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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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4 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I didn't like it :sad:….........  I loved it!!:hyper:

The video is very funny and full of sensuality from start to finish despite the low budget used (verified in the poor locations and the extras that appear) and where we see Madonna finally get out of her comfort zone (pop) and get carried away by all this paraphernalia that represents reggaeton not only musically speaking but also reflected in the theme and costumes, something common in videos of this genre. By the way The part that made me laugh because of its originality was the scene where the photo of Jesus Christ appears inside an inflated condom, probably devised by Tokischa herself, who likes to make fun of religion.


Many questions arise in my brain from this video: Will this be the predominant musical genre on her new album? This new Madonna will make many of her fans abandon her by seeming vulgar and ordinary forgetting what she did in 1992 (Sex)? Will they call her ageist by preferring to seek the acceptance of the young public and despise her fans who have followed her all her life? Many questions whose answers will be checked in the future. In the meantime, she has my full support and endorsement since, happily, I do have a very open mind to assimilate everything that Madonna undertakes in the future. I'm with you Queen!!!! :hyper:



There was nothing vulgar about sex in 1992. It was pushing boundaries then. Attitudes were revealed and we were enlightened by the response to it. This is just an extension of insta sex pose look at me/any notoriety is good type attention seeking.

The drug references never suit Madonna, that's when l feel she is not being genuine and being led.

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7 hours ago, steady75 said:

1992 can fuck off. I’m here for 2022 just not this shit. And that’s what is is shit. 
I read your swerve. Your dip isn’t the flex you think it is.

Sure it’s just a lil off to the left remix and that’s fine. But it’s shit and it’s fine to say it’s shit. 
In fact if more people around her in her inner circle told her facts that some things  she’s doing were shite previously We wouldn’t have to S S S S S S S Suffa it.

Im not pressed but your constant defence and obvious lack of taste level regarding the quality control of her output is …. Well… I’ll leave It there. I don’t feel the need to insult you the way you attempted to belittle me. 

gonna block you now hen. You’re kind of awful. 

I'm with you steady75

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8 hours ago, Prayer said:

I replied. Maybe you didn't read it (or care)? Here's again:

It's an artistic expression, no one needs to explain anything. Nothing is "good" or "bad". It's just about what you feel about it.

You're welcome. 

1992 is calling and wants you back. The "SEX" book is yours.

Meanwhile, +150.000 views for the video in 6 hours and thanks to its release Madonna has passed the 6M subscribers mark on YouTube:

All of the Spanish comments I'm reading are positive... Latin Twitter seems to be here for it too.

Plus: 562.024 streams so far on Spotify.

ooh she's gonna have a number 1 and may end 2022 has the most streamed song 

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The Drama over a little pop video. The personal attacks. The over the top reactions. Gosh. The power of Madonna. Yes, still pushing buttons at 64.

You don’t like the video? Fine. We heard that. Now move on with your lives. Why focus AGAIN AND AGAIN on something you don’t like - or someone you don’t seem to like anymore.

Waste of time.

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I'm not sure if I agree if this is pushing the envelope, cos it's kind of hard to tell which one. But it is very polarazing indeed :lol:, something not so hard to do in 2022. I have always loved M's middle finger to the world and society, but there was always some grit to that finger, a deeper meaning, an unsetteleing reality that noone was showing. Here I just can't figure out what it is and so I'm left kind of bored. I see people keep bringing up the sex book, but don't forget, aesthetics aside, there was absolutely no one (at least in pop music) that would even considder doing anything like it, yes it was vulgar to some and controversial, but it said so much about sex and sexuality and prejudice in a time when even french kissing was deemed to racy for tv, homophobia wasn't even recognised as such because it was everywhere and talking about or, god forbid, enjoying sex was a nono. None of that applies to this video though, the Madonna of today keeps repeating how she loves to irritate, what I miss is the reason behind it, surely all that ROL enlightenment and kaballah secret she is still gonna tell us didn't come full circle to make it all about her getting attention again ;-)

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2 minutes ago, Pretender1978 said:

I'm not sure if I agree if this is pushing the envelope, cos it's kind of hard to tell which one. But it is very polarazing indeed :lol:, something not so hard to do in 2022. I have always loved M's middle finger to the world and society, but there was always some grit to that finger, a deeper meaning, an unsetteleing reality that noone was showing. Here I just can't figure out what it is and so I'm left kind of bored. I see people keep bringing up the sex book, but don't forget, aesthetics aside, there was absolutely no one (at least in pop music) that would even considder doing anything like it, yes it was vulgar to some and controversial, but it said so much about sex and sexuality and prejudice in a time when even french kissing was deemed to racy for tv, homophobia wasn't even recognised as such because it was everywhere and talking about or, god forbid, enjoying sex was a nono. None of that applies to this video though, the Madonna of today keeps repeating how she loves to irritate, what I miss is the reason behind it, surely all that ROL enlightenment and kaballah secret she is still gonna tell us didn't come full circle to make it all about her getting attention again ;-)

I can not think of any other female popstar over 60 doing this, still fully owning her sexuality and refusing to "age gracefully", whatever that means to those who repeat it all the time. Only Cher, maybe, but she's always been more camp than sexual, or at least not threatening in that sense? People love Cher, I mean.

I don't know. Of course this and "Erotica" and the "SEX" book are miles apart. And of course everyone is doing these kind of videos nowadays BUT... not everyone over 50, 55, 60... I think that's the point. We've seen it all before, yes, but not many times from a 64 year old woman. And the times we've seen it they're vilified or laughed at while Iggy Pop or the Rolling Stones can still go around naked and be called legends.

And personally I think that's her point - but of course I can be wrong.

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16 hours ago, Askeroff said:

omg guys! her ass!  its gone with the wind!



unfortunately I don't think that her ugly fake huge ass is not gone with the wind. That huge fake ass is still there. That ugly fake ass is so huge it doesn't even get along with her beautiful dancer legs.  Jamon is the only thing that comes to my mind when I see this photo.

Madonna - Hung Up on Tokischa (Official Music Video).mp4_20220921_174055.886_size 50%.jpg

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