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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Halex

  1. I think Rosie os far, far more interesting than Whoopi.
  2. 7251 x 4438 : http://www.sotouk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/BRITs2015-madonna.jpg
  3. So great, well thought for the average Wal-Mart buyer.
  4. I know. Yet it wouldn't be the first time.And still no statement from M or Guy...
  5. I was thinking of that - why not wait a few days so people can make up their mind about it ?
  6. No link, no «the album is available there»Discussing the album is ok though
  7. Well, at least now it happened for good.
  8. Please tell me you are kidding with the publicity stunt part
  9. Yeah well, it is out there, there is no point anymore in people holding themselves.
  10. Sure, I love to wrap my face with a string and lipsynch to Madonna songs on YouTube
  11. yaaaaay, "Like a Virgin" leaked #OhWait

    1. PlayPause
    2. LZE


      please send me linkz, i'll send you material girl. toodlez :D

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