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Madonna and Mariah together?

Luiz Ribeiro

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I found this, but I don't know where they got it from:




UPDATE: Apparently, this is where they got it from:




I also found this on an old Mariah fan site:




ATG OST & A Song With Madonna!!
"Mariah was interviewed on "Extra." On the interview, she spoke about the collaborations she hopes to do on the "All That Glitters" Sndtrk. "There are certain songs I remember listening to growing up that make me relive moments in my childhood. It's like that moment in my life is trapped within the melody of the song. So I plan to work with those artists and hopefully be able to recreate the feeling as best I can. It's crucal that I try and be as true to that moment of my life as possible," says a nostalgic MC. The list of artists and collaborators she spoke of are as follows: 
Chaka Khan
Donna Summer
Cindy Lauper (She spoke of doing a remake of Lauper's "Time After Time.")
Narada Michael Walden
Madonna/Patrick Leonard
Janet Jackson / Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis*****

"Those are the ones I remember vividly along with some gospel artists I was fond of listening to growing up as a child. Gospel music is what I used to listen to whenever times got hard so don't be surprised if this sndtrk turns out to be completely gospel (she laughs). But again, those are just a few names I can recall. But of course, because of political recording industry stuff, I'm not sure who will be able to collaborate on this one with me so don't go printing anything "Globe" or "Enquierer" (she laughs again). One song is already done so I can speak of this one. It's a song I worked on with Madonna, William Orbit, and Patrick Leonard. It's called "Angel Fire." It's a very powerful ballad infused with William's signature techno flare. But I haven't decided if it will be placed on the sndtrk because it's so incredibly personal. I'm not sure If I'm ready to share that part of my life yet but I guess only time will tell." says Mariah. Well it sounds cool so far. I'll try to keep you updated on the progress of the "ATG" Soundtrack. Keep up the hard work MC!!!" 


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I remember hearing this rumor over 10 years ago.  


 saw this on FB in response to it. 


"They didn't record together...They wrote some lyrics on separate occasions for a William orbit song that never happened, It's common knowledge Madonna can't stand Mariah, I'll never see them working together....EVER"

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I thought Mariah hated Madonna so i find this very hard to believe ? Not sure what M thinks of Mariah though ? she hasnt publicly ever spoken of her to my knowledge ?


Didn't she say she liked her last album (back in 2008 i think HC promo era??? :thinker: ) and I think mariah said some nice things about her in recent years. 

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It would be the official end of me if this ever happened. Being that I have followed Mariah ever since Vision of Love was released in 1990. And of course equally a die hard fan of Madonna since 1985 .. They were a huge part of my growing up years.


As for hating each other .. the same was said of Madonna about Oprah due to the Truth or Dare comment, but look how she appeared on her show years later.

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I thought Mariah hated Madonna so i find this very hard to believe ? Not sure what M thinks of Mariah though ? she hasnt publicly ever spoken of her to my knowledge ?

Once way back in 1995s she said something along the lines of Mariah's success being an example of the ''dumbing down of America" and she would kill herself than be Mariah Carey, then Mariah responds when asked about it



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I realise I'm opening a can of worms that has been opened in the past but why do you need to point out and assume people's sexual orientations when it has nothing to do with anything. Like if you're gonna call people out at least check yourself first. 

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I realise I'm opening a can of worms that has been opened in the past but why do you need to point out and assume people's sexual orientations when it has nothing to do with anything. Like if you're gonna call people out at least check yourself first.

Sorry. I'm not specifically talking about the serial orientation of people on HERE. I'm talking about gay men in general that I know who go around and obsess over female pop singers or how this one supposedly hates that one or how they're "throwing shade", a term I hate and will never use by the way.


It's all pointless, wasted negative energy


Even Madonna thinks so.


Again NOT about this board in general. Just venting.

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I'm certainly not pitting either off against each other in fact I'm just as much a huge fan of Mariah as I am of Madonna both are completely different and unique in their own field I think it's completely rediculous that if you like a certain female artist you are not allowed to like the other, there has been over the years shady comments said about Madonna from Mariah you only need to check out youtube does that make me like Mariah any less no I think she's fabulous!

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I'm sorry but nothing worse than a bunch of gay men pitting women against one another and being catty


It's embarrassing


We as fans don't know 95% of what goes on behind the scenes, they could really like each other. Or not.


I agree with you 100%.

We all know Madonna has fought against sexist ideas throughout her entire career and one of the biggest ideas of sexism is to put women as rivals.

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Well, from what i understand Madonna doesn't sing with Mariah, she came in to give advices on how to improve the track, production adjustement. Anyway i would love to hear the track and i think we will at some point. As for the Mariah/ madonna war, i have the feeling it's more a famous fanbase war from the 00's than a real war between the two artists. 

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it's kinda funny to read all the singers apparently are/should be a loving bunch and we as fans know too little about the business.

it's a business with a lot of competition. all of these names are not only artists in person but full-blown companies. and there is only a limited market to milk.

any artist working with another in the pop business is highly linked to "being in the same club" in some shape or form, by business contracts/investments.

given that mariah was a mottola protegé signed to a sony-owned company while madonna was part of the warner brothers world, it's clear none of them were obliged to compliment each other; which was a very different case between whitney houston and mariah carey, for example (Arista/CBS/Sony); they were in one club financially.


not sure what things look like nowadays. any sane mind will understand it takes power to stay in the business for as long as both madonna and mariah have. i still don't see how they would ever collaborate. they are from two different planets.

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