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The Grammy’s 2023


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5 minutes ago, sara94 said:

To me, the hateful comments about her face aren't even the worse thing to read about her rn but the disgusting conspiracies about Child trafficking and satanism. What can she do to stop the lies? I feel like its getting worse everyday with the viral tweets & tik toks. 

it's that what im referring to about informing people. the satanism can be laughed off, but the other shit is just..

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11 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

All the awards shows have been problematic for decades and it's the artists that play it safe, and play the game (and who often pay for awards) for corrupt industry voters that win.  Awards and award shows are meaningless and are really just paid promotion.  The prestige of the awards has fallen away to showcasing what is popular and to avoid allegations of racism and homophobia, very diverse 

In the context of Madonna, when she was the most outspoken and in some cases the most deserving (Like A Prayer, Live To Tell) etc she was ignored. When she wasn't a threat (Ray Of Light) she was rewarded. It's all a silly game.

As nice as it was to see her, I personally would have loved for her to abandon all awards shows 

Same here -

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16 minutes ago, acolyte said:

I'm pretty sure that if Madonna wasn't a celebrity and instead worked at a pharmacy, most customers wouldn't stop gushing over how beautiful that 64-year old woman is who just sold them medical-grade skin care.

Exactly… and to be honest regardless of what she’s done or will do to her face we as fans need to stop comparing her to her past self. We are so bad at doing that. I thought she looked great. I just didn’t like the hair. 

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15 hours ago, Jackie said:

The energy in that room was literally 0 - WTF was going on - she was speaking to what seemed like a room of people who couldn't give a fuck -

This kind of energy in these events is similar everywhere, I think.
In France, for the Césars (equivalent to the Oscars), the organizers were forced to put comedians at the presentation (including a comedian known for having parodied M, but who loves her) to try to relax the atmosphere, because the public energy was always as warm as... the weather in Frozen.

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The tour is going to be hell on her body. I’m really rooting for her. 

To be honest, I thought she looked and sounded great. This has been a huge upgrade from previous events. Vmas after her 60th…? Wow. Even the last vmas were she had to compose herself and almost tripped turning around. Yikes. Tho I did love the controversy.

One thing I do agree with another poster here is that social media is a drug and we should all get off of it. I think as a collective we’re going to realize this sooner or later. It’s a bad addictive drug. I’m on there defending her about she face with physically repulsive ppl comparing her to Pete Burns. People use social media as a bullhorn to air out their own frustrations and unhappiness with their own lives. They say things without realizing there are other people on the other side of the screen. I’m actually quite happy that Elon destroyed Twitter. It’s a cesspool of hate, bigotry and misinformation. I hope it starts a trend of people interacting more face to face. I can’t even get on TikTok without these young kids with no life experience having the most god awful takes and ready to cancel anyone that thinks outside their limited worldview. So many of them don’t even believe what they’re saying or knew about the latest chronically online take to parrot. And that goes for ‘both sides’ of whatever people want to argue about next.

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Do we think she sported last night's look because that's what non-fans and TikTok people would recognise via the cover art for "Back That up to the Beat"?

This is the first time since 2012 that she's gone for a completely different look at an event (MET Gala bob wig excluded) in general, isn't it? The more I see her with that hairdo, the more I love it!

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She’s getting so much hate online for the way she looks. It seems the press are picking some really unflattering pics and saying how unrecognisable she looks. 
it’s funny, cos in moving imagery she looks ok actually.
To be fair, the hair and bleached brows are not doing her any favours, but she doesn’t look half as bad as these twats are making out. 

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47 minutes ago, animalinstinct said:

She’s getting so much hate online for the way she looks. It seems the press are picking some really unflattering pics and saying how unrecognisable she looks. 
it’s funny, cos in moving imagery she looks ok actually.
To be fair, the hair and bleached brows are not doing her any favours, but she doesn’t look half as bad as these twats are making out. 

This is not specifically directed at you,  but what's new?  Since coming onto the scene in the 80's, she's gotten bad press and trashed including how she looks and acts.  Honestly, I pay no attention to it and I think some of the fan base pays TOO much attention to it, so it influences them to be as just as catty and negative.  I expect the media to give Madonna shit, but not her own fan base.  it gets tiring to log into these fan groups and seeing a number of people regurgitating the hate and negativity and thinking it's the end of her career or her legacy is being tarnished and so on.  It's not!  She's always going to be regarded as the "Queen of Pop".  Her music will always be regarded fondly (especially the 80's).  People will still praise her for her influence on pop culture and all the support she's given to the LGBTQ+ community and the list goes on.  So yeah, she's going to continue to get bad press, made fun of, and criticized by the media, but she keeps on doing her thing.  So if she can ignore it, maybe the fan base should too, or be a bit more supportive of her decisions.  If not, then maybe it's time to evaluate where you stand as a fan. :kissy:

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I mean. I’m honestly devastated with her own personally empowered choices to her face and that ass since Rebel Heart and I think it’s gotten to the point where it undermines her. We’re at pretty severe levels now and I find it uncomfortable to watch cause I love her so much. It’s .. a lot. We all know it and it’s her choice etc I just find it concerning so it seems so odd when others don’t see a problem to me. Maybe it’s a cultural thing I don’t know. Our UK older celebrities don’t really go to these extremes. 
… I don’t like to talk about it with friends or family so I’d rather discuss with you lot. Sorry if that pisses people off. I possibly ( naively),  consider this a safe space for all things Madonna cause anyone outside the forums reactions to her are … not good and it’s been like that for a few years 

but….having said that

the comments on Twitter and even on the front pages of the news are abhorrent. 
People posting pictures of their moms in their sixties and then of Madonna. There’s no need for that. 


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6 minutes ago, steady75 said:

I mean. I’m honestly devastated with her own personally empowered choices to her face and that ass since Rebel Heart and I think it’s gotten to the point where it undermines her. We’re at pretty severe levels now and I find it uncomfortable to watch I love her so much. t’s .. a lot. We all know it and it’s her choice etc I just find it concerning so it seems so odd when others don’t see a problem to me. Maybe it’s a cultural thing I don’t know. Our UK older celebrities don’t really go to this extremes. 
but….having said that… 

the comments on Twitter and even on the front pages of the news are abhorrent. 
People posting pictures of their moms in their sixties and then of Madonna. There’s no need for that. 


It hurts a lot. I thought people learned from what they did to MJ but no, they do the same to Madonna today. 

Tragic and Sad how simillar both the King and the Queen of Pop are being (mis-)treated by the Press and the public. 

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16 minutes ago, steady75 said:

the comments on Twitter and even on the front pages of the news are abhorrent. 
People posting pictures of their moms in their sixties and then of Madonna. There’s no need for that.

Their mothers?! With consent? In what context? Idky anyone would ever want to compare their mothers to Madonna of all people. Madonna is her own person. It’s so strange to me for people to want to do that. 

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12 minutes ago, sara94 said:

It hurts a lot. I thought people learned from what they did to MJ but no, they do the same to Madonna today. 

Tragic and Sad how simillar both the King and the Queen of Pop are being (mis-)treated by the Press and the public. 

No one made Michael Jackson butcher his face or molest children. 

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NOT this DRAMA(!) just because Madonna at 64 does not look the way ya'll need her to look. 

Jesus Christ, it's unbelievable...

If this ends up being how you feel then you guys are not understanding the point at all. Madonna is alive, working, healthy... How about being grateful for that instead of feeling ashamed of her ass for a change?

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1 hour ago, SecretProject said:

Their mothers?! With consent? In what context? Idky anyone would ever want to compare their mothers to Madonna of all people. Madonna is her own person. It’s so strange to me for people to want to do that. 

Those who put up their or their X's picture in comparison to Madonna are absolute BULLIES.

Their action is called "BULLYING" and even TRANNY. 

Reducing someone  to their appearance is "LOOKISM' and ridiculing them because of their age is "AGEIST LOOKISM."

Assuming and proposing that the woman who is a business genius and [one of] the most successful artist ever is 'mentally not ok' or 'something is wrong with her' is GASLIGHTING at the surface level and in depth inextricably linked to the notion of FEMALE HYSTERIA, a CENTURY OLD SYSTEMATIC PATRIARCHAL tool to control and demonize women   who do not fit into white cis men's conception of how women must be/have inherently.

Those, mostly cis men such as 50c or kevin hart,  who put up her pics and videos and call her to 'sanity" or 'common sense' are 'PATRIARCHAL GATE KEEPERS' under the pretence of representing the common sense, and none is any different than so-called experts and moralists that locked up women whose existence made men [in power]  uncomfortable. 

Edited by mazzona (see edit history)
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I assume these people will get even louder when the tour starts. I hope she just ignores it all and rises above it. The ticket sales show she is truly loved by millions.

and who the fuck cares if she’s had surgery? She is 65. People need a reality check. There are female and male pop stars in their 20’s who have had face lifts. They ALL have Botox and fillers. When they are 65 it will show.

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