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Madame ❌ 5th anniversary!


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Great album, not her best, not her worst. Visuals, artwork, music... coherent and she put a lot of effort on it. But that doesn't mean that everything was well executed. The album is very experimental, they tried to promote the most 'commercial' songs like Medellin, Future, or I Rise, but it looked bland and confusing before it was released. If she wanted to be 100% experimental, they should push that idea further and not trying to do everything at the same time, like having Maluma, Anitta, Quavo... 

It's an album to listen once and with some space before the next time, it doesn't have the 'repeat' factor. It's the way to discover the messages, layers and the artistic vibe of the record. Also, very well mastered, it sounds amazing on good systems and also on small devices! 

I have the impression that Madame X Theatre was a disaster for her career as a touring act, though she recovered from it 100% with Celebration Tour. Very selfish, self indulgent, ego centric, disconnected from the real world while trying to be very on point... it looked forced, and altogether (promo, Eurovision, tour, COVID) gaves a feeling of a bad time on her life, dark and lost. Adding that to the violence of MDNA, and the bdsm of Rebel Heart... was like 10 years of dark vibe and music. Too much, wich is the thing that alienated a lot of her core public. 

It will be interesting to revisit it after new studio albums are released... it's the way to put things in perspective. 



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11 minutes ago, nito84bcn said:

Great album, not her best, not her worst. Visuals, artwork, music... coherent and she put a lot of effort on it. But that doesn't mean that everything was well executed. The album is very experimental, they tried to promote the most 'commercial' songs like Medellin, Future, or I Rise, but it looked bland and confusing before it was released. If she wanted to be 100% experimental, they should push that idea further and not trying to do everything at the same time, like having Maluma, Anitta, Quavo... 

It's an album to listen once and with some space before the next time, it doesn't have the 'repeat' factor. It's the way to discover the messages, layers and the artistic vibe of the record.  

I have the impression that Madame X Theatre was a disaster for her career as a touring act, though she recovered from it 100% with Celebration Tour. Very selfish, self indulgent, ego centric, disconnected from the real world while trying to be very on point... it looked forced, and altogether (promo, Eurovision, tour, COVID) gaves a feeling of a bad time on her life, dark and lost. Adding that to the violence of MDNA, and the bdsm of Rebel Heart... was like 10 years of dark vibe and music. Too much, wich is the thing that alienated a lot of her core public. 

It will be interesting to revisited after new studio albums are released... it's the way to put things in perspective. 



I didn't feel like it was forced, but I do think that the whole Madame X character could have been better.  I really thought she was going to give us glimpses with each new song and video of these personas she kept talking about while promoting it.  I do feel like the concept was a bit lost and not thought out more better.

Unfortunately, the tour was plagued with pain and she was too stubborn to stop her tour and mend her hip and leg. I felt she should have just cut the tour short and didn't go back touring after the holidays. 

I applaud her for experimenting with this album, but I did feel she tried to take the album too commercial when it could have been more Fado and living room sessions style.  Still, I enjoy the songs.  But I will admit that I wasn't impressed with Medellin when I first heard it. 

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23 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

Great album, not her best, not her worst. Visuals, artwork, music... coherent and she put a lot of effort on it. But that doesn't mean that everything was well executed. The album is very experimental, they tried to promote the most 'commercial' songs like Medellin, Future, or I Rise, but it looked bland and confusing before it was released. If she wanted to be 100% experimental, they should push that idea further and not trying to do everything at the same time, like having Maluma, Anitta, Quavo... 

It's an album to listen once and with some space before the next time, it doesn't have the 'repeat' factor. It's the way to discover the messages, layers and the artistic vibe of the record. Also, very well mastered, it sounds amazing on good systems and also on small devices! 

I have the impression that Madame X Theatre was a disaster for her career as a touring act, though she recovered from it 100% with Celebration Tour. Very selfish, self indulgent, ego centric, disconnected from the real world while trying to be very on point... it looked forced, and altogether (promo, Eurovision, tour, COVID) gaves a feeling of a bad time on her life, dark and lost. Adding that to the violence of MDNA, and the bdsm of Rebel Heart... was like 10 years of dark vibe and music. Too much, wich is the thing that alienated a lot of her core public. 

It will be interesting to revisit it after new studio albums are released... it's the way to put things in perspective. 




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A bit like Confessions after American Life I guess it adds appreciation to what came before 

Like previous posters have said she went from commercial hip hop producers on HC to violence yet unfocused chaos on MDNA to dark imagery and BDSM visuals for a very emotive raw dark album in RH then MX being very globally aware was 4 in a row of disconnect from the globe rather than sustaining 

You look at the past 17 years and you really SEE that happen HC-MX sadly could've been a cohesively good run if marketed and presented better for sure 

Madame X is a brilliant album my favourite from 2019 I can't get over it's been 5 years if she had produced it with Honey Dijon, SOPHIE, Arca, Rosalia instead to give a alt pop/trans/queer yet global earthy vibe I feel Madame X would've been heralded even greater leave Diplo/Mike Dean/Quavo/Maluma off the project ...Mirwais is great as a nostalgic reunion too but that team would've been gorgeous for the album and in my head I kinda pretend that that hyper alt pop world music team would've been gorgeous and added a cultural layer 

Eurovision should've been a colossal energy party and showcased the album vibe- LAP remix/Express Yourself/Music/Hung Up and La Isla Bonita fused with Medellin and God Control would've been insane! Showcase queer, feminine excellence and tell a story would've been the greatest platform to do it instead of what we got ....imagine then 61 year old Madonna doing elaborate choreo high energy solid vocals and the staging and graphics there it would've been such a ride and likely pulled more viewers in ....instead she I think offended so many on so many layers ... It deserved to be global N,umber 1 for pride month and deserved to be competing with Eilish and Grande and Swift that year 

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7 hours ago, FantaMadonna said:

Thats the longest she has gone without new album. Only 2 albums in ten years. 

Oh don't remind me 


But yes I mean it's nearly a DECADE since the Rebel Heart album era leaks ...the era that really should've given Madonna a huge 2010s push if she stuck to dual album concept and have all 42 songs on it ! Imagine the streams by now! My days 

But yeah gutting it's so long but at least it's not quite Rihanna with her 8! And Cher had 12 years between Living Proof and Closer to the Truth and NEITHER artist do massive lyric writing compared to M

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2 hours ago, Anapausis said:

Have y'all got realized about the most possible reason why she won't get a studio album as soon as you want? (Hint: she could have delivered it until late 2020, but after that...)

What do you mean ? 


I think as fans when we have a legacy of work across 42 years her first 7 albums were released across 16 years! 1982-98 is madness like every other year on average from 23 to 41 years old 

Then 2000-2008 the gaps got a tiny bit bigger but 4 albums in 10 years from 42 until 51 years 

Then the start of the slow down a 4 year gap until MDNA then 3 more years REBEL HEART then 4 years Madame X now 5 years and no interest in making new music really it's crazy to think but honestly I'd love if we had non stop releases again doesn't have to be full on pro o tour but would be fab

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Some good songs on there. Not a bad album, but a little undercooked, or over, production wise. And maybe some off artwork and track-list choices; Dark Ballet and Batuka specifically. Definitely a passion project for her and could've maybe been a little more fine tuned. An arena show would've also been amazing.

That said I'm just happy we got both Madame X and Rebel Heart and she felt she still had more to say even if the sales weren't as high as previous albums. I mean for her fourth decade in, still impressive.

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2 hours ago, BoyToyMark said:

Some good songs on there. Not a bad album, but a little undercooked, or over, production wise. And maybe some off artwork and track-list choices; Dark Ballet and Batuka specifically. Definitely a passion project for her and could've maybe been a little more fine tuned. An arena show would've also been amazing.

That said I'm just happy we got both Madame X and Rebel Heart and she felt she still had more to say even if the sales weren't as high as previous albums. I mean for her fourth decade in, still impressive.

For me, the music was fine.  She was super inspired and it sorta went into other worldly directions as she got deeper into it.  I actually love Dark Ballet.  Batuka not so much, but the latter definitely was a direct inspiration of her time in Portugal.  It's just the MX characters I was hoping she would have fleshed out more when she made the videos for the songs. Still, Dark Ballet and God Control are some of her best videos ever.  The messaging was strong in those videos and I felt they came of very artful as well.

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I enjoyed this album and era at the time. And the tour was lovely. She put a lot into the concept , videos etc.

But in retrospect it’s a weak album, possibly her weakest. The songwriting is particularly weak. Almost half of it sounds like earlier demos that should have been scrapped or evolved into something better before they were properly produced. Yes, there’s some interesting experimental aspects to it but they didn’t take it far enough to make it great in that regard. The vocoder is annoying too.

So yeah, happy anniversary Madame X :Madonna003:



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I think the writing on this is great - most of the songs could clearly stand alone as acoustic songs and e.g. Crazy or Come Alive are laden with hooks. It's just not what a lot of folk want from Madonna, cos they see her as a pop star when I think that old description of her as a "rock star who makes pop" or Mary Gabriel's "a performance artist whose medium is pop" are more accurate.

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Happy Birthday MX!


My least favourite album, on top of not-great songs and weird vocal effects we had aloof/oddball public appearances, the Eurovision mess, unflattering looks, that….tour. Honestly I’ve struggled through these interscope years and when I heard MX I thought shit, she’s not going to do anything that I love again!

But then came Celebration Tour! <3

Nice videos though.

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I really loved Madame X and felt that this was the first time in years Madonna was excited about creating music. The "fun" songs ruined the overall experience for me (Bitch, I'm loca).... and IDSIF was the strongest song in a decade, I would have picked it as the lead single... and it was the only song from the album that she's still playing and using in her work.

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The fact is; Madame X was just not a commercially appealing album, especially to the general public.  Of course, an artist releasing a pop record doesn't fly well in our society either.  I think there will be fans always torn about some of her least successful albums.  Even if it was extremely successful, there would be fans who will still say they don't like it.  To me, Madonna decided to be inspired by her experiences when moving to Portugal.  I do think she put a lot of heart and work in writing this album.  It's definitely not a typical pop record, but then again Madonna isn't your typical pop artist.  She's still phenomenal in my book. This may not be my favorite album from her, but I can't deny she took a chance in releasing this record.  She obviously knew this was not going to gain a lot of attention from the general public, but I don't think she really cared. She shared an intimate and different artistic side of herself with this record. I'm happy we got Madame X. And I really thought there was a lot of greatness put into the music videos. Again, she took chances by talking about some very troubling issues in our society.  And as we all know, people have deep opinions about such subjects.  What's one thing Madonna has stayed true to is being polarizing and she is fine with that.  She knows that alone will change lives.

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