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Katy Perry Woman’s World Feat. Madonna?


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11 minutes ago, steady75 said:

The Luke connection is highly problematic and Katy will likely not fare well through this. I'd rather Madonna wasn't involved. 

Saying that Luke has still had some huge hits in the last few years so maybe the general public just dont care?


Well, there isn't a confirmation he's even part of the song.  So we might want to reserve that thought until we know for sure.  That said; the case between him and Keisha has been settled between them. He has never been charged for anything and as far as we know the accusations could have been very much a ploy on Keisha to be released from her contract as been rumored.  Still, no one here knows the facts or what truly happened.  To me, this is just our society trying to keep people down based on accusations that never were proven to be true in a court of law.

And as you stated, he's worked with a lot high profiled artists since the accusations and it's weird how we now care?  To me, this is just all about the fact Katy and Keisha were friends and our society is trying to make something of nothing :Madonna007:

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4 minutes ago, Donna said:

Well, there isn't a confirmation he's even part of the song.  So we might want to reserve that thought until we know for sure.  That said; the case between him and Keisha has been settled between them. He has never been charged for anything and as far as we know the accusations could have been very much a ploy on Keisha to be released from her contract as been rumored.  Still, no one here knows the facts or what truly happened.  To me, this is just our society trying to keep people down based on accusations that never were proven to be true in a court of law.

And as you stated, he's worked with a lot high profiled artists since the accusations and it's weird how we now care?  To me, this is just all about the fact Katy and Keisha were friends and our society is trying to make something of nothing :Madonna007:

for the people asking why Katy Perry is working with Dr. Luke again is because she’s still legally in contract with him for 3 more albums since PRISM and that means she can get sued by him if she doesn’t work with him as much as she ignores him



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13 minutes ago, steady75 said:

The Luke connection is highly problematic and Katy will likely not fare well through this. I'd rather Madonna wasn't involved. 

Saying that Luke has still had some huge hits in the last few years so maybe the general public just dont care?


Funny and absurd enough on how they have already criticized Katy for this, he produced a lot, and i mean it, A LOT of hits and music overall in the past 4-5 years. Doja Cat literally reached stardom with two full albums produced by him. Several artists worked with him, heck even Nicki Minaj scored a big hit with him last year and she got nothing but praise, nobody cares but obsessed stans. The public doesnt even remember producers' names. 

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Just now, Brendanlovesu1 said:

for the people asking why Katy Perry is working with Dr. Luke again is because she’s still legally in contract with him for 3 more albums since PRISM and that means she can get sued by him if she doesn’t work with him as much as she ignores him



Now it makes much more sense!

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I don't believe that she's in contract with him at all. That sounds like a convenient cop out. Also Katy working with him is different because she was part of the Keisha case in one way or another so it seems hypercritical. M has built up such good will recently it seems like a bit of a duff mood. She's also been quiet on Palestine largely I Imagine cause of Guy. She's not afraid of mixing with questionable people. Dave Chapelle and Kanye for example.

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13 minutes ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

for the people asking why Katy Perry is working with Dr. Luke again is because she’s still legally in contract with him for 3 more albums since PRISM and that means she can get sued by him if she doesn’t work with him as much as she ignores him




12 minutes ago, Andreo said:

Now it makes much more sense!

Very well put. And like you posted also, others worked with him since allegations, but now we're having a problem with it?  To me, it's nothing the general public is gonna care about and only the haters on social media will try to make something of this.  He hasn't been charged for anything and no one here can prove anything, and both Luke and Keisha settled their difference since.  It's weird how some people can't let things go and constantly want to judge people when they have no facts themselves in why they are even bothered by any of this. 

What will be funny is if we find out he has not part of this song and all this fuss over nothing?  LOL!

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17 hours ago, Anapausis said:

@xavier sorry for the feud I have created to you, I guess you have rather get more supportive of Katy over Kylie, it's most likely because, unlike Kylie, Katy has never said anything shady about Madonna - she did for people like Britney and Mariah, but never for M, while we all have what Kylie said to late Joan Rivers and also during Golden era.

See?, that's my main problem to zealot Madonna fans, if Madonna's capable to forgive the little catfights over the years - and performing one of the most wonderful, poignant live stage duets of the recent times, why people keep feeding the drama? Just for the sake of being "loyal" to what they call "Madonna's spirit"?

Sorry to inform, but Madonna, as a Kabbalist, TRULY believes in the power of Slicha/Kippur. This is a essential step towards human evolution. Nobody can say that has never made a mistake to their lives. The more one has the "holier-than-thou" mentality, the worst for them.

And, taking the chance to say to @clkelley39 what I should've said a couple of days ago, I should recognize he was just misunderstanding what I said to @MaDöner Kebab. I thought the hate people like him have for me pushed him to try make me a lecture, hence why I say he's useless to forum. But we all know how much that's the opposite, right?

It's much better when conflicts are put on the table and try be solved instead of mourning to resentment for the rest of life. After all, as M has brilliantly taken as her own motto: "EXPRESS YOURSELF, DON'T REPRESS YOURSELF."

And @RUADJAI I am TRULY sorry for derailing so much this thread, but I get I needed to give this response as an open letter to Infiniters, instead of just "use a DM to not spare topic," right?


No. You should use DM. No one here is following your "dramas" other than you have many of them. So no one knows what you are talking about. 


Edit: Sorry, I hadn't had my morning coffee yet. 💋


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I mean I get the angle you are coming from but how many sexual assault cases are even reported never mind come to a criminal conviction. The problem here is the law. It's such a grey area it causes such distrust on both sides even if the mantra is guilty til proven innocent vs always believe the victim. I love me some Katy Perry and have long been here for a collab but if Luke is involved this aint the one. Would any of us be happy by a Dr Luke produced M album. Much less one called Woman's World? It's just all very icky regardless of the truth. 

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1 minute ago, steady75 said:

I mean I get the angle you are coming from but how many sexual assault cases are even reported never mind come to a criminal conviction. The problem here is the law. It's such a grey area it causes such distrust on both sides even if the mantra is guilty til proven innocent vs always believe the victim. I love me some Katy Perry and have long been here for a collab but if Luke is involved this aint the one. Would any of us be happy by a Dr Luke produced M album. Much less one called Woman's World? It's just all very icky regardless of the truth. 

I agree with the eerie feeling, but i personally just cant get uninterested in a song or album or whatever because of whoever produced it and wont ever cut a song out of my playlist because of that reason alone, im sorry. Like, if i like a song and someone tells me a criminal produced it my most heartbroken, honest, concerned reaction would be "eh, damn what a shame. Im sorry, hope they pay for their crimes. Anyways."

People online dont care about a possible victim, they just need other drama to walk on for clout and to feed their own superiority complex. Someone who cares about rape victims doesnt spend the day on Twitter making hate threads against celebrities, nor listen to older stuff from same aforementioned criminal but act wise by criticizing artists they dont dig and newer material by that person. Thats hypocrisy mixed with superiority complex (maybe a bit of mental illness as well).

And i believe in the contract thingy as Perry herself made some of her best music without him and his help is not needed especially now that she is rebranding and playing the game again. That mf admitted he planned two decades of (money) work with her and by 2018 Perry had Witness out and Smile almost ready to drop. Now it's turn for her to pay that debt with the devil i guess lol.

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1 hour ago, steady75 said:

I mean I get the angle you are coming from but how many sexual assault cases are even reported never mind come to a criminal conviction. The problem here is the law. It's such a grey area it causes such distrust on both sides even if the mantra is guilty til proven innocent vs always believe the victim. I love me some Katy Perry and have long been here for a collab but if Luke is involved this aint the one. Would any of us be happy by a Dr Luke produced M album. Much less one called Woman's World? It's just all very icky regardless of the truth. 

But the thing is; your "icky" feeling is based on info you don't know.  What we know is; an accusation was made.  A lawsuit was involved.  That suit was settled between both parties. And as much as we should take sexual assault seriously, we also must remember some people LIE. They make things up to make money or get out of things they don't want anymore. We also know that sometimes situations exists that lines aren't drawn at a particular moment, but then later it becomes an issue.  At this point, none of us really know what actually happened between Dr. Luke and Keisha.  We do know they settled their issue without the court of law.  Both parties even wished each other well.  I have to take it that both have moved on.  So why should we hold this over his head when the accuser is no longer doing so?  And why weren't people having this same sort of issue when he and Dojo Cat scored some hits together?  To me, it's just strange for anyone to rehash something that has been settled between the two parties when we really don't know what really went on.  There are a number of angles we can assume, but even then we still don't know.

And to answer your question "would any of us be happy by a Dr Luke produces M album"?  My answer;  HELL YEAH... especially if it's as successful and great as Dojo's album he helped produced.

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Doja literally couldn’t wait to get out of her obligations with Luke tho. Even forfeited some credits and he’s no where to be found on her next works. For someone who was the victim of sexual assault it seems a bit odd for a Madonna association. If indeed Luke was at fault. 
Like I say. It’s rare for a pop star to claim sexual assault and name their accuser. Raye still hasn’t mentioned who the Ice Cream Man is.  


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8 minutes ago, steady75 said:

Doja literally couldn’t wait to get out of her obligations with Luke tho. Even forfeited some credits and he’s no where to be found on her next works. For someone who was the victim of sexual assault it seems a bit odd for a Madonna association. If indeed Luke was at fault. 
Like I say. It’s rare for a pop star to claim sexual assault and name their accuser. Raye still hasn’t mentioned who the Ice Cream Man is.  


But again, you don't know. No one knows.  What we do know is there are some very malicious people out there in this world.  Some people will say and do anything to hurt another's reputation, even if it's not true.  And let's remember, in many instance, "sexual abuse" can be hard to prove.  That definitely can benefit the accuser, but it also can benefit the person accusing, especially when we've been moving more and more into a movement where past sexual abuses can be re-investigated again. 

For me, since this was settled between the two without the law, tells me that there is more going on that we know or will ever know.  So why would it be fair to deny Dr. Luke to work with other people?  He's not been arrested, tried by the court of the law or found guilty of any such misconduct.  Just because there is an accusation, doesn't mean it's true.


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2 hours ago, Alm47 said:

I've read somewhere that part of her contract with the label involves working with certain producers.

Yes, another member brought this up. Not that I think it matters since the accusation is not something that Luke wasn't found guilty or prosecuted for.  But as you stated, their are contracts and such that must be followed that some fans forget or don't understand.  Some fans think it's just it's easy for things to happen when there are a lot of legalities and contracts that trap some artists in certain deals.

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15 hours ago, steady75 said:

The Luke connection is highly problematic and Katy will likely not fare well through this. I'd rather Madonna wasn't involved. 

Saying that Luke has still had some huge hits in the last few years so maybe the general public just dont care?


Hits like? 

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14 hours ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

for the people asking why Katy Perry is working with Dr. Luke again is because she’s still legally in contract with him for 3 more albums since PRISM and that means she can get sued by him if she doesn’t work with him as much as she ignores him



This is bullshit though. And I quote from Popjustice:

It is insane that the "six-album contract" lie has snowballed so much on Twitter... it took me all of five minutes this morning to find Katy's deposition during the Kesha v. Luke case, in which she outwardly states she has no contract with him or his companies. The only thing she did have was a three-album publishing deal, signed in 2007.

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3 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

Hits like? 

He was a co-writer here and also the producer, as Tyson Trax:

#1 in the US, #2 in the UK and one of the biggest songs of that year (2020).

He's been pretty much still in the industry in the last few years, with different levels of success.

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4 minutes ago, Prayer said:

He was a co-writer here and also the producer, as Tyson Trax:

#1 in the US, #2 in the UK and one of the biggest songs of that year (2020).

He's been pretty much still in the industry in the last few years, with different levels of success.

Oh I see. but its like 1 hit in how many years? He's not Max Martin. 

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Just now, cosmic_system said:

Oh I see. but its like 1 hit in how many years? He's not Max Martin. 

No he's not, but he's been around, plus his monster hits from 2004-2013 are worth (and generate a year) millions anyway, so I guess his ties with the industry are just too strong.

I don't know. As I said before, I also don't get why Katy would work with him again and not avoid the whole controversy she should know it was going to come with it, but maybe they're really good friends (could be) or she was really pissed off with Kesha and Gaga (??), both trying to frame her on trial saying she (Katy) was raped by him, which she denied. That's a hard pill to shallow I guess, imagine someone trying to put that on you for their own benefit or cause.

This whole saga is super messy.

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Like It or not this man unlike many others in the industry was judged in court as innocent because her victim got caught lying on important details, so if a man is innocent according to law its "normal" for the work environment and society in general to accept him again, he night even be a abuser in the end but we will never know :dead: if artists want to work with this man they can, even tho it's a risky move (even in terms of morals, imagine trusting someone who might end up being a criminal). Id personally rather not see him near my faves but again, i cant say much because it's such a grey area to discuss and people online think it's so easy. Whatever. Hope for some news soon about this album, the month long rollout is DATED af

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Off topic, but wish more artists could be able to put something like Twenty One Pilots in terms of hints, puzzles, teasers, etc.

That way the long month waiting could be more interesting, with fans reconnecting on social media (which she could benefit from), listening to old songs and videos to find clues, and overall making a fun experience for everyone. The current rollout of “album announcement/album drop/MVs/end of the era” is really meh at this point.

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