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Luiz Ribeiro

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Luiz Ribeiro

  1. Despite copyright issues , we all know , that prevent the release of the material, we can not underestimate . Remember the Spice Girls released the DVD of Istanbul's Concert a decade after the show and no marketing plan or ambitions.
  2. I honestly thought the list of songs very weak , however, thought the same thing in CT, and it was amazing....if she works well in the songs and arrangements have much visual appeal , I believe will be very good
  3. All clips sounds fake to me... all "studio vocals" in a rehearsal?
  4. https://fbcdn-video-k-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xaf1/v/t42.1790-2/11966195_10153602097424402_695205889_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjUwMCwicmxhIjoxMjkxfQ%3D%3D&rl=500&vabr=278&oh=43777c66d599b5631978da848fbc2a81&oe=55EB9BEE&__gda__=1441503582_0218cdce167c12f9691fa746aded9743
  5. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG https://www.facebook.com/madonna/videos/10153599588284402/
  6. This is just # from M's instagram.... easy this way....
  7. Probably the opening speech to the intro interlude video https://www.facebook.com/madonna/photos/a.10151969572164402.1073741833.10584534401/10153578025029402/?type=1&theater
  8. They have Blond Ambition ALL filmed by high quality cameras (cinema kind)..... the only problem seems to be the granting of image rights .
  9. I'd love the CT edit. It's dynamic and well edited. Does not tire the viewer and has a certain taste on the issue, besides being in accordance with the theme from the tour.
  10. In CT era, we have the setlist weeks befora the opening night.... with the "everybody" rehersal and everything more....
  11. With all the respect, I think hypocrisy reigns among some fans . Everyone loves unpublished materials and try to give moral lesson here, look like children. I believe that there would not be many forums , if they were not specifically to share rare files . I understand that moderators are scared due to recent events in prisons for sharing unpublished materials, but , judging people who share , and not so long ago, ALL , without exception, did the same thing . That's my opinion , learn to respect . Not want to share , it's your decision, but do not censor people who love to share rare stuff.
  12. i dunno, but anyone can just say here "I have the material" , no offense.... but it's pre-tour time, so ..... a lot of suttf like that will happen...
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