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Madonna on Netflix Task force

Luiz Ribeiro

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Why not start a task force for " Netflix " put in their movie catalog materials that have never seen in high definition as "I'm Going To Tell You a Secret", the uncensored version of Confessions Tour in HD, GS, Ciao Italia, Virgin Tour, DWT.....
We dont need to wait for the good will of the manager, as the sale of physical material no longer give profit to the artists , so it is for broadcasting rights . Everybody wins .
What do you think about this? What do you think of all suggest these titles on the official Netflix on Facebook
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I'd rather have them on iTunes so we could buy it and own the file, not only streaming. And iTunes has 5.1 audio

I believe that in the case of Itunes we have the issue that I spoke of earlier : singers do not profit more selling as before. The label will not want to make available there to make a loss .
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itunes and netflix works. Why do we have to pick one? Just because they won't sell buttloads (though we don't know), doesn't mean they shouldn't take our money??? (although they were happy to force me not to buy those EP singles last year lol)  


But, this is warner stuff and they wouldn't lift a finger, if her current record company can't lift a finger, then I doubt warner will.


Confessions Tour and IGTTYAS would be brilliant to have in HD, the rest is severe wishful thinking. And of course some of her tours you mention, can't exist in HD format so it wouldn't be that exciting, but for the GP? it would be a brilliant move, it would give her past work much more visibility.

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how about both so more of her body of work is more accessible to people?  She needs to work her legacy more, younger people don't know a lot of her stuff.  they need to be educated, and maybe she'd be a bit more appreciated as they can see where more contemporary artists get it from.

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As weird as it sounds, not that many people have Netflix, or a different streaming service. iTunes or a different way to purchase it to actually own it, as Kurushitovska, would work better tbh.


Probably because the selections aren't so great.

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itunes and netflix works. Why do we have to pick one? Just because they won't sell buttloads (though we don't know), doesn't mean they shouldn't take our money??? (although they were happy to force me not to buy those EP singles last year lol)  


But, this is warner stuff and they wouldn't lift a finger, if her current record company can't lift a finger, then I doubt warner will.


Confessions Tour and IGTTYAS would be brilliant to have in HD, the rest is severe wishful thinking. And of course some of her tours you mention, can't exist in HD format so it wouldn't be that exciting, but for the GP? it would be a brilliant move, it would give her past work much more visibility.

Here in Brazil, Netflix it's most more common, precisely because it is cheaper, but we don't have video collections in the catalog. 

I think it's easier they put concerts titles than video collections.
What is GP?
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I think most of people who have Netflix installed in their smart TVs have access to Youtube almost automatically. Aren't all her concerts, except for the MDNA tour available in that platform? And it's not like we haven't spent our money on those videos anyway... why would I want to purchase the same file twice? I mean, I do have all her videos put on sale on iTunes but with Youtube these days it's kind of ridiculous  :Madonna052:

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I think most of people who have Netflix installed in their smart TVs have access to Youtube almost automatically. Aren't all her concerts, except for the MDNA tour available in that platform? And it's not like we haven't spent our money on those videos anyway... why would I want to purchase the same file twice? I mean, I do have all her videos put on sale on iTunes but with Youtube these days it's kind of ridiculous  :Madonna052:

 We don't have CT in HD for example...or either IGTTYAS in HD 

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