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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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14 minutes ago, Andymad said:

With how raunchy the song is, I would have LOVED (and I wish I were kidding), if she took this video to an underground club, created a sort of SEX 2.0, wore her outfit from the MTV awards ass and all. That I can get behind. Glory holes and all.


You can get behind glory holes? Interesting….

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2 hours ago, o_g_c_x said:

Yes, because the problem came when the MX tour ended. I dont see her brilliance anymore since then.

This is what made me sad. Madonna was workaholic and perfectionist. And I adore it. But The problem is that as she grew older, American radio DJs refused to play her songs on the radio, and no matter how hard Madonna worked to make a good album, her songs no longer topped the charts. 

"Why i have to trying so hard? the results aren't as good as my efforts. Then Why do I have to keep work out hard and do healthy diet to be in perfect shape? I just eat as much as I want and gain weight, I could just order Ricardo to photoshop my body to reduce in half."

You know what I'm trying to saying?

She tried and tried and tried, but it seems to me that she eventually gave up on everything at some point when she didn't get as much result as she tried.

That make me really sad.

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8 minutes ago, MadameX said:

This is what made me sad. Madonna was workaholic and perfectionist. And I adore it. But The problem is that as she grew older, American radio DJs refused to play her songs on the radio, and no matter how hard Madonna worked to make a good album, her songs no longer topped the charts. 

"Why i have to trying so hard? the results aren't as good as my efforts. Then Why do I have to keep work out hard and do healthy diet to be in perfect shape? I just eat as much as I want and gain weight, I could just order Ricardo to photoshop my body to reduce in half."

You know what I'm trying to saying?

She tried and tried and tried, but it seems to me that she eventually gave up on everything at some point when she didn't get as much result as she tried.

That make me really sad.

There's better things to be sad about, number one. Number two, she's living her best life with no fucks. Same Madonna, classic Madonna. I'm glad she is working less (but obviously happy she is working still) and doing what she wants to do, but more importantly having fun.

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12 hours ago, Prayer said:

Honestly: if it's all SO bad lately, if the lows are THAT low, if she's so desperate... why are you still here? Or following her?

I just can't get it. That masochist behavior.

I stopped following artists along the years, and some of them that I truly adored in some periods of my life, and it's not a big deal. You just move on, or don't find their work inspired or you simply don't connect anymore. It's OK. Or you disconnect for some periods and then with another album they "win" you back again. And anyway, the old music and visuals you loved and adored will always be there.

But if you feel the need to still follow her every move and let the world know how much you dislike it... well, maybe you DO care a little bit. And maybe yes, she's pushing some buttons in you.

Have you ever watched a car crash happening right before your eyes, yet you can't seem to look away?

But seriously, most of us have adored her for decades and, while frustrated at times, we're not prepared to break up.

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2 hours ago, MadameX said:

This is what made me sad. Madonna was workaholic and perfectionist. And I adore it. But The problem is that as she grew older, American radio DJs refused to play her songs on the radio, and no matter how hard Madonna worked to make a good album, her songs no longer topped the charts. 

"Why i have to trying so hard? the results aren't as good as my efforts. Then Why do I have to keep work out hard and do healthy diet to be in perfect shape? I just eat as much as I want and gain weight, I could just order Ricardo to photoshop my body to reduce in half."

You know what I'm trying to saying?

She tried and tried and tried, but it seems to me that she eventually gave up on everything at some point when she didn't get as much result as she tried.

That make me really sad.

I don’t think that’s what happened. It’s a lot of work to maintain an athletic physique into your 50’s let alone 60’s. Add to that serious injuries, a bit of wine… well, she’s a human being and maybe she decided to chill a bit and prioritize her own happiness rather than keep putting herself through all that?

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6 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I don’t think that’s what happened. It’s a lot of work to maintain an athletic physique into your 50’s let alone 60’s. Add to that serious injuries, a bit of wine… well, she’s a human being and maybe she decided to chill a bit and prioritize her own happiness rather than keep putting herself through all that?

I doubt it was just “a bit” of wine 😎

Happy Spring Break GIF by HBO

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I understand that you want to capture the attention of teenagers.
but the IDEA of capturing them is a very bad idea, she's looking like a RIDICULOUS 64-year-old LADY, for God's sake.


It is sad to see that an ELDERLY LADY, who gave us so many congratulations, is now at the PEAK of the worst of the WORST, how much lower can she FALL?

teenagers who see you playing the role of RIDICULA, is that okay?

I agree with TONY, since 2008 it has been declining, but this 2022 is the lowest of the lowest.

I thought that with MADAME X she was going to raise the quality, in fact she did. but this is like a board game, go up 5 steps and go back 9 steps, it is an uncomfortable moment for the followers of our queen, for the MATURE followers

Edited by RUADJAI
Removed the oversized text. (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, blondebenji said:

Totally agree with you.  Elton is Elton and Madonna is Madonna.  Elton hasnt been swapping spit with anyone even in his crazy days.

The point i was making was that - she wasn't swapping any spit that I saw with Lil Nas X but its the same comments that we see after anything she does these days.  Desperate, vulgar, lost it, deranged etc etc. The same stuff that is written about the video is the same that written next to this pic.


If Elton was kissing young men and twerking in his jockstrap next to Dua Lipa in a video people would be mocking him on social media I think. Recently they came for Leo DiCaprio for only dating 25 year olds calling him a dirty old man.

Im not saying there isn’t a double standard against women but ageism  is all over the Internet/social media, Madonna is not the only target.


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8 hours ago, blondebenji said:

I saw some pics this morning of her with Lil Nas X.

She is just supporting a young artists who is fighting for similiar rights she has and close to her heart.

But the same comments are flooded like the video with Tokischa.  Desperate, disgusting, crazy, mental, redundant, desperate etc etc etc

Funny i never see these things written when Elton John gets a pic with Harry Styles,   Mariah with Ariana etc


Or Madonna with Ariana, or the Britney wedding, or the mash up with Beyoncé, etc. etc. Basically any big artist or anyone that "deserves" to be next to her.

I think there's a certain element of classism, conscious or not, attached to it.

(Can of worms and it's another whole discussion but...)

Updated "Hung Up On Tokischa" stats:

Repeats today at #4 on YouTube trending worlwide

886.799 views so far - should easily reach 1M today

675.993 streams so far on Spotify

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12 hours ago, xavier said:

If there’s one thing about #Madonna you all pretend to have forgotten , that is that whatever she shows you, it is exactly the way she wants to be perceived . So stop with the narrative that she’s messy and this is a disgrace. 1/2

You seriously think she is immune to being messy, tacky and embarrassing? 

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Come on, guys!!!! Don't worry... I was watching the video and my sisters came and said "Who are those women?" Most people won't recognize her so no big problem :P

Now, seriously, I think the problem with Madonna in the last years is that she hasn't a "challenge" anymore. The way music has evolved is very different to what it was, yes, but she doesn't have a Michael Jackson (for example) to "fight" making the most expensive video of all time, the tours and things like that. You only have to look at the starts that you can compare with her... They are all dead or retired.

Imagine that you're Madonna in the past and look at all the people that was around her and the life she had with musicians, actors, photographers... I'm sure she had incredible times making photo sessions with Ritts, for example, but I think it was for all the things around it. The light, the make up... now is "Come on, go out of bed and don't worry to make up, we have photoshop". I guess for someone who lived the other way it must be very boring to make her job now.

And if you look at the videos... Now there are very simple videos that work pefectly, so why waste time, money and energy doing something incredible that nobody will watch? I think videos like "Medellin", "God Control", "Ghosttown" are very Madonna but people don't want to see that kind of videos now. They prefer a "Bitch, I'm Madonna" video... so I think in some way we are still lucky when she does things like that but, unfortunally, that's not what the general public wants anymore.

On the other hand... I think this is just a phase. I see the "Hung up" video as something she's made to fill a gap. To see what happens with her we have to wait and see how her next album is. And I have hope that with all the biopic and the Warner contract and things like that they will try to clean her image and I'm sure we're going to see the Madonna we knew again.


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17 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

That was posted on the right side of the forum and it's  still there :


I'm not doing the virtual witch hunt because it's quite painful even in real life, let alone in the virtual one..the comments on the video are strictly personal like those of all users and it seems normal to me, everyone is able to express themselves about it as I did, but read this thing about trans people especially from a Madonna fan? IT DOESN'T EXIST , (I don't even want to create unnecessary controversy or drama, they are not part of my person) But i don't have words.

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3 minutes ago, ma(x) said:

I'm not doing the virtual witch hunt because it is quite painful even in real life, let alone in the virtual one..the comments on the video are strictly personal like those of all users and it seems normal to me, everyone is able to express themselves about it as I did, but read this thing about trans people especially from a Madonna fan? IT DOESN'T EXIST. I don't have words.

Member has already been reported by many and banned for that. Please don't reopen this subject.

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