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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Halex

  1. I always envisioned a Michel Gondry-ish video for this one, a la Cibo Matto's Sugar Water, but hard-party themed
  2. The Voice final episode is not before quite a while, they're just finishing the blind auditions tonight...
  3. Looks like Le Grand Journal is planned for March 2nd, as well as an interview on the news show on March 1st.
  4. Very interesting read, nice change from the usual stuff.
  5. Internet 101 : Don't feed the troll.

    1. devilpray
    2. InfinityWithin


      The beautiful disabled troll :)

    3. Halex


      Again, let's not feed him. He's given himself enough importance here already (well, he tried)

  6. http://www.canwecomplain.com/oh-honey-madonna-is-still-better-than-you/
  7. I'm not sure M is the only one that needs to take lessons from leaks.
  8. OhMaGaaaad, I'm so hot... Seriously, no way to turn the fucking heat off, feels like summer right now.

  9. Well, M looks like a standee on that
  10. I'm pretty sure Piers Morgan has a Madonna shrine at home.
  11. There will also be Clean Bandit - so I definitely can't miss it !
  12. That's really one thing I didn't really like for a couple of years : she's becoming predictable. Watching the Super Bowl in 2012, I knew we were having a taste of the upcoming tour. Same thing in 2008.
  13. You're probably right, but for all we know, she could sing Autotune Baby with a fake crying baby in her arms ♥
  14. How long after the ceremony did we get the rehearsal video last year ? Do you guys think we'll get one this year ?
  15. It's still too soon to see any kind of pattern, isn't it ?
  16. No, they kinda stuck to the initial Valentine's Day release thingy plan.
  17. well, we never know : Living for Love has 90s house music written all over it, after all. I'd love a Shep Pettibone extended remix, btw.
  18. She could do far worse than Nick Jonas, IMO.
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