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Madonna & teenage boy (SEX book)?

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Hello everyone!

In Madonna's SEX book, there is a page where she describes having sex with a teenage boy who hardly had any pubic hair. Although in the book Madonna also describes that the boy started it with kissing her more and more daring but in the end she just went with it.

I love Madonna but I don't think it's a good idea to legitimize sex between adults and teenangers.

What do you think about it?


btw. please be nice and respectful in the comments

Edited by Confessions Lightside (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, Confessions Lightside said:

Hello everyone...

In Madonna's SEX book, there is a page where she describes having sex with a teenage boy who hardly had any pubic hair. Although in the book Madonna also describes that the boy started it with kissing her more and more daring but in the end she just went with it.

I love Madonna but I don't think it's a good idea to legitimize sex between adults and teenangers...

What do you think about it?


btw. please be nice and respectful in the comments

Know that in the SEX book, everyone there, though fictional, are of legal age. Of course, Madonna knows what she's doing.

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People will do everything in their power to dig up dirt. Why don't you just go out and file a public lawsuit already? It's almost as terrible as accusing public figures of a crime they 'apparently' commited when no one knew them 17 years later just to get a cut off their paycheck when they're famous. Most books that are not about science or school, or art, for that matter (that's the one with the pictures) are fiction - just a little heads up!

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Like people mentioned, it's a work of fiction.  And let's not forget 17, 18 and 19 is still a teenager, usually the age of legal consent.  A lot of guys can still look very young and not fully developed even at that age. 

But to play devil's advocate, I had thought it was known Madonna and her friends in the early 80's would cruise the streets for Hispanic boys, so maybe that "work of fiction"/fantasy was somewhat true? 

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It is erotic fantasy fiction that was written 31 years ago. Right wing commentators who are desperate for attention and something to demonize have jumped on this recently. I'm surprised to see it brought up here. If she had released the Sex book last month it might be worthy of discussion, but it's been literally 31 years. 

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14 minutes ago, litemakr said:

It is erotic fantasy fiction that was written 31 years ago. Right wing commentators who are desperate for attention and something to demonize have jumped on this recently. I'm surprised to see it brought up here. If she had released the Sex book last month it might be worthy of discussion, but it's been literally 31 years. 

I'm not.  I've seen an increase of individuals within her fan groups and forums (whether they once were fans or under the pretense they are fans), trying to demonize or discredit her in anyway. 

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17 minutes ago, litemakr said:

It is erotic fantasy fiction that was written 31 years ago. Right wing commentators who are desperate for attention and something to demonize have jumped on this recently. I'm surprised to see it brought up here. If she had released the Sex book last month it might be worthy of discussion, but it's been literally 31 years. 

Today I saw several videos on my TikTok For You page where people had accused Madonna of child trafficking and pedophilia. I know that the child trafficking argument is bullshit, but the pedophilia argument was new to me. In the comments, some users had referred to Madonna's SEX book regarding the pedophilia allegation. That's what prompted me to ask here.

Btw. thanks to the many great answers here, I got more clarity and can now say that the accusation of pedophilia is also nonsense.

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10 minutes ago, Confessions Lightside said:

Today I saw several videos on my TikTok For You page where people had accused Madonna of child trafficking and pedophilia. I know that the child trafficking argument is bullshit, but the pedophilia argument was new to me. In the comments, some users had referred to Madonna's SEX book regarding the pedophilia allegation. That's what prompted me to ask here.

Btw. thanks to the many great answers here, I got more clarity and can now say that the accusation of pedophilia is also nonsense.

Everything on tik tok is nonsense, did you know? 

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11 minutes ago, tscott said:

I'm not.  I've seen an increase of individuals within her fan groups and forums (whether they once were fans or under the pretense they are fans), trying to demonize or discredit her in anyway. 

I don't wanted to demonize/discredit her in any way. I want to apologize if I did this with my post. I just wanted some clarity and since I don't know that much about Madonna myself I wanted to ask here in the fan forum.

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23 minutes ago, Confessions Lightside said:

I don't wanted to demonize/discredit her in any way. I want to apologize if I did this with my post. I just wanted some clarity and since I don't know that much about Madonna myself I wanted to ask here in the fan forum.

I was making a general statement of what I've been seeing lately. I don't believe you intentionally started this to demonize her.  :)

35 minutes ago, Confessions Lightside said:

Today I saw several videos on my TikTok For You page where people had accused Madonna of child trafficking and pedophilia. I know that the child trafficking argument is bullshit, but the pedophilia argument was new to me. In the comments, some users had referred to Madonna's SEX book regarding the pedophilia allegation. That's what prompted me to ask here.

Btw. thanks to the many great answers here, I got more clarity and can now say that the accusation of pedophilia is also nonsense.

And this is where my earlier point where I think people pop in and comment under the guise of being a "fan", trying to demonize her.  The "pedophilia allegations" came up recently because of her Vanity Fair spread/video for The Enlightenment, where she has those creepy dolls on her costume.  Anyway, I would stop reading the social media comments.  It's a cesspool of negativity and hate.  You have to keep in mind, people respond to negativity and hate before anything else.  As long as you know it's all bullshit and that Madonna isn't involved in pedophilia or worshiping Satan or whatever other nonsense some come up with, you should be good.  She's hugely famous and when you achieve such status, you are always going to find people hating on you for some reason or another, and in most cases, it's usually tied to some ridiculous conspiracy or false assumption.

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