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Life with my sister Madonna - what's your opinion?


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3 hours ago, James19709 said:

nah he just has a deep voice

Having such a deep voice doesn't equate to someone sounding "deadpan" or "bitter".  His voice is interesting enough that I wouldn't expect either "deadpan" or complete "bitterness".  But again, our society is so hooked on negativity and drama.  What he delivered was just the right dish for those who enjoy such their tea under the shade. :Madonna054:

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I listened to the audiobook and I truly didn’t think much of it nor did I learn anything I didn’t already know. Maybe because I lived all in real time and besides some insights I thought it was really nothing more than what the tabloids of the time already talked about 

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12 hours ago, McDonna said:

Having such a deep voice doesn't equate to someone sounding "deadpan" or "bitter".  His voice is interesting enough that I wouldn't expect either "deadpan" or complete "bitterness".  But again, our society is so hooked on negativity and drama.  What he delivered was just the right dish for those who enjoy such their tea under the shade. :Madonna054:


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I read his book shortly after it came out; I found it posted free online. I’ve avoided all other Madonna biographies until the most recent Mary Gabriel book, which is very historically correct (except for her listing Adele as one of the celebrities who’ve joined her onstage for RHT near the end of the book- fix that in the paperback!) if not a bit dry. I was definitely curious because Chris and Madonna were so close. I remember a few weeks before the book was released there was press (probably contacted by Chris’s publisher) about how her lawyers went over the book and possibly some small details were taken out of privacy concerns. My biggest take away from the book is Chris’s touring career w her, his interior design business and a-list social life was ascending, actually peaking, while his sister’s career was in serious jeapordy after the sex book and erotica backlash, at least in the US. The first few pages of the book he congratulated himself and his sister for the girlie show, a tour which almost the entire US was skipped with the exception of New York City, Philadelphia, and Detroit,  places that were travel stopovers to get to Europe or Canada. I imagine it would’ve looked really horrible, considering the success of blonde ambition and truth or dare, to have US cities not selling out. I know!  If anything, I feel like the generous erotica set list from the celebration tour is included in part to her skipping most of the US back in 1993. 

While Chris was talented and had a magnetic personality similar to hers, his access to A-list celebrities and models was because of his sister. His recounting partying with Demi Moore and watching her Louis Vuitton luggage float through her flooded hotel suite wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t Madonna’s brother. He must’ve really needed the money for the book because celebrities who gave him the time of day before the book, whether it was because they were already friends with Madonna or wanted more access to Madonna, would’ve definitely backed off.

His ego is definitely in the same category as his sisters if he thought  people wanted to buy the book to read about his own personal relationships. Everyone was reading that book because of her and his access to her as a brother and condfidant.

IMO he underplayed the drug use. I’ve never had a conversation with the man, but I have an old friend who dated him for several months in the early 2000s and based on their version of events I heard back then, Chris was definitely very creative but Madonna had a reason to be concerned.

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3 hours ago, Nahash said:

@Magic Pussywhat do u have against Lucy O'Brien one? Is it because she mocks Bergist version of Kabbalah?

Talking about Lucy, I just received my copy of the 60 year edition.

I read my copy from the 50 year edition when I got it as a Christmas gift from my mom back in 2008, so it’ll be like reading a whole new book 

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1 minute ago, Lucas B. said:

Talking about Lucy, I just received my copy of the 60 year edition.

I read my copy from the 50 year edition when I got it as a Christmas gift from my mom back in 2008, so it’ll be like reading a whole new book 

I have Lucy's original Like an Icon and also the pocket, updated version (naturally the Nova Fronteira editions). Not yet the newest one but I was about to get it from a friend whom I worked for - now he's even in another country, another continent...

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20 minutes ago, Nahash said:

I have Lucy's original Like an Icon and also the pocket, updated version (naturally the Nova Fronteira editions). Not yet the newest one but I was about to get it from a friend whom I worked for - now he's even in another country, another continent...

I still want to read the J. Randy Taraborelli one, from the ones published here in Brazil I think it’s the only one I’m missing.

I know there were some published back in the 90s, but I don’t think they would be very accurate nor interesting as these two which I mentioned are more recent and bigger too

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12 hours ago, Magic Pussy said:

I don't have anything against it; I haven't read it.

So take this advice of mine - read it from start to end; you'll be impressed. And I guarantee you the only moment from this book which would sound wtf to a Madonna stan is exactly when Lucy disserts about Berg's Kabbalah - letting it clear how disassociated it is from actual original, Luria's Kabbalah - but even this moment wouldn't sound wtf to a sane Madonna stan.

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Just finished my reading and while I really enjoyed, I must say that there's a few things that disappointed me.

If all that Chris's said is true, then unfortunately she can be very bitchy at times and believing more in Ingrid's words than his about his drug use is kinda worrying because he's her brother and Ingrid's just a girl obsessed with M and who says just what she wants to hear.

Also the way she moved away from the gay community and Chris, after marrying Guy, is kinda weird (not to say disappointing). I must say I wasn't a fan back in the day, I just became a fan in late 2007 so I don't know how things really were back in early 2000s - if someone here can explain if I'm wrong in my words, I would be grateful.

As I said, it seems she can be very bitchy and nasty, but she also has a big heart and we all know that. She suffered a lot with the loss of her mother and that affected her during her whole life, plus two failed marriages (and one of them with a homophobic sucker, which she was deeply in love and wanted to satisfy in every single way) are the things that imo made her be quite sour with people in times of her life.

I'm glad that the Madonna I know from 2008 beyond is a new person, as she says in IGTTYAS I believe she's don't miss ''being an idiot''.


Now I'm gonna read again Lucy O'Brien's Like an Icon, it's been ages since I read this one and I finally got the 60 years edition

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