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Madonna Movies Thread Discussion

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3 hours ago, Prayer said:

She was robbed with "Evita" of at least getting a nomination.

While it is a great performance, I don't think a role consisting entirely of pre-recorded vocals and no spoken lines are often nominated. Maybe there have been some exceptions, but can't think of any.


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3 hours ago, Prayer said:

She was robbed with "Evita" of at least getting a nomination.

While it is a great performance, I don't think roles consisting entirely of pre-recorded vocals and no spoken lines are often nominated. Maybe there have been some exceptions, but can't think of any. Most major musicals had a lot of spoken dialogue, where the actors excelled equally in the spoken and musical scenes.

Also, the movie didn't get any major nominations, so an acting nomination was also unlikely... and except the Golden Globe, M didn't get any major nominations in award shows preceding the Oscars, which is usually a good indication of nominations/wins at the Oscars.

Not to mention that a lot of amazing actors got their first nominations after years of great acting work and a much stronger career behind them.

I don't think any movie buffs outside the Madonna community would consider it a snub.


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I said it in another topic about M and the movies, I think the biggest problem with her career in the movies is that she fundamentally doesn't understand that the movie industry is different from the music industry and when she's hired as an actress, she doesn't get any say in anything other than her own performance.

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My fave films in order are ;

wtg , DSS, Swept away , Next best thing , dick tracy and evita

shes great in dangerous game but it’s a depressing film to watch

i think body is her worst - terrible script and acting and I think she looked awful in it too 

one thing that always irritates me is she never blamed her performance on a films failure even Shanghai surprise ( she blamed on the director 🤔) I’m not upset she doesn’t act - she gave it her best shot …

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5 minutes ago, androiduser said:

I said it in another topic about M and the movies, I think the biggest problem with her career in the movies is that she fundamentally doesn't understand that the movie industry is different from the music industry and when she's hired as an actress, she doesn't get any say in anything other than her own performance.

She literally repeated this in almost every interview about her movies.

This is just an example.

You keep making statements about her when you should at least do your homework first.

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1 minute ago, wtg1987 said:

one thing that always irritates me is she never blamed her performance on a films failure even Shanghai surprise ( she blamed on the director 🤔) I’m not upset she doesn’t act - she gave it her best shot …

this is why I say she just fundamentally doesn't understand the movie industry and was never a good fit. Not because she "didn't lick Hollywood assholes" (neither did Bette Davis decades before her, and yet Madonna was great friends with a certain powerhouse producer), but because she was not good at understanding the industry.

Even if we fans think the entire industry was against her (and yet she kept getting her chance over and over and over again for over 20 years), nobody was stopping people from flocking to the cinema to see the greatest star on the planet on the big screen. You can't even blame the reviews - there are TONS of terrible movies doing GREAT at the box office.

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18 hours ago, Ari Interactive said:

I always feel like Evita is MTV Weekend of Madonna 

That's because the whole musical feels like an extended DCFMA video 😂 And MTV Weekend of Madonna is so mid-90s!!!

I really like this movie because it's sort of a miracle.

It spent 2 decades in development hell, could have been an Oliver Stone movie, or Ken Russell, or Coppola... And of course, Liza Minelli, Meryl Streep and Michelle Pfeiffer would have pulled wonderful Evitas, that we'd still love today. This role is so iconic.

(My theory is that Evita is fascinating because of her uncanniness.)

M was so lucky to finally do the part, this vehicle was bound to earn her recognition and awards, knowing her work ethic and commitment.

I remember French newspaper Libération wrote that the movie was about the "good bad taste" of Madonna. Spot on.


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5 minutes ago, Prayer said:

She literally repeated this in almost every interview about her movies.

This is just an example.

You keep making statements about her when you should at least do your homework first.

She can say it over and over again, but even in Evita she wanted to change the lyrics to the songs to make improvements. Publically talking against her own movie before it even premiered (Dangerous Game), interfering with Schlesinger's work on set...

Even in the video you posted, she thinks the control is out of her hands as if it were a bad thing. Trusting the director.. oh my! 

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1 minute ago, androiduser said:

She can say it over and over again, but even in Evita she wanted to change the lyrics to the songs to make improvements. Publically talking against her own movie before it even premiered (Dangerous Game), interfering with Schlesinger's work on set...

Again, making up your own facts along the way.

In "Evita" she didn't want to "change the lyrics of the songs to make improvements". She wanted to be involved in the new song for the movie, "You Must Love Me". Cause she's a songwriter too, in case you didn't notice. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice said no, end of the story. From that story you create the whole drama that she wanted to change the whole soundtrack?

Happy Hour Dancing GIF by Madonna

"Dangerous Game": we all know she had issues with that one and the whole concept of how it ended up being edited. First actress ever to dislike one of her own movies? I don't think so. Some actors refuse to do promo altogether sometimes. Again, no drama, only in your head.

Happy Hour Dancing GIF by Madonna

"The Next Best Thing": were you on the set? Cause it looks like it. Show us your name on the credits of the movie. Until you do, let's ask the other actors in the movie, if they have something to say about her treating anyone badly on the set:

Oh, this was all about an old blog that could easily have been made up then and that no one can even find today, right?

Happy Hour Dancing GIF by Madonna

Again: do your homework.

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19 hours ago, tscott said:



@tscott, we have similar tastes, I think, lol.

Who's That Girl and BOE are my fave movies of hers, but I thinks she's anywhere from very good to at least decent in most of them.  For me, her acting is usually less of an issue than the movies themselves; I can't see Shanghai Surprise being a smash hit no matter who starred in it, and Swept Away seems like it should have been more extreme in either direction, be it more of an intense drama between the two, or way more of a slapstick comedy.  As it stands, it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be (Drama?  Romance?  Comedy?  Not that there's a problem with mixing genres, but SA couldn't quite commit to any of them very well).

In my own opinion, I think that she is a really talented supporting actor (Dick Tracy, League, Four Rooms).  It's just when she is the main actress that she tends to run into trouble.  And again, part of it is her choice of roles.  BOE was always going to be compared to Basic Instinct, and she's way less natural as Rebecca than Sharon Stone was with her character.  Shanghai Surprise was rough because of the script, the issues they had with the paparazzi and the locals, and because I think she, Sean and George were probably trying a bit too hard to make them into a Golden Hollywood Couple™.  Same thing with Guy Richie and Swept Away.  Even with WTG, which I just adore, I can kinda see why general audiences weren't impressed.

I don't necessarily count Truth or Dare or I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, only because those aren't really acting roles, although I know there has been much fuss made about how aspects of TOD were staged as opposed to just something Alek happened to be filming.  Either way, I don't consider these to be a part of her acting resume.  

I also realize I haven't mentioned Evita, which is a brilliant film, with a wonderful performance (her best).  Her musical career, especially her experience in making videos, obviously prepared her for the role of Eva.  I know it's been criticized as being basically a long music video, but I think that's a ridiculous argument.  In fact, I think it's her ability to tell a story through her own music videos that proved how perfect she was/is for the role.

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36 minutes ago, momosfantasy said:

@tscott, we have similar tastes, I think, lol.

Who's That Girl and BOE are my fave movies of hers, but I thinks she's anywhere from very good to at least decent in most of them.  For me, her acting is usually less of an issue than the movies themselves; I can't see Shanghai Surprise being a smash hit no matter who starred in it, and Swept Away seems like it should have been more extreme in either direction, be it more of an intense drama between the two, or way more of a slapstick comedy.  As it stands, it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be (Drama?  Romance?  Comedy?  Not that there's a problem with mixing genres, but SA couldn't quite commit to any of them very well).

In my own opinion, I think that she is a really talented supporting actor (Dick Tracy, League, Four Rooms).  It's just when she is the main actress that she tends to run into trouble.  And again, part of it is her choice of roles.  BOE was always going to be compared to Basic Instinct, and she's way less natural as Rebecca than Sharon Stone was with her character.  Shanghai Surprise was rough because of the script, the issues they had with the paparazzi and the locals, and because I think she, Sean and George were probably trying a bit too hard to make them into a Golden Hollywood Couple™.  Same thing with Guy Richie and Swept Away.  Even with WTG, which I just adore, I can kinda see why general audiences weren't impressed.

I don't necessarily count Truth or Dare or I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, only because those aren't really acting roles, although I know there has been much fuss made about how aspects of TOD were staged as opposed to just something Alek happened to be filming.  Either way, I don't consider these to be a part of her acting resume.  

I also realize I haven't mentioned Evita, which is a brilliant film, with a wonderful performance (her best).  Her musical career, especially her experience in making videos, obviously prepared her for the role of Eva.  I know it's been criticized as being basically a long music video, but I think that's a ridiculous argument.  In fact, I think it's her ability to tell a story through her own music videos that proved how perfect she was/is for the role.

Your pretty spot on here.  As for Shanghai Surprise, I had re-watched that film after years not seeing it.  I had fell into the narrative that she was simply a bad actress in that film, when that wasn't really the case.  Much of the plot and story was just cringe and awful.  The script was just bad.  The music score was awful.  However, she seemed to be the delight of the film. I enjoyed the chemistry she and Sean had.  She wasn't the problem in this movie. It was just a bad movie.

I definitely agree that she has the ability to tell a story through her own music and that is what probably made her perfect for Evita.  I thought she came off really great in the film even in the few speaking parts she had.  I do wish though she would have been able to convince Andrew Loyd Webber and Tim Rice to help with the new song, because that possibly been her first Oscar win.  Unless the Academy is that petty and not let the song be nominated just because she had a hand in writing it. 


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3 minutes ago, tscott said:

Your pretty spot on here.  As for Shanghai Surprise, I had re-watched that film after years not seeing it.  I had fell into the narrative that she was simply a bad actress in that film, when that wasn't really the case.  Much of the plot and story was just cringe and awful.  The script was just bad.  The music score was awful.  However, she seemed to be the delight of the film. I enjoyed the chemistry she and Sean had.  She wasn't the problem in this movie. It was just a bad movie.

I definitely agree that she has the ability to tell a story through her own music and that is what probably made her perfect for Evita.  I thought she came off really great in the film even in the few speaking parts she had.  I do wish though she would have been able to convince Andrew Loyd Webber and Tim Rice to help with the new song, because that possibly been her first Oscar win.  Unless the Academy is that petty and not let the song be nominated just because she had a hand in writing it. 


Honestly, I think she's one of the few, few decent things on "Shanghai Surprise":

The movie is terrible but she's not the worst thing about it. Plus she couldn't look more beautiful.

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14 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Honestly, I think she's one of the few, few decent things on "Shanghai Surprise":

The movie is terrible but she's not the worst thing about it. Plus she couldn't look more beautiful.

Oh now you want me to go watch it again. LOL!  Yeah, she seems pretty natural in her role. Very beautiful too.  I still feel she started to get in her head and come off stiff starting with Dick Tracy.  She pulled off I'm Breathless still, but it seemed since that role, I've never been convinced that she was a very great actress.  Though, she had some redeeming acting moments in Dangerous Game/Snake Eyes, even though the film is impossible to watch. 

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16 minutes ago, tscott said:

Oh now you want me to go watch it again. LOL!  Yeah, she seems pretty natural in her role. Very beautiful too.  I still feel she started to get in her head and come off stiff starting with Dick Tracy.  She pulled off I'm Breathless still, but it seemed since that role, I've never been convinced that she was a very great actress.  Though, she had some redeeming acting moments in Dangerous Game/Snake Eyes, even though the film is impossible to watch. 

"Dangerous Game" is a hard one to watch (and quite boring in some points TBH), but she's excellent:

One of her best moments.

Looking for scenes of the movie I also found this beauty:


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3 minutes ago, Prayer said:

"Dangerous Game" is a hard one to watch (and quite boring in some points TBH), but she's excellent:

One of her best moments.

Looking for scenes of the movie I found this beauty:


YES!  I always felt the scenes where she's acting in the film they are making, especially those intense scenes, were her best acting ever.  I remember seeing those scenes and think, "DAAAAMN! GIRL!!", where have been you hiding these acting chops? 

And it's no wonder why she got upset over the outcome of this film.  It's because she knew she delivered one of her best acting efforts in film, and it goes down in a boring and pretty bad film such as this.  Not to say, any changes she demanded would have changed the outcome of this film, but it just shows she has capability of being a good actress. 

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33 minutes ago, Fabiolous said:

She obviously can't act for the life of hers, unless it's in a musical performance.

However, I did think the critics were extremely unfair to W./E. I thought it was well made

First off, she didn't act in W/E, she directed that and I agree people judged her harshly for it.  Maybe it's not the most greatest film, but it wasn't awful.  Nor is it fair to compare her as an actress as the same as an director.

Secondly, to say she can't "act for the life of her" isn't just total BS.  I agree she isn't the greatest actress.  Other than Evita, nothing she's done is Award worthy.  Yet, she's shown moments that she can act.  Just check out Dangerous Game/Snake Eyes.   Acting great never equates to great films.  At the same time, bad acting never equates to having some great films.  Most people can enjoy and love films even with those who may act bad in the film.  There are so many elements to making a great film.  Though, it can be subjective.  Even a bad film like Who's That Girl, can be fun to watch and enjoyable.  There are plenty of films like that.  Many of the most well known Cult Films include bad plots, bad acting, etc. 

Again, I agree she isn't an Oscar worthy actress, and acting isn't her strong suit, but she can act if she really put her mind to it. 

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The ones I can recall watching.  Didnt count Truth or Dare.  Never watched Dangerous Game.  


Desperately Seeking Susan- my favorite Madonna film.  Very fun and 80's.  I miss that NYC on display as well.  The triplets in that movie were real cool and had a very interesting life story as well.  

Shanghai Surprise- she looked gorgeous in it but awful movie.  Couldn't watch it more than a 1/2 hour

Who's That Girl- underrated.  critics were too hard on it.  It's very cute.  Nikki helped Loudon see what love is about 

Dick Tracy- she was hot as Breathless.  wasn't a big comic book fan though.  kinda neutral on this one

A League of Their Own- great film.  She was funny and cute as Mae.  I love in the last game when she knocks the catchers helmet away.  Seemed so Madonna.

Body of Evidence- I liked it.  Good cast.  Critics were too hard on it.  Better than Basic Instinct.  I would add Madonna gave like the sexiest performance of life anything I watched in my life in this.  I'll leave it as I went thorough plenty paper towels in my life watching Madonna in this one.  Was like the first over R rated movie I watched.  

Four Rooms- the cameo she was hot and gorgeous as hell 

Evita- I liked Madonna's performance but it was a little on the boring side.  Perhaps an unpopular opinion?  I just dont know all that much about Eva Peron to appreciate it.

The Next Best Thing- all right.  kinda boring.  But I fished it.  5 out of 10 stars for me 

Swept Away- wasn't a good movie but it definitely wasn't all on Madonna.  Although I actually had a hard time seeing her as a bitch.  



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