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11 minutes ago, drivebitch said:

Guy is also her manager who has to do damage control. Keep that in mind when reading any official and unofficial statements. Both have their own agendas. 

Guy is as official as it going to get, next to her family or herself.  So I'm going to trust that if he said it was "serious" and she was in the "ICU", it's true.  It's crazy to assume her own manager would just make that up, especially since nothing was reported for several days and the fact he didn't go into details.  The rest; I take with a grain of salt, at this point.


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7 minutes ago, tscott said:

Guy is as official as it going to get, next to her family or herself.  So I'm going to trust that if he said it was "serious" and she was in the "ICU", it's true.  It's crazy to assume her own manager would just make that up, especially since nothing was reported for several days and he didn't go into details.


I don't think they were saying that Guy was making shit up at all. By "damage control" I think that meant that Guy may be making sound less serious to not make people worry too much. For example he didn't say she was found unresponsive, but maybe she was and he didn't share it because she's okay now.

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6 minutes ago, Fabiolous said:

I don't think they were saying that Guy was making shit up at all. By "damage control" I think that meant that Guy may be making sound less serious to not make people worry too much. For example he didn't say she was found unresponsive, but maybe she was and he didn't share it because she's okay now.

That's not the kind of information you share in an official statement anyway, if she's better now and out of ICU. What's the point?

And in the end she calls the shots and she seems to be very private about her health. I mean she kept all the 2019/2020 hip drama quite to herself for months? years? until she couldn't anymore.

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9 minutes ago, Fabiolous said:

I don't think they were saying that Guy was making shit up at all. By "damage control" I think that meant that Guy may be making sound less serious to not make people worry too much. For example he didn't say she was found unresponsive, but maybe she was and he didn't share it because she's okay now.

Yes, but I'm only referring to exactly what he said.  He offered no details.  So we can't just assume that since "PAGE SIX" said she was "incubated" and "found unresponsive" is anymore true.  But as I stated several times, no one goes to the ICU and stays several days (as Guy stated) and not be in serious condition. So while I'm sure Guy worded things to keep the panic down, I don't feel like he was sugar coating anything either.  He isn't obligate to share anything more. 

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23 minutes ago, drivebitch said:

She was found unresponsive. She had already been in that state when someone finally found her. She could have been asleep from the night before and they couldn’t wake her up. The fact that she was found in that state is not good, period. Hopefully she doesn’t have any cognitive issues. 

Guy wrote explicitly that they expect a full recovery at this point, so she is fine at the moment, wich doesn't mean this was and is not serious

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6 minutes ago, Prayer said:

That's not the kind of information you share in an official statement anyway, if she's better now and out of ICU. What's the point?

And in the end she calls the shots and she seems to be very private about her health. I mean she kept all the 2019/2020 hip drama quite to herself for months? years? until she couldn't anymore.

That's what I meant by "didn't share it because she's okay"

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1 hour ago, Enrico said:

Alcuni possono essere estremamente negativi e vedere arrivare cose brutte.

Alcuni altri potrebbero reagire in modo egoistico pensando alle cancellazioni e alla perdita di denaro.

Posso capirlo perché è nella natura umana, ma sono sicuro che, nonostante queste reazioni nel profondo, TUTTI sentiamo che la salute di Madonna viene prima di tutto.

Restiamo uniti, non litighiamo per una volta.

@Enrico I confirm the unexpected in life can happen also  for singer male or female when it is cancelled concert tour on mini tour  also for work bad weather and health problems , being angry about it doesn't solve anything , must have to wait Madonna is fine , you can do the concertfor those who want to go and see for she

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I have been in a complete state of shock since the news broke. 

The positive thing is that from Guy's statement, she is out of the ICU and in recovery....they held back the news until they are sure of her condition to not let speculations fester. The headlines are very gloomy, but we must have faith that our girl WILL pull through and fully recover. I hope she will take the entire Summer off and not be worried about the Tour for now. 

Sending her all my love.

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ICU? WTF! So scary. I wish her a full and speedy recovery, whatever the case may be.

I pray that my October LA show won't be rescheduled as I'll be in town from overseas for just a week. Eek.

Not to detract from the apparent seriousness of the matter, but does anyone else feel a touch sceptical about this?

A part of me hopes that this is just an insurance-related excuse due to some kind of production delay. It's not unheard of...

Or that they will use this as a crutch to thwart criticism about her low-energy dance moves during the tour?

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1 hour ago, tscott said:

Let's hope, but I have a feeling that the summer dates will all be postponed.:sad:

not necessarily, she just won't be able to rehearse for two weeks or so, so the first few weeks of the tour are most likely to be affected and postponed.

Assuming it's an intestinal infection because they are very common, they are not very dangerous once the body is re-hydrated, an IV drip takes care of this quickly. But because of the strict diet afterwards, patients lose a lot of weight.

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That's scary, I don't want to think about losing her but alas we are all human. I haven't spoken much about the tour because I've had an ominous feeling since it was announced. I'm usually very excited for her tours but this was the first time I felt doubtful of her ability to pull it off. I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer since so many fans are excited but this is not a good start. I wouldn't be surprised if the tour is shortened or eventually canceled altogether. Regardless, her health is the most important. I wish her a speedy recovery and for her to prioritize her mental and physical well-being so that she is around for a long time.

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1 minute ago, androiduser said:

not necessarily, she just won't be able to rehearse for two weeks or so, so the first few weeks of the tour are most likely to be affected and postponed.

Well, it depends on firstly how long it''ll take her to recover - that's the unknown - being discharged from hospital isn't always the end of it.  It could take weeks for her to get to a stage to actually start rehearsals again - and then it's a question of what modifications she might need to make.


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