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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by spinningaround

  1. Posted Image "Express yourself, don't repress yourself"
  2. Posted Image "Everybody's got the fever"
    1. spinningaround


      Oh, I love this song! She had enough remixed versions (Peggy's Fashion Smooth and Edit One :heart:)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Japanese Virgin Tour LD artwork or USA?

    1. spinningaround


      Good thing you've ever done! I'm curious to see!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Right, I'm gonna watch the Virgin and Who's That Girl tours. i've only ever seen a few songs from each. I'd be curious to hear what are everyones best perfrormances for these two tours?

  5. Sorry about that. There was a problem with the forum and I had to fix it manually using back ups, so some users might experience weirdness with messages, activity feed, etc.

  6. Can someone explain why Love Song is so disliked? I think it's great!

  7. Oh my God, how many new files! What will be the next leak?

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