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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Halex

  1. This will give another hungarian interview retranslated in english thing
  2. I'd actually like something simple, a la Live to tell, along with some devastated scenery.
  3. He's not her and he never will be. I'm sure he reenacts the BA version of Like a Virgin on his bed, every night.
  4. I think Piers Morgan started it. He tweeted about not being surprised if it was staged.
  5. That, and the whole leaks debacle. I'd think twice before going to a recording studio anytime soon if I were her.
  6. Well, we've all had plenty of time to download a HD version, right ?
  7. I wasn't gonna lose any sleep over this anyway :p
  8. It was aimed to me and I still have no clue... Anyways...
  9. Is it ? Why did I think March 8th then ? I think I read the airing was to coincide with International Women's Day
  10. I ripped it and uploaded it already, in the appropriate topic/section
  11. What would be the point ? It's airing in HD on March 8th.
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