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5 hours ago, konfideinmenow said:

I see I upset some of you. It’s not that serious. I find Sam to be a fraud because his whole act is recycled. We had this very same dog and pony show already so it seems inauthentic and contrived. Madonna who I respect and admire, sometimes produces art I don’t care for. Birthday Song, Spanish Lesson… it’s her art so she can express herself however she wants, but it does seem like she’s a bit late to the Sam Smith party bus, and that’s okay too this is just my humble opinion. As Madonna once said: “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.”

I think after she present them with the award and considering how much abuse Sam is getting lately, Madonna might feel motherly protective and connected to them. She had a similar emotion towards Britney at the time, still does now.

I don't think is a case of jumping in a trend or anyone's party bus. She is an artist that has been enduring mockery and critics her whole life and she might feel a bit like a mentor.

I don't have any interest in any of Sam's music I can't even recall a song. I don't have an opinion but I'm sure what they do is not the worst thing that ever happened to anyone or anything.

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I don’t feel like Sam Smith is the worst thing to happen to the gay community… but his image has sparked a question in my head that I haven’t quite answered yet… 

How much does beauty play a part in the pop stars that we love. I would be lying if I said that Madonna’s beauty had nothing to do with why I became so obsessed with her. I remember staring at her face so close for hours on the poster on my wall.  Esthetics are a thing… and hers were always perfection. There’s a reason they take a million photos. Shoot a hundred different takes in videos. The video of him doing Human Nature with pasties comes across as cringe to me. It doesn’t really excite me visually, and I’m not against it per sé,  But I’m not really sure why it’s cringe. Because I get a kick out of seeing drag race girls half in and out of drag with their boy chest showing and their wigs still on. I’m attracted to femme guys who wear femme clothes.  I don’t know… there’s something about it that doesn’t sit right with me. The Devil performance at the Grammys was also very… just… “why?”. If anything… in our political climate when people are claiming the gays are evil and grooming children, and you choose to intentionally feed that fire… it doesn’t feel boundary pushing or next level or moving the conversation forward like say the Sex Book did. Or at least I perceived it to. 

The only thing I can compare this to is watching someone you are sexually attracted to making a thirst trap tik tok, and then watching someone you are not attracted to doing the same thing. It can be cringe or comical. But it also shines a light on how absurd the “thirst trap” TikTok genre is. And in that same vein, I feel like Sam Smith calls into question what a pop star is. But then I also think… we’ve always had bigger people making music, mid level handsome guys singing… what’s the difference?!?  I love Beth Ditto. Mama Cass. 

I don’t mean to offend anyone, I just honestly feel like Sam Smith’s recent persona has just turned me into the interviewer who told Madonna he didn’t like the sex book photo of her straddling the mirror with her finger in her vagina, and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out what it means, what my issue is. 

I mean also, are we supposed to just love everything everyone does?! I feel like so many performances now a days its like clapping for people just for trying, not because it’s actually good. Like, “yay, you are bigger, and you took off your clothes, you get an automatic round of applause because you are brave”. Idk 

What time is it?


Oh shit: replace all my he’s and hims with theys. I forgot. 🥴

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6 hours ago, konfideinmenow said:

I see I upset some of you. It’s not that serious. I find Sam to be a fraud because his whole act is recycled. We had this very same dog and pony show already so it seems inauthentic and contrived. Madonna who I respect and admire, sometimes produces art I don’t care for. Birthday Song, Spanish Lesson… it’s her art so she can express herself however she wants, but it does seem like she’s a bit late to the Sam Smith party bus, and that’s okay too this is just my humble opinion. As Madonna once said: “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.”

Yeah but still some stink more than others. 

Sam Smith is figuring out something, we have the same in France with Bilal Hassani (who was our Eurovision candidate when Madonna paticipated in that shit show) whom is not only non binary but also of arab descent. I don't like what they do, both. I'm not a fan but both are visciously attacked by the right wingers and i feel i should support them, not their art but what they stand for. I'm glad Madonna is doing it NOW because it is now that they (sam smith) need it. I remember gays not feeling at ease with the dancers in Truth or Dare and thought they were too cliché, now they are singing another tune. In that case i don't care about the artisty, i care about the message of support when someone is being attacked. She did the same with Miley after the VMA's when other popstars, the press and the public were ripping her to shreds.

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3 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

I don’t feel like Sam Smith is the worst thing to happen to the gay community… but his image has sparked a question in my head that I haven’t quite answered yet… 

How much does beauty play a part in the pop stars that we love. I would be lying if I said that Madonna’s beauty had nothing to do with why I became so obsessed with her. I remember staring at her face so close for hours on the poster on my wall.  Esthetics are a thing… and hers were always perfection. There’s a reason they take a million photos. Shoot a hundred different takes in videos. The video of him doing Human Nature with pasties comes across as cringe to me. It doesn’t really excite me visually, and I’m not against it per sé,  But I’m not really sure why it’s cringe. Because I get a kick out of seeing drag race girls half in and out of drag with their boy chest showing and their wigs still on. I’m attracted to femme guys who wear femme clothes.  I don’t know… there’s something about it that doesn’t sit right with me. The Devil performance at the Grammys was also very… just… “why?”. If anything… in our political climate when people are claiming the gays are evil and grooming children, and you choose to intentionally feed that fire… it doesn’t feel boundary pushing or next level or moving the conversation forward like say the Sex Book did. Or at least I perceived it to. 

The only thing I can compare this to is watching someone you are sexually attracted to making a thirst trap tik tok, and then watching someone you are not attracted to doing the same thing. It can be cringe or comical. But it also shines a light on how absurd the “thirst trap” TikTok genre is. And in that same vein, I feel like Sam Smith calls into question what a pop star is. But then I also think… we’ve always had bigger people making music, mid level handsome guys singing… what’s the difference?!?  I love Beth Ditto. Mama Cass. 

I don’t mean to offend anyone, I just honestly feel like Sam Smith’s recent persona has just turned me into the interviewer who told Madonna he didn’t like the sex book photo of her straddling the mirror with her finger in her vagina, and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out what it means, what my issue is. 

I mean also, are we supposed to just love everything everyone does?! I feel like so many performances now a days its like clapping for people just for trying, not because it’s actually good. Like, “yay, you are bigger, and you took off your clothes, you get an automatic round of applause because you are brave”. Idk 

What time is it?


Oh shit: replace all my he’s and hims with theys. I forgot. 🥴

This post is so honest, raw, and in the face..It´s incredibly good and I truly love it. Thank you. Aesthetics are also important for me and Madonna took well care of it till recently.

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Sams journey is important and different to Madonnas because of their respective beauty standards.

Madonna was a beauty, enigmatic and physically in great shape. She was able to play with beauty conventions from a place of privilege. Hot as fuck. great face, bod, white woman, who came through at the right time when there was a small space for women where she could barge through and take the centre stage.

Sam was not. They were hemmed in by corporate music men. They themselves said they felt they had to retain this thin, masc image to fit in with The Disclosure boys etc. They were actually super femme in their early years and wore femme clothes but had all that stripped away by the music biz people. This journey is Sam reclaiming themselves and saying "why can I only be sexually overt and revealing if I'm a hunk and wear masculine clothes and act like a hyper masculine man?"

Do only traditionally beautiful people get to do that? 

Look at the dispensations given to the poster with their traditionally perfect body. Say what you want you've got pecs etc. Whether joking or not. The world gives you a huge discount for traditional standards of beauty.

Sam is pushing against that. Can they be a big pop entity without looking like Ricky Martin, ASAP Rocky or Nick Jonas? Do they get away with the cross dressing of an artist like Harry Styles?

No because Harry is A) heteronormative (or at least publicly)...B) Traditionally beautiful. 

If Harry suddenly said "I'm open to dating boys now too" It would probably be considered as adding texture to their brand. Because as a largely straight man there's a certain edginess to that. ( See Bowie, Jagger, Lennon etc)

If Sam suddenly took an interest in girls there would be a level of disgust attached to their choice.

Sam cops flak cause they are femme, queer, fat and unashamed and they are putting it in your face whether you like it or not.

Yes we've had Sylvester and Boy George and MNEK in most recent years but Sam is a different take. They identify as non binary and they also lean heavily at times into both their masc and femme sides in terms of outward appearance. People hate the ambiguity. It's one or the other. It's no different to Madonna wearing a suit in Express Yourself and grabbing her crotch. Sam playing with their titties on stage in a Basque is a problem for people. While Dan from imagine Dragons runs around topless all the time and the internet has a hard on / wide on for him.

It's the hypocrisy and double standards. That's Sam's mountain to climb. Much like Madonnas was. "Why do I make you uncomfortable".  I don't think it's an act and I don't think it's recycled and I think it's important as fuck in todays climate where is seems like the powerful institutions want that progress put into reverse. 

The satanic thing is clearly a reaction to them being publicly demonised for being themselves. All the things the straight world say about queer folk " I don't mind gay people as long as they don't fiddle with kids etc"

The Unholy story tells of a "straight man" doing the dirty on his wife and kids with another woman. It happens everyday. Men on the DL. We all know them, we've all been there before being gay ourselves or have engaged with straight men who have sex with men. 

"It's just sex. Which is power, which is sex" I think the great Sue Pollard once said 



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3 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

I don’t feel like Sam Smith is the worst thing to happen to the gay community… but his image has sparked a question in my head that I haven’t quite answered yet… 

How much does beauty play a part in the pop stars that we love. I would be lying if I said that Madonna’s beauty had nothing to do with why I became so obsessed with her. I remember staring at her face so close for hours on the poster on my wall.  Esthetics are a thing… and hers were always perfection. There’s a reason they take a million photos. Shoot a hundred different takes in videos. The video of him doing Human Nature with pasties comes across as cringe to me. It doesn’t really excite me visually, and I’m not against it per sé,  But I’m not really sure why it’s cringe. Because I get a kick out of seeing drag race girls half in and out of drag with their boy chest showing and their wigs still on. I’m attracted to femme guys who wear femme clothes.  I don’t know… there’s something about it that doesn’t sit right with me. The Devil performance at the Grammys was also very… just… “why?”. If anything… in our political climate when people are claiming the gays are evil and grooming children, and you choose to intentionally feed that fire… it doesn’t feel boundary pushing or next level or moving the conversation forward like say the Sex Book did. Or at least I perceived it to. 

The only thing I can compare this to is watching someone you are sexually attracted to making a thirst trap tik tok, and then watching someone you are not attracted to doing the same thing. It can be cringe or comical. But it also shines a light on how absurd the “thirst trap” TikTok genre is. And in that same vein, I feel like Sam Smith calls into question what a pop star is. But then I also think… we’ve always had bigger people making music, mid level handsome guys singing… what’s the difference?!?  I love Beth Ditto. Mama Cass. 

I don’t mean to offend anyone, I just honestly feel like Sam Smith’s recent persona has just turned me into the interviewer who told Madonna he didn’t like the sex book photo of her straddling the mirror with her finger in her vagina, and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out what it means, what my issue is. 

I mean also, are we supposed to just love everything everyone does?! I feel like so many performances now a days its like clapping for people just for trying, not because it’s actually good. Like, “yay, you are bigger, and you took off your clothes, you get an automatic round of applause because you are brave”. Idk 

What time is it?


Oh shit: replace all my he’s and hims with theys. I forgot. 🥴

But are you straight or gay ? Because you cited two big women but no man and no gay man. Some people did not like Boy Geoge because they considered him too feminine and too fat (!!!) 

As for the aesthetic i find what Sam Smith do absolutely ugly just like i found ugly every Gaga tour and performances, they  look the same to me. Cheap, like a high school musical sponsored by Desigual. Same with Katy Perry but sponsored by Party City and some kind of Toy r Us type of stores. But i also adore John Waters and Divine, the original queen of Sleaze (before the NYP gave that title to Madonna) Sam Smith are not on that level yet, still too pop, too polished, i don't expect him to shit on stage like Pete Burns but somehow i hope, down the line, he will :) sorry, THEY will.

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It was Sam Smith’s video for ‘I’m not here to make friends ‘ that made me a fan of them. Prior to that I didn’t care. The confidence with which they behaved in the video is very thrilling and inspiring , hence sexy to me. It’s not to everyone’s liking, I know. And that is totally ok. 

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