years ago .. the clothes did not help her absolutely and the same thing make up and hair.

As far as I am concerned, associating the name of Madonna with this performance is shameful, also because She's Madonna! as for whoever manages her instagram profile, he should only be ashamed..the face and the body is not what it really is, and it's a story that doesn't hold up because we have all seen the video of the performance, if they really had no problems with the aesthetic side photos like this should not have been published :


if what I wrote (and I rarely participate in discussions) makes me a coward, a boor and a shit fan then OK .

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43 minutes ago, RebelHeart said:

Of course she's not. Some of you tend to answer only the most extreme comments I see thath has nothing to do with a general opinion here.

I can understand what you're saying but I specifically follow @MadameXon this forum because they've been told many times by many users that they are sexist, ageist, ableist, and fatphobic.  They have accused another member and myself of "sexual assault" on this forum without any base. Whenever someone asks for mods, they cry censorship.  There's a difference between free speech and hate speech and this person has offended many people.

Two weeks ago they said they were scared of me, but don't seem very scared now...

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43 minutes ago, MadameX said:


"because I don't have an opinion about Madonna's body."

Really? It seems like you have a lot of opinion about Madonna's body even more than me.

I don't, as usual you do your picking elements that don't have anything to do with your point.

I was talking about how the attire was not the best for her shape. She is petit and she wants to enhance chest and butt, doing the hourglass shape. Everything I said was that if she wanted to bring that and be sexy that was not the best choice, with the loose fabric on top and making her look smaller.

I am not saying that Madonna is fat or she needs to do one thing or another. I made a point about her costume not being the best for this setting and for complimenting her shape.

She can pull fit clothes , high waist, full corsets and look great, the whole belt and floaty on the top it's unflattering for her and for anyone.

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32 minutes ago, MadameX said:

Calm down and relax. Don't be acting like a lunatic.

Do you know the word "metaphor" or "Idiom"?

It's used as a common metaphor and Idiom for someone avoiding their problems.

 I was using a metaphor too, how you are always bringing up fake facts to debate others and put them down.

Also don't tell me to relax, dont be a condescending git, nobody acted as a lunatic.

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I watched it like 7 times. I love it more everytime that I see it! 

I think it's funny, she had some mistakes and what? She's still there. 

To be honest, my first impression was the same, it wasn't perfect but it was raw, entertaining and everytime that I see it I find something new. Then I entered here and I panicked and started to be worried or wathever about the percoet, the drinks etc... 

All it's fine, she was far from perfect since the beginning. She was always raw, and crazy. And she's still like that at her 60's. 

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I just watched and it's nowhere near as bad as some are making out. It wasn't an outstanding performance but it was fun to watch. The outfit wasn't particularly flattering but it wasn't awful and she acknowledged she'd come in too early on Music. She was definitely a little out of it, maybe pain meds, I don't know. 

Question - is that the most live instrumentation we've heard on a live version of Music? 

And finally, I love Maluma even more after watching this ❤️

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Wow, i did not see the fat shaming coming. Believe what you wanna believe, what makes you feel safe. But the physical appearance, the behaviour, the weird fashion choices and not only in this performance but 95% of what she has done publicly in the last 3 years shows symptoms of something wrong with her. Almost every single public appearance has been a nightmare. It's not hating her saying it. Au contraire. And i keep defending her especially when the attacks are just mean for the sake of being mean.  But something is wrong, i know for sure what is it and i won't retract anything i've said because i did not make this up out of thin air. I wish i did and i wish the sources were not as valid as they are. I wish she was just having fun and giving the finger to patriarchy and ageist. But it is not that. And what people attack, the surface, are symptoms of something more serious. 

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32 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

Wow, i did not see the fat shaming coming. Believe what you wanna believe, what makes you feel safe. But the physical appearance, the behaviour, the weird fashion choices and not only in this performance but 95% of what she has done publicly in the last 3 years shows symptoms of something wrong with her. Almost every single public appearance has been a nightmare. It's not hating her saying it. Au contraire. And i keep defending her especially when the attacks are just mean for the sake of being mean.  But something is wrong, i know for sure what is it and i won't retract anything i've said because i did not make this up out of thin air. I wish i did and i wish the sources were not as valid as they are. I wish she was just having fun and giving the finger to patriarchy and ageist. But it is not that. And what people attack, the surface, are symptoms of something more serious. 

Well, tell us your sources then, maybe they're the ones making things up to get attention?

I don't know, I believe that most of you with this narrative are truly concerned and not haters at all but think also how constantly speculating about her mental state and/or addictions is maybe not the most healthy thing to do (or helps at all, if there's a real issue), in my opinion. With all respect and not a direct attack, but I find it quite toxic, actually. But I guess we all here just want the best for her, that's for sure.

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32 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

Wow, i did not see the fat shaming coming. Believe what you wanna believe, what makes you feel safe. But the physical appearance, the behaviour, the weird fashion choices and not only in this performance but 95% of what she has done publicly in the last 3 years shows symptoms of something wrong with her. Almost every single public appearance has been a nightmare. It's not hating her saying it. Au contraire. And i keep defending her especially when the attacks are just mean for the sake of being mean.  But something is wrong, i know for sure what is it and i won't retract anything i've said because i did not make this up out of thin air. I wish i did and i wish the sources were not as valid as they are. I wish she was just having fun and giving the finger to patriarchy and ageist. But it is not that. And what people attack, the surface, are symptoms of something more serious. 

I believe what you say, but I also think that things like that can't be in secret for a long time. Everyone knew about Amy Winehouse addictions, or Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston. At this point, as far as I know, nobody from the press say anything about Madonna's addictions or her mental health state. Just things about unflattering pics on insta, or she 'seems' high... but nothing with a real proof. I think 3 years are enough, for all that info to leak somehow and it didn't happen... so... 

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1 hour ago, madonnagreece said:

I hate to break it to you but only M knows what's best for her.

To be honest we all do a shitload of things that are not "the best for us"... Madonna does what she wants to do... but that does not mean that it is the best for her.. but it is her choice... and she is free to do whatever she wants.

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Just now, TonyMontana said:

She has just posted new pics from the night of the show with the caption "About last night" on her story...  Now if someone tells me she and her team are not delusionnal or taking people for fools then i'm out of this thread... and do not tell me it's just some editing or filter and that nowadays everyone does it and bla bla bla... this is beyond ridiculous...  I don't know who that girl is on the pics but it's obviously not Madonna that i have seen live two days ago.Screenshot_20220502-154801_Instagram.thumb.jpg.9c2570926914d040e2f053b76fe1cc6a.jpgScreenshot_20220502-154825_Instagram.thumb.jpg.500fa551c75812fb0ede0bc2b8df2474.jpg


Yeah. It is fkn ridiculous. Everybody does it but most really try to keep shit natural. 

I’ve said it before, no one in their right mind will look at her IG output and think it’s real. It’s a comic really. 

I just find it so sad. 

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4 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

She has just posted new pics from the night of the show with the caption "About last night" on her story...  Now if someone tells me she and her team are not delusionnal or taking people for fools then i'm out of this thread... and do not tell me it's just some editing or filter and that nowadays everyone does it and bla bla bla... this is beyond ridiculous...  I don't know who that girl is on the pics but it's obviously not Madonna that i have seen live two days ago.Screenshot_20220502-154801_Instagram.thumb.jpg.9c2570926914d040e2f053b76fe1cc6a.jpgScreenshot_20220502-154825_Instagram.thumb.jpg.500fa551c75812fb0ede0bc2b8df2474.jpg


Simply embarrassing. And alarming. 

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8 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

She has just posted new pics from the night of the show with the caption "About last night" on her story...  Now if someone tells me she and her team are not delusionnal or taking people for fools then i'm out of this thread... and do not tell me it's just some editing or filter and that nowadays everyone does it and bla bla bla... this is beyond ridiculous...  I don't know who that girl is on the pics but it's obviously not Madonna that i have seen live two days ago.Screenshot_20220502-154801_Instagram.thumb.jpg.9c2570926914d040e2f053b76fe1cc6a.jpgScreenshot_20220502-154825_Instagram.thumb.jpg.500fa551c75812fb0ede0bc2b8df2474.jpg


Why’s everyone more preoccupied with her filtering her instagram photos than that atrocious show she put on? 

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5 hours ago, nodoman said:

there are plenty of performances from the early to mid 2000s where she performed music brilliantly.

Are there, after 2001? Didn’t sound brilliant on RIT, CT performance was pre-recorded generally and then she sang it live in 2008 and it was rough as hell.

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